Devil's advocate thread: I hate Indy


New member
No,no,no please keep going with your devil's advogate posts if you will, after all I quite understand your thoughts, as indyfreak said it's humorous!! ;)

Pale Horse

Staff member
Another thing that just totally bugs me about Indy: it's his lack of commitment to any one thing. I mean, isn't an archeologist supposed to be patient. We already know he left Marion. He ain't with Willie, couldn't even hang on to Elsa. He won't ever go after the greatest find in archeologist history, he is just a carbon copy fast food archeologist who should never had had a job teaching.


New member
Things worng with Indy:

- For some reason, his enemies have extremely inaccurate
aim. He fights around 50 men with firearms in their hands and only one, can hit him, and it only hits his arm!
- Why on earth would the FBI or whatever, want a university professor to recover an artifact that's existence is unsure? and if it was, why would they have one professor, wouldn't they want a full-time espionage agent, advanced in his trade to chase after it?
- And how can he teach a class when he's always out on adventures?


New member
Lose the wip, lose the hot and heavy leader jacket. Give the man a shovel, a canteen and a brush. And please, please!!! Slow down... or you'll miss the precious tweedy bird bone on sector G-7.


Well-known member
1.) If I were dean of a college, I would've fired Indiana Jones a long time ago. If he can't be responsible to his students, he shouldn't be a professor.
2.) Indy is a stuck up, superior SOB towards women. I can't believe it when he told Willie in that love scene in TOD that she was an "experiment!" He not only deserved to NOT get any, he deserved a solid smack in the mouth.
3.) We all know Indiana Jones isn't a real archeologist, but just a nonsensical, childish, Spielburgian popcorn generating "hero." Scientist? Hardly. The only time he was a REAL archeologist was in a TINY part in ROTLA when uses a surveyor's instrument to look for the Well of the Souls and when he was digging for it. THAT'S IT! The rest of the time it's a bunch of typical Hollywierd phoney-baloney. But then Hollywierd has to color everything with day-glo colors and smear it with lies, doesn't it?
4.) Who the h--l would name themselves after a dog-- how lame can you get?
5.) If Marcus Brody is such a retard that he gets lost in his own museum, why is he in charge?
6.) I think it's sick how Indy slept with Marion when she was just a child. Also, in the novelization of TOD we read that Willie is only 19 or 20. And Indy is how old? 30? 35? Sounds like he has some possible pedophilic issues, if you ask me!
7.) Ah, and then there's that convenient Achille's blessing of invulerability that Hollywierd so graciously gives Indiana Jones-- he falls off a cliff and just "happens" to glide into the rapids. He just "happens" to escape being crushed/blown up/chopped up/burnt to death/shot at/ by seconds. What a farce! For once I'd like to pull out the mattress out from under this guy before he falls 150 feet into it and see what gravity can do! Indiana SPLAT!
8) I agree-- he DOES belong in a museum-- impaled by darts on a corkboard!

(Ladies & gentlement: I would like to apologize for the above fictionalized rant. Had it been an actual rant, I would have been severely flamed. Thank you.)


Well-known member
Indyologist said:
1.) If I were dean of a college, I would've fired Indiana Jones a long time ago. If he can't be responsible to his students, he shouldn't be a professor.
2.) Indy is a stuck up, superior SOB towards women. I can't believe it when he told Willie in that love scene in TOD that she was an "experiment!" He not only deserved to NOT get any, he deserved a solid smack in the mouth.
3.) We all know Indiana Jones isn't a real archeologist, but just a nonsensical, childish, Spielburgian popcorn generating "hero." Scientist? Hardly. The only time he was a REAL archeologist was in a TINY part in ROTLA when uses a surveyor's instrument to look for the Well of the Souls and when he was digging for it. THAT'S IT! The rest of the time it's a bunch of typical Hollywierd phoney-baloney. But then Hollywierd has to color everything with day-glo colors and smear it with lies, doesn't it?
4.) Who the h--l would name themselves after a dog-- how lame can you get?
5.) If Marcus Brody is such a retard that he gets lost in his own museum, why is he in charge?
6.) I think it's sick how Indy slept with Marion when she was just a child. Also, in the novelization of TOD we read that Willie is only 19 or 20. And Indy is how old? 30? 35? Sounds like he has some possible pedophilic issues, if you ask me!
7.) Ah, and then there's that convenient Achille's blessing of invulerability that Hollywierd so graciously gives Indiana Jones-- he falls off a cliff and just "happens" to glide into the rapids. He just "happens" to escape being crushed/blown up/chopped up/burnt to death/shot at/ by seconds. What a farce! For once I'd like to pull out the mattress out from under this guy before he falls 150 feet into it and see what gravity can do! Indiana SPLAT!
8) I agree-- he DOES belong in a museum-- impaled by darts on a corkboard!

