How I'd Do Indy 5

Darth Vile

New member
DocWhiskey said:
I'm really diggin' the whole Eastwood as Abner casting.

I wouldn't really want Abner alive, because every time I hear the line "Abner's Dead!" in RotLA I would probably be all, "No he's not mwhahaha!" therefore kind of changing the film a bit. But if Clint played him? Very tempting. Just seeing Clint and Ford, the 2 biggest Hollywood badasses, scowling at each other and bickering during the adventure. The dialouge between them good be fantastic AND hilarious. And it would put even more butts in the seats.

As much as I love the actors... this story, at this particular point in time, would be like the Indy franchize meets Cocoon. 20 years ago it would have been great, now I'd be fearing for a broken hip or something. ;)


New member
I wouldnt want Abner alive (people have given good arguements - it changes Raiders a little bit, and we dont need any more old guys in the film), but how about if the film opened with a flashback like Crusade? Perhaps the opening could feature Abner and young Indy on some kind of adventure to find the films artifact and somehow not being able to. The film could then flash forward to the 50's where Indy finds some kind of clue to that artifact and goes to find it again. It could also hint at whats happening between Indy and Marion at that.

It could also work as a kind of parallel to Indy and Mutt, with Indy in the Abner role.

One thing I dont really want to see is Marion involved. In a short cameo as Indy's wife, certainly, but not a long for the adventure. I dont want a family adventure. Just Indy and Mutt would be fine with me, maybe meeting up with Sallah.


New member
punisher5150 said:
I read originally Oxley from KotCS was going to be Sean Connery's character, and when he didn't return it was re-tooled to be Abner. Then Lucas decided Abner was good and dead, so they wrote a new character into the story.

Not sure how much truth there is to this rumor.

Also, in the Marvel comics Indy stories, Abner went missing looking for Shangri-La. because he was in such a dangerous place as the Himalayas, it was assumed by Marion he died in the quest, hence the "Abner's dead!" line from Raiders.

I for one am ok with Abner's return. I always took the "lost on a great quest" angle. I would have really liked to have seen Oxley's character as Abner in Crystal Skull. I think it would have given Marion's role in the story much more depth, and given Indy a secondary, believable reason to be on the quest as well.
I wouldn't be surprised. John Hurt was hired immediately after Sean Connery announced he would not return, so I've always suspected John Hurt was the fill-in role.

If Connery's role was like the role Harold Oxley's entirely possible that the role didn't interest Connery.

Abner would make sense as Ox..........Ox is pretty much like a surrogate father to Mutt in the movie anyway. I have to say I think they went the correct route by making him Harold Oxley instead of Abner Ravenwood for reasons previously mentioned.


Well-known member
Hurt replacing Connery is a popular theory, but I'd be very surprised if it were true. I just don't think Lucas would use the same set up twice (ie. dad's missing so Indy has to go look for him).


Well-known member
Rocket Surgeon said:
Really? Where did you find this one out?:confused:

He's likely referring to the official announcement that was released when Hurt signed on board. It also revealed that Connery had officially declined.

The timing led to much speculation that the casting was somehow related. (A theory many felt was supported by Oxley's role in KOTCS.)

JP Jones

New member
MaverickKing said:
First, I'd give it a shorter title. Much shorter than "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull". Maybe "Indiana Jones and the Forbidden Treasure" or "Indiana Jones and the Lost Talisman".

Second, I'd get rid of Mutt right away. Then give Marion a much bigger role.

Third, I'd have the film tie back to Raiders of the Lost Ark, as Indiana Jones is forced to unravel one of the deepest mysteries he's ever faced - the whereabouts of one Abner Ravenwood. Because, naturally, he's not dead.

My original idea was to have him be captured by the Nazis but, that's been done in Crusade. So, instead, Abner Ravenwood is working for/with the Nazis, the ones hiding in South America post-Nuremberg. They're looking for something, be it Atlantis, Excalibur, Mjolnir, Palladium... a weapon powerful enough to start a Fourth Reich. And it's up to Indiana Jones to stop them.

Fourth, there needs to be an original vehicle set-piece. Raiders had the truck chase, Temple had the mine-cart chase, Crusade had the tank fight. Kingdom just had another truck chase, which was a bit tame, really. I'm not sure what I'd use here: trains, nuclear submarines, giant lorries, hovercrafts, whatever. But that'd be there.

Fifth. The bad guy. Obviously, it's the Nazis. But there's also Abner, who's sort of like Belloq, only older. You gotta cast somebody truly magnificent to play that role - I'm feeling Donald Sutherland, or somebody similar.

And finally, I'd skip the Lucas dialogue. "I never should have doubted you, old friend." Ugh.

And that would be my fifth Indiana Jones movie. :D Thoughts, comments?
This sounds like the opposite of kotcs and I loved that so booooooooooooooooooooooooooooo(n)

(and kotcs had ducks)


New member
Wow that would be amazing if Clint Eastwood was in it. Think of it, two action hero gruff guys competing! WOW that is a great idea!


New member
I got it, I got it.

If Abner Ravenwood found Shangri-La, it's likely he would not want to leave, as Shangri La is heaven on Earth, a place of peace, tranquility and learning, where the people remain eternally young.

