General Indy 5 Thread - rumors and possibilities

Honestly...will there be another Indy film in the next decade?

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Julianne Moore for Sophia Hapgood! With all this talk of who and who not to include in the story why not go for a character that seems to be universally liked by all ... that being Indy's most popular gal from the videogames and comic books, Miss Sophia Hapgood. For me, the one lady with the heart and fire to play her is Julianne Moore. Even if she wasn't playing Sophia I still think Miss Moore would be a worthy asset to an Indy movie ...


The Man

Well-known member
indytim said:
Julianne Moore for Sophia Hapgood! With all this talk of who and who not to include in the story why not go for a character that seems to be universally liked by all ... that being Indy's most popular gal from the videogames and comic books, Miss Sophia Hapgood. For me, the one lady with the heart and fire to play her is Julianne Moore. Even if she wasn't playing Sophia I still think Miss Moore would be a worthy asset to an Indy movie ...

Moore would have given Blanchett a run for her money as Spalko...


The Man said:
Moore would have given Blanchett a run for her money as Spalko...

Very true, as probably would have Monica Bellucci ...



New member
Lucas-Esque Indy V idea

The purpose of this post is to post Lucas-esque ideas for Indiana Jones 5 that are completely outlandish and un-Indiana Jones, that mesh the character with other genres, and that will **** fans off, kind of like what Lucas did with KOTCS. It is a play on Lucas' insanity. I was inspired to post this after watching the monstrosity known as KOTCS, and forced to after reading the horrendous saucermen from mars script.

Here's the first idea:

Title: Indiana Jones and Axe Murderer of the Haunted Mansion

Plot:The script will start out with Indy digging in the middle of the Sahara in Africa. He then gets attacked by a tribe, but not before stealing one half of an ancient idol. After examining the artifact, he realizes that the other half is located in Texas. He meets up with Mutt back in the states, and they make their way to an empty town in the lone star state. When they arrive, they realize that everyone in the town has suffered a gruesome death.

A character named Gipeto played by John Leguizamo then frantically runs up and tells them that they have to escape to the nearby mansion where the other survivors are hiding. Indy soon figures out why as a gruesome looking man about 7 feet tall with a paperbag over his head runs from around the corner with an axe in one hand, and a chainsaw in the other. He quickly cuts Gipeto in half, as Indy and Mutt stare in horror.

They then run to the mansion to meet up with the other survivors, and a chase ensues. They make it to the mansion and find about 20 survivors. They then tell Indy how they had kicked this man out of town because he was practicing witchcraft. He then used his witchcraft to mutate into a 7 foot tall mutant who wanted everyone dead. In a moment of brilliance, Indy realizes that the axe murderer mustve used the other half of the idol to give himself super human strength and invincibility! The axe murderer then breaks into the mansion, and hunts everyone down one by one. There are numerous attempts to kill him, but nothing seems to work. Indy and Mutt manage to become the last two survivors.

They try to lure the axeman to the molten lava room to melt him, because nothing else seems to work. However, the vat of lava accidentally spills, and Indy survives by standing on an insulated coffee mug. Mutt survives by swinging to the ceiling using a pair of cobwebs. The axe murderer isn't so lucky, and the lava melts his legs off. He soon is nothing more than a toreso crawling around with a chainsaw.

Indy then manages to use the idol that he found back in Africa to summon the ghosts of the tribesmen to finish the axe murderer off. The tribesmen are not happy that the axe murderer was misusing their witchcraft. However, they dont harm Indy because he didn't use it's powers. They take the idol from him, and put both halves it into one, which creates a huge explosion that Indy and Mutt escape from by hiding under a fireproof oven mitten. Indy subsequently sits on a rock, dusts off his hat, and smirks, exclaiming: "Just another day on the job."

Then, Short Round pulls up in a Taxi, rolls down the window, and yells: "Where to Dr. Jones?" Indy replies: "Far away from here, Kid." Mutt and Indy then get in the car and drive away into the sunset. Then, the camera pans to the wreckage of the mansion, as the Axeman's hand erupts from under the debris. The screen then fades, as "The Raiders March" starts to play.

