

New member
Howdy! I'm new here, it goes without saying, and I'm usually more of a lurker than anything but I do have lots of things I wish to discuss which can only be discussed with other Indy fans.

It goes without saying that I grew up with Indiana Jones, Raiders and Last Crusade moreso than Temple of Doom. Although TOD has since become arguably my favorite of the trilogy (and I honestly have no idea why), I mostly just watched the other two. I think somewhere I still have our old Betamax copy of Raiders, likely worn down to blurriness from my repeated viewings. Naturally my favorite sequences were the airfield fistfight and the subsequent truck chase. I'd watch them over and over. They were all the movie for me. Similarly with Last Crusade, I usually just watched the tank scene at the end.

As I grew older however and began actually being able to follow the stories I began enjoying the films on another level other than pure excitement. I remember being extremely frustrated at the lack of Indy toys when I was growing up (I missed out on the Raiders figures), and with how long it seemed to take the movies to come to DVD. However here we are about twenty-plus years later and there's DVDs finally, Indy merchandise springing up all over, a new movie coming out, and the kitchen sink might be somewhere in there, too, so I figured now was as good a time as any to seek out and join an Indy discussion forum. :)

M'names Bill although most people call me Kooshmeister or Koosh or some variation thereof, on account of my weird user name I employ for everything (don't ask where it came from, because I don't know myself; it just popped into my head one day and I've used it ever since.)