(Ladies & gentlement: I would like to apologize for the above fictionalized rant. Had it been an actual rant, I would have been severely flamed. Thank you.)

Want to take it outside? I could use a bit of whip practice... :p

<small>Seriously though, Indyologist. Im surprised at you flaming our beloved hero, even if it isn't for real.

Some people</small> :rolleyes:

Pale Horse

Staff member
Oh My Gosh! The fact that some woman can even be swayed by the ineffectuial charmings of Indy is probably the biggest farce of all. I mean just look at Canyon. Dupped by the love-em-and-leave-em mentality of such an imperfect man...eeesh.

Don't worry Canyon, I love you just as much as westford


New member
Now, listen up. I want all you advocates to realize how i percieve you haters...

Put yourself in Indy's shoes...

Tell me, if you think Indiana sucks, then do what he does and see how you act. It's easier said then done, folks, because indy, the pistol packin', whip wackin', fist smashing hero is going to live on. He has no super powers, he uses the reality of life, rather then being a famous proffessor who eats a fly infected bannana and becomes Super Freak. In the next five minutes i want you advocates to swing on a whip without succesfully cutting yourself more then once, shoot three germans with one bullet, and survive a room of highly poisonous snakes. If you succesfully do this and live to tell us, you have a right to argue this situation. I, on the other hand, have proved my point thus far.


New member

He's always getting in the way of people who are out to accomplish things.....

Mola Ram....he wanted to drive out the Britiish from India, a goal of Ghandi, no less....f*$# Indy.

Then Mola wanted to destroy the Christian, Hebrew and Muslim gods......that's the only way there can be peace in the Middle East and the world....If that happened in 1935, 9/11 would never have happened! about an ugly American, white, male Jerk!!


New member
Why is it that all the die hard Indy fans love TOD best?
Is it the cool headed Willie Scott. Could it be Short Round the kid who is the rell star of the movie. To bad Raiders and Crusade had to be made. Oh well maybe Indy 4 will be as good as Temple.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
merancapeman said:
Now, listen up. I want all you advocates to realize how i percieve you haters...

Put yourself in Indy's shoes...

Tell me, if you think Indiana sucks, then do what he does and see how you act. It's easier said then done, folks, because indy, the pistol packin', whip wackin', fist smashing hero is going to live on. He has no super powers, he uses the reality of life, rather then being a famous proffessor who eats a fly infected bannana and becomes Super Freak. In the next five minutes i want you advocates to swing on a whip without succesfully cutting yourself more then once, shoot three germans with one bullet, and survive a room of highly poisonous snakes. If you succesfully do this and live to tell us, you have a right to argue this situation. I, on the other hand, have proved my point thus far.

This argument? The old "why don't you try it and see how you do?" one? That's a fallacy; it isn't a reasonable argument. I don't care if Atticus Finch would support your basic idea; the details just don't work.
Okay, if this is supposed to be a complaint board, I guess I have 1 complaint.


OKay, that's all. I'm happy! I got the DVD set a week ago. But I guess that should be posted on a different board.

Pale Horse

Staff member
IndyGirl821 said:

Okay, if this is supposed to be a complaint board, I guess I have 1 complaint.