Other ideas to elaborate upon:

Indiana Jones and the Attack of the Killer Dinosaurs
Indiana Jones and the Mutants from the Green Goo
Indiana Jones and the Legend of the Time Machine
Indiana Jones and the Threat of the Godzilla Monster
Indiana Jones and the Ice Monsters from Everest
Indiana Jones and the Mean Girls from Junior High
Indiana Jones and the Journey to Narnia via a Wardwrobe
Indiana Jones and the Tryouts for the Football Team
I think that viewing a series of Mutt adventures would be quite an interesting experience. I would love to witness a silent audience, despondently leaving the auditorium at the end of the movie ala KOTCS, as was the case with my initial viewing.


New member
indytim said:
Very true, as probably would have Monica Bellucci ...


If Spalko was dressed like that, KOTCS would have been much more tolerable. :D

How about Indiana Jones goes after the fridge in Indy 5? It could be called Indiana Jones and the Fridge of Unspeakable Power.


MolaRam2 said:
If Spalko was dressed like that, KOTCS would have been much more tolerable. :D

How about Indiana Jones goes after the fridge in Indy 5? It could be called Indiana Jones and the Fridge of Unspeakable Power.

I wonder if the original idea had been to have Indy find and then climb inside of the 'Raiders' Ark instead of a fridge, as it would have made more sense that being indestructible. Of course, then how would you explain the ghosties not getting him ;)


Well-known member
IndyCon said:
Well thanks for the feedback. :(

I don't think the Ark should appear again, but having the film open with Indy and Mutt on an adventure wouldn't be too bad. I'd definitely like to see a snowbound setting used in the film.

But after the prologue, I'd prefer it if Mutt returned to school. The main storyline could be set a few months later, with Indy feeling tempted to go out into the field one last time.


I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but if I remember correctly, one of the elements from the Saucer Men from Mars script that didn't make it into Kingdom was a James Bond-ish Russian agent. If Lucas and Spielburg continue making Indy movies that reflect the films of the time period in which they are set, and assuming that we're about five years from another Indy movie, I think it would be interesting to see the next Indy film have elements of the sixties spy movies. But this time, the suave spy/assassin is the villian.

Of course, you'd still have to have some kind of ancient artifact--Indy movies just don't work without them. (This was one of the Saucer script's many flaws.) I could see Mutt and Indy doing a Last Crusade style team up, but I can't imagine Mutt taking over the series or even one of his own, honestly. All he apparently wants to do is build motorcyles. I mean, he's a fun character and I'm a huge Shia fan, but what more can you do with him?

indytim said:
I wonder if the original idea had been to have Indy find and then climb inside of the 'Raiders' Ark instead of a fridge, as it would have made more sense that being indestructible. Of course, then how would you explain the ghosties not getting him ;)

Great idea there. I wondered the same thing too. Would have been a whole lot better had Indy given the russians the slip in the warehouse (I.e. they decide to just leave him be after he breaks away, as they had the roswell remains anyway) then come across the ark, which he can't resist trying to remove himself. Whilst trying to load it onto the rocket sled (it would just be an army rail link for this to work) that big russian finds him and they have the fight. They set off the rocket/train and fight blah blah blah then end up in doomstown as in KOTCS. Indy realises what's going on and hides in the ark. ANYTHING beats that flying fridge and walking out unscathed.
As for Indy V

Read earlier someone suggesting a quest for Shangri-La, being an attempt to complete Abners final, fatal, exploration. Maybe Indy/Marion/Mutt come across something that suggests Abers final resting place can be found, so off they go.

The legend could move into whole Eden-style mythology - bringing far eastern and biblical/torah/qu'ran beginning of the earth together - and talk of the origins of man to make it more science-friendly too (I.e. the reality that led to the myths).

Set mainly in Tibet, with enemies being the chinese communists. Set in '58, '59 or so.

Maybe opening location could be end of an adventure based in submerged ruins off Japan - a nod to Bond in Thunderball in the style of the equipment and filming perhaps. Possibly a brief end version of the Dragon King idea some are suggesting.

Certainly Mutt would be along for the ride, though hard to think of a way to prevent marion coming. If she didn't, a good turnaround of indy packing his case hurriedly in other movies would be her lovingly packing it herself for him, all neat and tidy, with a packed lunch in there somewhere. Then when the boys are on the road its back to rough edged action once more... But I can't think a way of excluding the entourage, which i think is needed and was the main problem with the last half of KOTCS - to many damn people with indy; diluting his time and his action sequences.

But overall, ShangriLa/Eden/Origins of Man in the Tibetan Himalaya racing against Chinese Communists is totally plausible in my mind, especially given the link to Abner that could justify the quest and even give rise to its initial exposition.


