Improve The Allan Quartermain films


New member
ssIf you could go back in time and be in charge of production of the Allan Quartermain would you improve them? You are ripping off Indiana Jones but you can't copy them too exactly for fear of lawsuits from Paramount. I thought the Quartermain films were o.k, just lacking good production values in special effects and editing. The set design and location shots were good. What do you think? Could the Quartermain films been better? I thought the idea concept of The Lost city of Gold and King Solomons mines to be interesting. Could these movies be excellent in their own rights and finding their own niche in the archeaology action film genre?
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Active member
I would much rather see a movie made about the life of Frederick Selous. This guy was a close to a real life Quatermain or Indy aas they came. And, he did a lot of good for the environment (for a big-game hunter that is)


New member
ClintonHammond said:
"You are ripping off Indiana Jones "

Other way around.... Quartermain was around a LONG time before Indy......

Ahhhh... but the Chamberlain Quartermain was a direct rip off of Indy, he has very little resemblance to the actual character as found in a whole series of Rider Haggard novels...

Out of curiosity has anyone actually read the books? The Quartermain character is fantastic. Not to mention a rather hagard (that pun was intentional) scrawny Englishman. And something of a coward. But hey ho ;)


Thompson's Quatermain was not supposed to be a plagiarism of Indy but rather a parody of it. That's why it works, even in spite of the horrible effects and Sharon Stone.

Nelson's sad followup was, on the other hand, supposed to be a "serious" copy of Indy. That's why it... doesn't work.


Incidentally, a while ago this came out... with one "Chris Quatermain":



New member
I actually liked those movies, for being so B-quality. :)

@JerryKing: teehee, Germans and their love for IJ and IJ-ripoffs. It looks rather funny.