"Being a vegetarian, means never having to say your sari"


Well-known member
Indyologist said:
1.) If I were dean of a college, I would've fired Indiana Jones a long time ago. If he can't be responsible to his students, he shouldn't be a professor.
2.) Indy is a stuck up, superior SOB towards women. I can't believe it when he told Willie in that love scene in TOD that she was an "experiment!" He not only deserved to NOT get any, he deserved a solid smack in the mouth.
3.) We all know Indiana Jones isn't a real archeologist, but just a nonsensical, childish, Spielburgian popcorn generating "hero." Scientist? Hardly. The only time he was a REAL archeologist was in a TINY part in ROTLA when uses a surveyor's instrument to look for the Well of the Souls and when he was digging for it. THAT'S IT! The rest of the time it's a bunch of typical Hollywierd phoney-baloney. But then Hollywierd has to color everything with day-glo colors and smear it with lies, doesn't it?
4.) Who the h--l would name themselves after a dog-- how lame can you get?
5.) If Marcus Brody is such a retard that he gets lost in his own museum, why is he in charge?
6.) I think it's sick how Indy slept with Marion when she was just a child. Also, in the novelization of TOD we read that Willie is only 19 or 20. And Indy is how old? 30? 35? Sounds like he has some possible pedophilic issues, if you ask me!
7.) Ah, and then there's that convenient Achille's blessing of invulerability that Hollywierd so graciously gives Indiana Jones-- he falls off a cliff and just "happens" to glide into the rapids. He just "happens" to escape being crushed/blown up/chopped up/burnt to death/shot at/ by seconds. What a farce! For once I'd like to pull out the mattress out from under this guy before he falls 150 feet into it and see what gravity can do! Indiana SPLAT!
8) I agree-- he DOES belong in a museum-- impaled by darts on a corkboard!

(Ladies & gentlement: I would like to apologize for the above fictionalized rant. Had it been an actual rant, I would have been severely flamed. Thank you.)

1. Responsible? What the heck does that mean? His students have nothing to do with his adventurous lifestyle.

2. Stuck up and superior? Sexist? No way. If Indy was sexist there is no way on this earth that I would like him!

3. Indy has been known to work on 'real' archaeological digs and besides, that's what makes Indy such an interesting character in the first place.

4. The real reason that Indy named himlelf after a dog was because 'Indiana' (the malamute) saved Indy's life from a snake.

5. Brody is great in his own environment, but take him out of it and he's like a fish out of water.

6. Marion was about 16 when Indy had a fling with her. Yes she was young, but it takes two to tango. Regarding Willie, Indy would have been 35/36 when he met her and in the novelisation of Temple of Doom, she is described as a 20 to 25 year old.

7. Indiana has a wonderful knack for staying alive and has a great instinct for survival, everyone knows that. It's what makes him such a great hero.

8. Museum? For crying out loud, the guy is only in his 30's!


Well-known member
IndyGirl821 said:
Just to let u know, that was my oly complaint. Other then that, I love every millimeter of Indiana Jones.

I love every part of him too! :D

Welcome to The Raven Indygirl821. I'm Canyon and am known as one of the many droolers on this messageboard!

Just out of curiosity, how long have you been a fan of the gorgeous one?

BTW, love the signature and agree with you 100 percent! :)


New member
apalehorse said:
Raiders? RAIDERS! Well now that you bring it up, THANK GOODNESS Ghandi won best picture in 1981. I can't even believe the acadamy would consider such a movie for Best Picture.

Amen to that!
Ghandi was GODSEND! What an awful waste piece of celluloid Raiders was! It was so bad, it couldn't have won a Golden Raspberry! But there's more to it. We all can be more than happy that the Academy let Vangelis win for Best Music for his masterpiece Score of "Chariots of Fire" and not this lousy Raiders Theme. Come on, it was really baad, wasn't it? Repetitive, no real beat to it, completely emotionless and just sloooow and boring in the middle. Besides, who remembers this movie anyway? Chariots of Fire is by far more people around the world accepted as a masterpiece in film history that this officially acknowledged piece of b-movie trash.