New member
StwongBwidge said:
If she didn't, a good turnaround of indy packing his case hurriedly in other movies would be her lovingly packing it herself for him, all neat and tidy, with a packed lunch in there somewhere.

I like the idea of the now settled down Marion being generally fussy when her man set's out for an adventure.

I would however, put Mutt back to school. He would make an appearance, yes, but not be part of the main adventure.

If there is an Indy V, it wouldn't surprise me if they reverse the situation that was present in KOTCS (Mutt Williams driving through the College on his motorbike - invading the world of Henry Jones Jr.) and have Mutt at school, then have Indiana Jones somehow invade the new world of Henry Jones III.

It would be rubbish and all to predictable, but I can see it happening.

Young Indy

New member
I read this in the KOTCS Japanese premiere thread.

Then, Lucas went on. fans goes crazy. reports begged for Indy 5. Please make it, please make it. Lucas was like...ehhhh, I am tired, no ideas now. Maybe, I will think about it.
Then Ford, suddenly got on his knees, like in a marriage proposal to Lucas, PLEASE?!?! begging him for Indy 5. That was funny.

Then, Lucas answers another question, what is the coolest thing in Indy 4. He then say, Harrison Ford, only then, Ford, reach into his pocket and gave him 400 bucks, which Lucas took it and put it into his pocket.

Lucas then, say OK OK, Indy 5, will be Indiana Jones and the Lost old man's glasses. Making jokes and stuff, and then Fords starts to act like a old man, looking on the floor for his glasses.

There is a lot of joking in this so you don't know how serious Lucas is being but, maybe no Indiana Jones 5?


Active member
indytim said:
I wonder if the original idea had been to have Indy find and then climb inside of the 'Raiders' Ark instead of a fridge, as it would have made more sense that being indestructible. Of course, then how would you explain the ghosties not getting him ;)
And why would the government perform nuclear tests, that would blow away their own warehouses with plenty of cool stuff in it? ;) So as Indy walked the desert all night, he would've had to drag the ark along for QUITE a distance...


New member
Whatever the next film is, I want Kao Kan to be the villain. His big reveal can be putting his hand on a table near Indy, who notices there is a finger missing.:eek:


They should revive this for Indy 5:

Raiders Script said:

A Mercedes limousine appears round a corner and squeals
to a stop at the front gate of the palace, which is manned
by a sturdy Chinese Gateman. There are three Germans in-
side, one the driver.


Kehoe, alone now, pushes a trash container casually into
position to hide a newly created hole in the rear wall of
Hok's Museum where several stone blocks have been removed.
He looks around and ambles back to the car.


The three Germans wait impatiently in a magnificent foyer.
A chime sounds and huge double doors open to reveal TENGTU
HOK, flanked by two uniformed Japanese Soldiers and a
roved Chinese Advisor. He wears a fantastic gold orna-
mental robe. Despite the majesty, however, nothing can
disguise the fact that Hok is basically a wild, fat bar-
barian; an animal. Hok and his escort group bow in what
is the beginning of a long welcoming ceremony. The Germans
exchange impatient glances but decide they should play it
as it comes. They bow.


No person in sight. Instead, we see a magnificent dis-
play of ancient artifacts. Glass cases hold the velvet-
couched pieces at random spots on the shining marble
floor. We hear an odd sound. Near the floor on the rear
wall of the museum, a steel ventilation grate moves. A
hand slides it gently across the marble. Indy sticks his
head out and looks around.


The three Germans are being served tea and exotic deli-
cacies. A pleased Tengtu Hok watches from a throne-cushion.
When the tray of tiny delicacies is presented to him, he
takes a massive handful, crushing them together on their
way to his smiling mouth.


A huge golden gong, seven feet in diameter, is suspended
from the ceiling by a hook. An enormous hammer hangs
poised above it, from which emanate myraid tiny threads
which run up and across the ceiling, then down to the
various display cases. Indy looks up at the gong, then
continues his quick, quiet foray among the cases. Be-
yond him, a high window.


Hok and his visitors stand to go. The Germans' pleased
expressions make it clear they're finally on their way
to the museum.


Indy arrives at his destination. The lovely, carved gold
section of the headpiece is nested on purple velvet in a
glass case. At the bottom of the piece is a round hollow
where the staff would fit. There is a grunting sound be-
hind Indy and he spins, already reaching for his revolver.

