Groovy Idea!


New member
Kumba said:
And whoever said brittany spears should be in an indy movie should be dragged out into the street and shot!

I was being obviously sarcastic about Britney. Casting Britney is on the same level as casting DiCrapio as Indy. You might as well cast Belloq and Sallah and the rest of the cast with members from all the various boy bands.

This thread was suppose to be of influential and intellectual purposes.

Intellectual? Most people thought you were joking.

Instead, we've got these crazy loons dream'n up CRAZY ideas

Crazy ideas? You mean like casting DiCrapio as Indy?

Attila the Professor

Staff member
[Marcus voice]Pardon me for interrupting, but the reason we're here...[/Marcus voice]

Really though, the opening post to the thread didn't seem like it was for intellectual purposes. However, those mocking Kumba don't exactly merit approval either.

I know I sometimes get a bit preachy around here, but please...can we calm down?


Attila the Professor said:
Really though, the opening post to the thread didn't seem like it was for intellectual purposes. However, those mocking Kumba don't exactly merit approval either.

Exactly my point! These people that go against me are obvioulsy "hopped up" on goof balls! Hasn't anyone ever seen The Beach! That was an adventure movie and DiCaprio did a fine job! And the reason I say intellectual is because you have to think about! This all because of 00Kevin; he's a sabetuer! Much like Kevin McClory, you know, the man who tryed to gain the rights to James Bond but eventually lost his trial! There's a conspiracy!

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Kumba said:
Attila the Professor said:
Really though, the opening post to the thread didn't seem like it was for intellectual purposes. However, those mocking Kumba don't exactly merit approval either.

Exactly my point! These people that go against me are obvioulsy "hopped up" on goof balls! Hasn't anyone ever seen The Beach! That was an adventure movie and DiCaprio did a fine job! And the reason I say intellectual is because you have to think about! This all because of 00Kevin; he's a sabetuer! Much like Kevin McClory, you know, the man who tryed to gain the rights to James Bond but eventually lost his trial! There's a conspiracy!

That is sarcasm, isn't it?
DiCaprio's been in too many movie's actually meant for Phoenix already. Quite sickening in fact.

But that's beside the point. I can't agree. If we ever did see a Young Indy again, let him be played be a nobody who can give similar-look expressions which Ford gave (unlike Flanery). Basically, follow Phoenix's guidelines.

No doubt DiCaprio's got the fedora resting on his heart, tapping his fingers furiously at it..but, no, he can't.


Hate to crash your rave, another indy fan, but River Phoenix is dead; drug overdose. May he rest in Heaven. SO! What now! Looks like we're down Flannery or DiCaprio, and it seems that no one hear likes either one! And NO Attila, that wasn't sarcasm! haha! And you can't even tell the difference between them! You'd swear that Flannery and DiCaprio were brothers...


Kumba said:
Hate to crash your rave, another indy fan, but River Phoenix is dead

Kumba, you ARE drunk, where in his post did 'another Indy fan' mention that River Pheonix was alive?

and Kumba, you DID sound drunk in your begining post

oh and kumba, if you ever call me Kevin McClory again, I will hire an ugly, hairy thug to R*** you, have a nice day :D


Kumba said:
Looks like we're down Flannery or DiCaprio, and it seems that no one hear likes either one!

no, not quite

both of them are great actors and I have respect for them

flannery makes a good indy

there is no way I can see DiCaprio being indy. Plus, if they ever tried, It would only gain the audience of a bunch of screaming girls


00Kevin said:
Kumba said:
Hate to crash your rave, another indy fan, but River Phoenix is dead

Kumba, you ARE drunk, where in his post did 'another Indy fan' mention that River Pheonix was alive?

and Kumba, you DID sound drunk in your begining post

oh and kumba, if you ever call me Kevin McClory again, I will hire an ugly, hairy thug to R*** you, have a nice day :D

Ohhhhhh!!! So you gotta hire someone to do your dirty work, eh?! Well you STINK! And do you even know who Kevin McClory is!? Yeah, that's what I thought! And if anything, YOU ARE DRUNK, you....HOBBIT!!!


Kumba, I am 1000x a bigger bond fan then you, I know what that traitor Kevin McClory did, with thunderball, NSNA, warhead 2000 and overall hating bond

and you really need to work on your insults, they arn't working very well

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Kumba, I think you have gone well over that fine line between friendly little Raven arguments and downright foolish insult battles.

For your own sake, I suggest a full retraction...and begging the mods to delete your thread.


Nein! Ich bin richtig! Like that one person said, we're entitled to our opinions. Then someone calls you drunk. At first I thought it was funny, yes the first page of this thread was very humorous for me to read, but then things started getting dark, too dark. Sorry if I offended anyone, and excuse me Herr 00Kevin, but I am a very big james bond fan and have practicly memorized the movies. And yes, kevin mCclory is a jerk.


(in drunk voice) Ahh, captalism is overrated! And who's got the nuclear bomb?! Pakistan has the bomb, India has the bomb, Russia has the bomb! (In Russian accent) "We have many bombs, but we don't know where they all are!"--Robin Williams. Hahaha, ah yes, let us drink to preservation of captalism! Down with the dictators! Up with conquering the Middle-East!! lol, may be now i'm drunk!


Leo is way too old to play young Indy, now a days. Then again, it might be better than Hayden Christensen's scrawny self playing Vader.

And, who's the one with the booze again?