Hasbro QnA


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DIrishB said:
Yeah, because all the Henry Jones figures from the Last Crusade wave are sitting around on pegs. :rolleyes:

And if Henry had shipped in the numbers that the Indy and Mutt figures had, he'd be sitting around, too.

Get real. Its all the Indy and Mutt variants that aren't selling. Kids buy the Indy figures, sure, but collector's grab up all the new character figures. The only thing left over are, as said, Indy's and Mutt's.

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

He also wasn't saying he wanted that to be a wave, he just said he'd like to see those new characters made.

You sure?

mister64 said:
If there were to be only two waves in 2009 (including the Raiders wave we have already seen), I'd like to see this as wave 2 of 2009:

Marcus Brody
Walter Donovan

I'm sure if Hasbro were to do those figures (however unlikely at this point), there'd be the obligatory Indy variant along with those new characters.

Captain Obvious strikes again.


New member
I am still amazed at how many collector's still do not realize the importance of having a standard Indy figure on the pegs at all times. The reason the rocket launcher Indy does not sell is the lack of his Hat and whip. SIMPLE!! In my area, which is MASSIVE...There are NO standard Indy figures from any of the 3 waves. My local wal-mart just re-stocked with the Henry Jones / young Indy / LC Indy wave...In two days, the figures were GONE and a lot of the old peg warmers are gone too. That tells me that having the new figures on the pegs brought someone to buy figures that they had previously passed over.


tnswman said:
I am still amazed at how many collector's still do not realize the importance of having a standard Indy figure on the pegs at all times. The reason the rocket launcher Indy does not sell is the lack of his Hat and whip. SIMPLE!! In my area, which is MASSIVE...There are NO standard Indy figures from any of the 3 waves. My local wal-mart just re-stocked with the Henry Jones / young Indy / LC Indy wave...In two days, the figures were GONE and a lot of the old peg warmers are gone too. That tells me that having the new figures on the pegs brought someone to buy figures that they had previously passed over.

I agree; Idol Indy is almost as rare around here as the Last Crusade figures. When this line first came out, I wasn't sure I would get every figure, but I knew that if nothing else, I wanted a basic Indy. Growing up in the mid 80's, I remember my Dad buying me each figure of the Kenner wave except Indy, because he could not be found anywhere, while the secondary characters were plentiful. Luckily I scored one second-hand at the local swap meet a couple years later (y)


That's right. Now, Hasbro can really get away with reusing one of the better basic Indy figures, pack him in future waves. If they're convinced they need Mutt on the pegs, they can reuse one of them (jacket, most likely), but after they sell through the glut we have now.


New member
If you look at the TOD cases, Hasbro at last got it right...All of the new figures in the same case along with the better selling Indy and Mutt figures.

The cases should really be 8 figures which would allow for one each of the new figures and 2 doubles


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Matt said:
And if Henry had shipped in the numbers that the Indy and Mutt figures had, he'd be sitting around, too.

Did the Henry figure ship in any greater or less numbers than the Ugha Warrior or Cairo Thug? Dovchenko? No...? Oh, because there are plenty of those around as well.

Either way, your previous post about little kids not wanting the "old white guy" or whatever is irrelevant in the light that all the Crystal Skull Indy's are "old white guys" themselves.

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

Now you're just being a child. Someone says something you don't like and instead of debating and backing up your point, you resort to name-calling. Grow up.

You sure?

I usually like to give people the benefit of the doubt.

But seriously, he was listing figures he'd like to see. Considering he probably already has an Indy (or multiple variants of him), why list him again? So, he made a list of the characters he personally would still like to see released...not as a wave, per se, but just in general terms.

Sorry I have to keep holding your hand through the explanations, but you obviously needed the help since you're having trouble comprehending peoples' posts.

I think ANY Indy collector would realize an Indy toy wave without an Indy figure/variant is unlikely...to state the obvious.


Captain Obvious strikes again.

I'll keep it up for your benefit since subtle clues go over your head.

tnswman said:
I am still amazed at how many collector's still do not realize the importance of having a standard Indy figure on the pegs at all times.

Actually, I think most collector's understand the appeal.

The reason the rocket launcher Indy does not sell is the lack of his Hat and whip. SIMPLE!!

Very true. The RPG Indy is definitly a peg warmer around here (Florida).

In my area, which is MASSIVE...There are NO standard Indy figures from any of the 3 waves.

There aren't a lot of standard Indy's around my area, but that particular figure isn't hard to find. There were two of them at my local Target this weekend, and Toys R Us had 3 or 4 of them (though it looked like they had just stocked a new wave of Raiders figures along with the Last Crusade new releases).

My local wal-mart just re-stocked with the Henry Jones / young Indy / LC Indy wave...In two days, the figures were GONE and a lot of the old peg warmers are gone too. That tells me that having the new figures on the pegs brought someone to buy figures that they had previously passed over.