So in order to re-introeduce Ravenwood, have him return from Shangri La a very young man who has found the fountain of youth. He can be played by Sam Worthington, Chris Pine or even better, some dashing and talented young British actor.

Of course, once away from Shangri La, Abner begins to rapidly age, so he only has a limited amount of time to find the lost [insert MacGuffin here], which has been stolen by the nasty Red Chinese, and return it to the sacred temple of Shangri La before the lost city is plunged into darkness and despair, and everyone grows old.

And there's only one man that can help him find it.:whip:


New member
Mac guffin= longevity

garzo said:
I got it, I got it.

If Abner Ravenwood found Shangri-La, it's likely he would not want to leave, as Shangri La is heaven on Earth, a place of peace, tranquility and learning, where the people remain eternally young.

So in order to re-introeduce Ravenwood, have him return from Shangri La a very young man who has found the fountain of youth. He can be played by Sam Worthington, Chris Pine or even better, some dashing and talented young British actor.

Of course, once away from Shangri La, Abner begins to rapidly age, so he only has a limited amount of time to find the lost [insert MacGuffin here], which has been stolen by the nasty Red Chinese, and return it to the sacred temple of Shangri La before the lost city is plunged into darkness and despair, and everyone grows old.

And there's only one man that can help him find it.:whip:

I would like it to see Indy again in an adventure in asia.
Shangri La has the mystic touch, longevity could be a good Mac Guffin, if it will be elaborated well.
Longevity we've seen already in LC (grail knight) but in another story it would have another emphasis.


New member
Well, if it were up to me, I'd totally do an Indy/Irina story, but sadly,*too many people think she's dead (n)
It's not called DEAD, guys. It's called having your psychic essence being transported to another dimension. (Yeah, that's just a trademark of us Spalko fans- we refuse to believe she's dead.)

Apart from that, I want to see Indy go to some place where he's previously gotten into trouble but it was never shown in the movies- like wherever that king threatened to chop off his head...


New member
Meerkat said:
Well, if it were up to me, I'd totally do an Indy/Irina story, but sadly,*too many people think she's dead (n)

Sorry Meer.. I'm sure there are some Elsa fans out there who "wish" the same thing, but thankfully one of the things Elsa and Irina have in common is, they're both dead as a (y)


New member
Meerkat said:
Well, if it were up to me, I'd totally do an Indy/Irina story, but sadly,*too many people think she's dead (n)
It's not called DEAD, guys. It's called having your psychic essence being transported to another dimension. (Yeah, that's just a trademark of us Spalko fans- we refuse to believe she's dead.)

Apart from that, I want to see Indy go to some place where he's previously gotten into trouble but it was never shown in the movies- like wherever that king threatened to chop off his head...

Uh, I think it wasn't exactly his head that the king wanted to chop off. . .


Well-known member
MaverickKing said:
Fifth. The bad guy. Obviously, it's the Nazis.

There shouldn't be anything obvious about that. With Indy4, now only 50% of the movies have Nazi villains, who only make a lick of sense in the 30s and 40s anyway. Let Last Crusade look like the suck-up to Raiders that it is by giving Indy5 some new villains and another non-biblical artifact. :D

Remember, there's plenty of great options to choose from. Consider some of the "subordinate" villains in the older movies - Treasure of the Sierra Madre style dirtbags, Chinese mobsters, Sherpas, the Brothers of the Cruciform Sword (who only functioned as villains for one action piece, but still!). Indy5 can easily antagonize any nationality it wishes, plus you can always just make up some evil underground cult as needed. Finding some way to inject swastika-wearing goons at this point for tradition's sake would feel kinda forced. We won the war.
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Lance Quazar

Well-known member
Udvarnoky said:
There shouldn't be anything obvious about that. With Indy4, now only 50% of the movies have Nazi villains, who only make a lick of sense in the 30s and 40s anyway. Let Last Crusade look like the suck-up to Raiders that it is by giving Indy5 some new villains and another non-biblical artifact. :D

Remember, there's plenty of great options to choose from. Consider some of the "subordinate" villains in the older movies - Treasure of the Sierra Madre style dirtbags, Chinese mobsters, Sherpas, the Brothers of the Cruciform Sword (who only functioned as villains for one action piece, but still!). Indy5 can easily antagonize any nationality it wishes, plus you can always just make up some evil underground cult as needed. Finding some way to inject swastika-wearing goons at this point for tradition's sake would feel kinda forced. We won the war.

Exactly. Using the Nazis again would be extraordinarily unimaginative.

The Indy universe is more vast and complex than people are giving it credit for.

Also, the idea of resurrecting a dead character (abner) is such a weary and tiresome old trope that they should stay very, very far away from it.

Rumors swirled that Oxley was actually Abner in KOTCS. Learning that he was a different character was probably the only pleasant surprise in that otherwise disappointing film.


New member
Lance Quazar said:
Also, the idea of resurrecting a dead character (abner) is such a weary and tiresome old trope that they should stay very, very far away from it.

Yeah, and I sure hope they don't do something equally ridiculous like giving Indy a son he never new about from one of his old flames!

Seriously though, that is exactly the type of tired and predictable plot device that we can expect from the likes of Lucas/Spielberg nowadays. It's so unfortunate, those two once had such talent.