Has anyone ever hit themselves while using a whip?

Dr. Jones2987

New member
I was just wondering something. Has anyone ever hit themselves while using a whip? Because in The Last Crusade when young Indy was using the whip he hit himself with the whip causing future Indy to have the scar on his chin. So if anyone out there has a bullwhip and hit themselves with it while using it, i would like to know. Seems like an interesting story or something to talk about! I would like to know stories, so let me know? Peace

Pale Horse

Staff member
I have a 12 foot whip.


When I took on the task of learning the four basic moves, I felt that by removing my shirt, I could more quickly learn what not to do. After about 4 solid days of practice, I learned a great deal.
  1. Lives are better with cotton.
  2. pain heals, chicks dig scars, and glory lasts forever.

    Some thought I was in a meditative trance for learning that way, who knows. But a 12 whip can do some serious damage.

Dr. Jones2987

New member
Dang sound really crazy. My dad told me that if i get one and i hurt myself he is goin to kick my butt. haha, of course he is joking. He also told me if i do hurt myself and i have to go to the hospital for stitchs then to tell them that i just fell or something. I found that pretty funny, but it most really work your arm muscles alot. Are you guys pretty good?


Well-known member
Just out of my curiosity-- what exactly are you people using whips for? Maybe it's just because I live in the city, but I really can't imagine needing to use one. (yes, yes, we all know the dominatrix jokes that are about to crop up, so don't bother.)


New member
[Mod]Content edited.
Blofeld, keep your language in check.

[Edited by Aaron H on 11-27-2003 at 09:13 pm]


Well-known member
I have an 8 foot bullwhip whicfh I haven't really used much, but am planning on meeting up with some people from Whipcrack UK next year.

I once did hurt myself on it when it flew back in my face and cut me slightly on my bottom lip. :mad:

Just be careful out there... ;)


New member
When I started cracking I would hit my self in the back but not anymore. I have only had 6ft long whip.


New member
Has anyone heard of a Rhino whip? I met a man not long before I joined the Raven, and in talking about Indiana Jones he brought up a movie called The Great Escape. I haven't seen or found this movie yet, but he spoke of a character based on a Nazi in the concentration camps who could actually sever heads with what he called a Rhino whip. Morbidly fascinating, isn't it?

Pale Horse

Staff member
given the nature of a rhino's horn, I bet it is something similar to a cat-of-nine tails; but that is just a quess.

Marcus Petrius

New member
I have hit my own hand several times, and if I wasn't wearing a cap I might have lost my right ear. (And I only have this whip since a month)

Indy Jones

Active member
I have. My dad saw Raiders back in 81, so when he saw a Bullwhip for sale, being the fan he is, he bought it. He never really used it. Now, he's given it to me, to be part of my costume. I've used it a couple times. I knew I might hurt myself, and since I didn't want scars like Young Indy, I was gentle. Let me tell you guys something....

You can never be gentle enough with a 8 ft bullwhip.

At only 14, (two years ago) I used the whip, and, boy, it hurts. I didn't have to get stitches, but I got whipped bad enough to leave a scar. It was minor, and some small amount of laser surgery removed the remnants. But it was right across my chest. It was cool, too. It happened around Halloween, so when I was Indy, I got a similar, ripped shirt, and I looked extremely battle scarred. People ate it up. Even chicks felt sorry for me, Indy outfit or none.

It's true. Chicks dig Indiana Jones. Chicks dig Indy-style scars even more.

Marcus Petrius

New member
Just get your ass kicked in gear. It ages the gear perfectly and gives you some scars too.

This might be something to consider for next 'carnaval' ;)(christian version of your pagan american halloween)