

New member
Just curious if anyone else has seen Flyboys? I watched it last night, and it wasn't half bad. There were some genuine cheesey moments, but the dogfights made up for them in a big way! I'm a sucker for history based movies, so this one has been on my list of movies to watch for a while now.


New member
I was afraid FLYBOYS would be another one of those movies where it has a historical setting, yet the characters and dialogue are more contemporary in order to try and appeal to a teen audience. But I was pleasantly surprised by the film and thought it was quite enjoyable. Despite any historical inaccuracies (I don't watch movies for historical fact; I save documentaries for that), it was just a really fun, well-made movie that deserved to do better than it did at the box office. It was clearly a labor of love for the cast and crew, and the dogfight sequences looked spectacular. I actually felt like I was up there with them. I have the two-disc "Collector's Edition" DVD and have watched it a few times.

Montana Smith

Active member
I liked this movie a lot. While the situatiions and characters are fictionalized, the creators claimed that they are based on actual people and recorded events.

They admit to the error of making most ofthe German aircraft red, but decided to keep it that way for ease of idenitification during the dogfights. They also couldn't manage a second lion, so Soda is missing. So here are the real mascots:



This looks an interesting page, "Flying for France" - Hero Tales of Battles in the Air, Told by James R. McConnell, Sergeant-Pilot in the French Flying Corps.