A fierce Japanese Samurai is running at Indy full speed
down an aisle of display cases. His sword is raised over
his shoulder ready to cut Indy in half. He's six feet a-
way when Indy's gun levels and fires twice, blasting him
backwards. Indy is still looking over his gun when an-
other samurai sword comes down from the side and knocks
the pistol brutally out of Indy's grip; his hand avoids
amputation by a quarter of an inch.

An amazed Indy backs away from the crossing aisle as the
Second Samurai steps in to face him, sword raised. Indy
backs away into an open space and his bullwhip appears
in his hand. He gives it one savage CRACK! to announce
its arrival and the Samurai slows down, eyeing it curiously.
The Samurai does not look unhappy about this confrontation.
How pure it is--The Sword versus The Whip.


Tengtu Hok and the Germans have obviously heard something.
They are hurrying along the walkway at the side of the
building, Hok in the lead. Up ahead is the foot bridge
which crosses from the palace to the museum entrance over
a moat.


The Lovely Mercedes limousine blows up.


The Germans spin toward the blast. Drawing weapons, they
run back to investigate. Hok follows them, confused.


Indy and the Samurai face each other. They're both breath-
ing hard from previous, no-contact passes at each other.
Now Indy begins swinging the whip over his head again. It
whizzes out toward the Samurai's face. The Samurai takes
two lightning-quick cuts at the leather, but misses. Indy
swings for the Samurai's feet; the Japanese jumps nimbly,
slashing at the whip. Indy does it again. The Samurai
hops it. Once more. The Samurai is concentrating on hop-
ping it.

Indy sees it. The split second he wants. The whip flashes
up from the floor and wraps solidly and irrevocably around
the Samurai's neck. Indy gives it a murderous pull and
the Samurai is dead on his feet.


Hok and the three Germans are looking down at the flaming
remains of the Mercedes. A look of concern crosses Hok's
face. He turns and runs back toward his beloved museum.


Indy is at the case containing the headpiece. He smashes
the glass with a samurai sword, reaches in and grabs the
piece. Immediately, behind him, the huge hammer falls
and the sound of the gong thunders through the museum.


At the sound of the gong, the running Hok skids to a halt
with a crazed expression on his face. He disappears for
two seconds in an alcove and emerges holding a big, black
Thompson Submachine Gun. He runs across the foot bridge
and is just barely over it when it blows up. Hok, safe,
looks behind him in amazement and then turns to the museum.


The double doors at the entrance slam open to reveal Hok.
Indy is halfway along an unprotected wall back to his ven-
tilation entry route. Hok opens up on him, cutting off
his retreat. Indy jumps behind a marble column, which is
promptly blasted with machine gun fire.

Indy looks above him, sees the giant disk of the gong.
Reaching up, pushing with tremendous effort, he maneuvers
it off the hook. It bounces down to the floor on its side,
chipping the marble with its monstrous weight. Indy stead-
ies it and then puts his whole body into rolling it across
the room toward the window. As it starts to roll, Indy
slips behind it and runs across the room with it.

Hok can see the rolling gong. He opens up on it.
The vicious cacophony of machine gun fire is joined by
the musical reports of bullets hitting the gong and ri-
cocheting away. Very, very noisy.

Behind the gong, Indy gauges his move. As the gong is
about to be stopped by a marble bench, Indy takes a long
stride onto the bench and dives through the glass of the
high window. Hok's bullets hit the wall.

46 EXT. ROOF - DAY 46

Indy lands in a shower of glass on the jutting roof of
the museum's first floor. He rolls to a crouch and is
immediately being fired upon. The Germans, cut off from
the museum, are standing on the palace walkway firing at
him. Indy takes off fast for the rear of the museum.


Kehoe, craning to locate Indy, has the Ford rolling slowly
along the back of the museum. Bang scouts from the back
seat. Indy appears on the roof at a run, gauges the move-
ment of the car and jumps from the roof of the museum to
the roof of the sedan. Unfortunately, the roof of the
old car can't take it and Indy's legs knife right on
through to the interior, where he scares the hell out of


Indy squirms his way down into the front seat.

Jesus! Are you all right!

(he's felt better)
Great. Got it.

Kehoe guns it, throwing Indy back against the cushions.

What now?

I've got to get to Nepal.