Thats good news. Maybe there's a little hope for the line after all. If Hasbro were smart, they'd bump up the Raiders Wave scheduled for January to November/December, to take advantage of the holiday season and help clear out backstock of the previous waves.


New member
I can't tell you exactly what Hasbro has said to me..However, if you look back to Hasbro's past holiday seasons, Jan product has sometimes been rushed out in Dec.

IF hasbro does this, it will also help the appeal of Indy to the retail stores too since that will be MORE 2008 sales instead of the un-tried 2009 sales.


New member
tnswman said:
I can't tell you exactly what Hasbro has said to me..However, if you look back to Hasbro's past holiday seasons, Jan product has sometimes been rushed out in Dec.

IF hasbro does this, it will also help the appeal of Indy to the retail stores too since that will be MORE 2008 sales instead of the un-tried 2009 sales.

So what you're saying is Hasbro is considering bumping the wave release up a month or two from January to November/December? ;)

I know, I know, you can't say...but in this case, tnswman, its what you aren't saying that makes me happy.


New member
Well, the past history proves that Lego and SW product due in January, almost always shows up in time for Christmas. 99 percent of the time.

TNSWMAN and I have been collecting Indy since day one of the old Kenner days, plus I been collecting Star Wars since 1978. The pattern is flawless and reliable.


New member
I too have been collecting star wars for many years and the "first wave" of every year seems to show up late Nov/early Dec. Fingers crossed this is the case with the new Raiders wave... It would be FANTASTIC if we can still get that wave. I will probably buy triples of each figure in that wave!!!


New member
tnswman said:
I can't tell you exactly what Hasbro has said to me..However, if you look back to Hasbro's past holiday seasons, Jan product has sometimes been rushed out in Dec.

IF hasbro does this, it will also help the appeal of Indy to the retail stores too since that will be MORE 2008 sales instead of the un-tried 2009 sales.

And I can't tell you what The queen of England told me about "The Lochness Monster" Ha Ha! Hasbro doesn't have any plans!


I hadn't thought about taht (regarding the early arrival of the next Raiders wave), but that is true. More hope glimmering on the horizon!:D


New member
Considering the state of the line, I think the 2009 Raiders wave probably will see an early release (versus a January 2009 release, or worse no release at all). I'm not sure how long the production process takes, but i imagine if the line is planned for release within four months, the figures for the line have already been produced, or are being produced now. The painting, packaging, etc might not be done yet, but my point is that I think at this point, in terms of that 2009 wave, Hasbro has already invested a large amount of capital in producing said figures (or the molds alone). I could be wrong, but I would assume they'd want to take a chance at recovering some of those expenses by releasing that wave in time for the Christmas shopping season (where sales of the newer figures and even the peg-warmers of the first two waves might clear out). I think we'll see the 2009 Raiders wave, not sure beyond that, but I think we'll get those. Least I hope so. ;)


New member
Agreed, I think we will see the 2009 Raiders wave as well.....just maybe not in December. I think that wave will (would) sell really well!


New member
DIrishB said:
Considering the state of the line, I think the 2009 Raiders wave probably will see an early release (versus a January 2009 release, or worse no release at all). I'm not sure how long the production process takes, but i imagine if the line is planned for release within four months, the figures for the line have already been produced, or are being produced now. The painting, packaging, etc might not be done yet, but my point is that I think at this point, in terms of that 2009 wave, Hasbro has already invested a large amount of capital in producing said figures (or the molds alone). I could be wrong, but I would assume they'd want to take a chance at recovering some of those expenses by releasing that wave in time for the Christmas shopping season (where sales of the newer figures and even the peg-warmers of the first two waves might clear out). I think we'll see the 2009 Raiders wave, not sure beyond that, but I think we'll get those. Least I hope so. ;)


hasbro has rushed out other figures for lines that were ending. they need to ge these figures out for the following reasons.

1. It would increase 2008 sales for the line
2. It falls under the current retailer contracts
3. It is a good way to show remaining interest to retailers since the line will sell through.
4. It is a VERY nice "THANK YOU" to the COLLECTOR'S who have bled for this line.

Hasbro needs to understand thet they can blame the "less than Frenzied buying" all they want. However, they need to also see the DAMAGE that their case packing and figure choices did to this line.

It was as if they made the right choices to KILL this line.


New member
tnswman said:
Hasbro needs to understand thet they can blame the "less than Frenzied buying" all they want. However, they need to also see the DAMAGE that their case packing and figure choices did to this line.

It was as if they made the right choices to KILL this line.

Completely agree. Hasbro has dropped the ball on almost every single business related decision concerning this line, and then blame its lackluster sales on kids not being interested or no future movies on the horizon to cross promote the figures, instead of admitting they mistakenly loaded too many Mutts and RPG Indys into the case assortments. Blah! Apparently they don't learn from their past mistakes, and instead choose to repeat them.

When it comes down to it, the collectors/fans aren't a priority for Hasbro, only the fans' money is.


New member
I would like to know why Hasbro decided to sell the RPG Indy without his hat. Indy's hat is iconic and this would have been a much bigger seller had his hat been included.

If you have both KOTCS Indys you can use the hat on either, but if a kid can only get one Indy figure, he/she is going to pick an Indy with the hat. That's why this one is pegwarming.

It makes sense that Hasbro made a jacketless Mutt if they thought he was going to be without the jacket in the movie (they make the figures well before they see the finished movie, possibly a year ahead of time). But once Hasbro noticed that figure wasn't selling, they should have revised their cases to mainly have the jacket Mutt figure rather than about half of each Mutt figure shipping. I understand Hasbro wants Mutt and Indy on the shelves at all times (they're the main characters that kids would start their collections with), but why doesn't Hasbro just ship whatever new Indy is out (TLC waves-just ship Indy with tie, no more ROTLA and KOTCS Indys, TOD waves-just ship bridge Indy-any Indy needs to be on the shelves, it doesn't have to be a specific one)? For the Mutts, Hasbro should revise their cases so he isn't pegwarming. Maybe switch one Mutt in every three cases for a Marion, she's nearly impossible to find.

It may be true that there isn't a big enough fan base for Hasbro to make a profit on the Indy figures the way they're being sold now. If it's not feasible to continue the line at Walmart, Target, etc, why not sell them online only at a premium? Collectors would be happy to pay a few dollars more per figure in order to obtain figures like Donovan, Oxley, Mac and Marcus that Hasbro otherwise wouldn't produce.

That said, I think Hasbro should continue the line through mid-2009 at the very least to give the figures more of a chance to catch on. Perhaps a fifth Indy film will be announced during that time, causing excitement for the line to build. Hasbro raised the price of their Star Wars basic figures to $7.99, why not do the same for the 2009 Indy figures so Hasbro can make a profit more quickly to make continuing the line feasible.


New member
I think the fantastic 3 have to get on the same page before you can hope to see an INDY 5. It seems that Lucas and Spielberg were not really "on the same page" with this last one. If the toyline is in danger now....I really don't think we would get an INDY 5 in time to save its demise.


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mister64 said:
I would like to know why Hasbro decided to sell the RPG Indy without his hat. Indy's hat is iconic and this would have been a much bigger seller had his hat been included.

If you have both KOTCS Indys you can use the hat on either, but if a kid can only get one Indy figure, he/she is going to pick an Indy with the hat. That's why this one is pegwarming.

It makes sense that Hasbro made a jacketless Mutt if they thought he was going to be without the jacket in the movie (they make the figures well before they see the finished movie, possibly a year ahead of time). But once Hasbro noticed that figure wasn't selling, they should have revised their cases to mainly have the jacket Mutt figure rather than about half of each Mutt figure shipping. I understand Hasbro wants Mutt and Indy on the shelves at all times (they're the main characters that kids would start their collections with), but why doesn't Hasbro just ship whatever new Indy is out (TLC waves-just ship Indy with tie, no more ROTLA and KOTCS Indys, TOD waves-just ship bridge Indy-any Indy needs to be on the shelves, it doesn't have to be a specific one)? For the Mutts, Hasbro should revise their cases so he isn't pegwarming. Maybe switch one Mutt in every three cases for a Marion, she's nearly impossible to find.

It may be true that there isn't a big enough fan base for Hasbro to make a profit on the Indy figures the way they're being sold now. If it's not feasible to continue the line at Walmart, Target, etc, why not sell them online only at a premium? Collectors would be happy to pay a few dollars more per figure in order to obtain figures like Donovan, Oxley, Mac and Marcus that Hasbro otherwise wouldn't produce.

That said, I think Hasbro should continue the line through mid-2009 at the very least to give the figures more of a chance to catch on. Perhaps a fifth Indy film will be announced during that time, causing excitement for the line to build. Hasbro raised the price of their Star Wars basic figures to $7.99, why not do the same for the 2009 Indy figures so Hasbro can make a profit more quickly to make continuing the line feasible.

You make a lot of great points - except for the price point issue. Star Wars can sustain that price point with the heavy and loyal collector following. I think all retailers should follow Wal-Mart's recent price rollback. In my area it looks as though the action figures are starting to clear out at Wal-Mart stores.

Indy 5 looks pretty much like a certainty. George Lucas always gets what he wants. As we speak GL is already researching a new MacGuffin for Indy to chase in the next flick. There is also an animated series in the works.


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ChromiumBlue37 said:
Indy 5 looks pretty much like a certainty. George Lucas always gets what he wants. As we speak GL is already researching a new MacGuffin for Indy to chase in the next flick. There is also an animated series in the works.

I just hope that's true. I hope Indy doesn't fall victim next year to Transformers and GI Joe which are both getting movies.