Indy 4 Happening as we speak


Well-known member
Hmmm... and yet another Indy rumor surfaces. Sorry if we all seem a little hot under the collar here, AdminJim, but we've heard and seen it all here, so we're all skeptics as far as rumors go.

Because of this, we would appreciate it if you would cite your sources before you share anything like this. In the mean time, I'll take your information with a grain of salt and not get excited until I AT LEAST see that the cast has indeed been announced 6/30. And even then, I'm still going to be careful. We don't get our hopes up too much on this site, so if your information is truly accurate, we apologize, but we can't take it at face value until we see more solid proof. :(

And, as Finn said, if you turn out to be wrong 6/30 about the cast announcement, I'd stay away from the Raven for a while if I were you. Chances are good that you're going to get flamed if you do. :whip:

Joe Brody

Well-known member
[half-jokingly] The euro-centric locales sound too much like those picked for Last Crusade (even though Spain has some pretty diverse terrain) and are so lame that I'm half-tempted to believe adminjim.

Given these locales what's the story gonna be? "Indiana Jones and the Maltese Falcon"????


New member
adminjim said:

I know I came in on this a bit late, but it's still exciting (if proven to be true). I think it's awesome that you dug this stuff up, and I just wanted to convey my own bit of thanks.

9 days 'til we find out :p

Aaron H

Moderator Emeritus
Odd, I haven't heard anything like this, but it could be that even my sources have been "frozen out" from saying anything.
It is possible that they could film starting right away, they do have a script and actors...the 30th? Wed. is Lucas' style...hmmmmm.
I'll poke around a bit.


New member
I just dunno...this would be awesome! But one of his sources comes up blank for me. I just finished searching every corner of Orbits and there is no way to get results on booked hotels that adminjim says he got from the site. Anyone else wanna try? (Geesh..hope I didn't waste 20 minutes of my life on this if proven false.. anyway, I'm now an Orbits expert!)


New member
Not that I ever put stock in what the IMDB ever posts, but for a while, at the top of Spielberg's list of upcoming projects, they had War of the Worlds and that movie about the 1972 Olympic Games. Now, Indy 4 has moved to the TOP of the list. And instead of "Announced", it says "In Production". To quote Bill and Ted, "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K."


IMDB has been known to make mistakes (you can't run the largest movie database ever and not make them). Things such as billing the wrong people for a movie. I believe this is because some of thier info is from people who mail in. I'm pretty sure Spielberg is filming The Olympic movie before anything else. And Even if he was working on Indy 4...what about Lucas? has he finished rewriting the script?

Pale Horse

Staff member
Joe Brody said:
(3) And lastly to all, I assume that transcripts from the Entertainment Tonite broadcast are available to the public. I couldn't find the link or the contact informaion but if someone can find it, I'll order the transcript and confirm the supposed report from last Friday.

I think this is the link you want, Joe, but I am not 100% positive...

Joe Brody

Well-known member
. . . .thanks Palehorse, I sent a an e-mail making the request. I will report back as soon as I obtain and review the transcript.

Call me paranoid but in my book it's a little suspect to have someone like Adminjim pop up out of nowhere with big news hard on the heels of a character like the Anti-Jones. . . .


New member
However, the internet is becoming a better way to advertise (blair witch) so it's not hard to imagine lucas paid rumour droppers surfing around...

However, I did a search for the name adminjim on google and found some pretty interesting things. No need to post them here, just have a look...

(not very supportive of his authenticity)


Staff member
Now that silence can mean a lot of things... and not at the same time.

But I still wonder what our informative friend here thinks he's going to gain with this if it's all just not true.


Well-known member
Finn said:
Now that silence can mean a lot of things... and not at the same time.

But I still wonder what our informative friend here thinks he's going to gain with this if it's all just not true.

Perhaps he's cold and wants to get flamed to warm up...

(Priming blow torch as we speak) :dead:


Staff member
Well, if he wanted to tell us the truth, and nothing more but the truth, he did it. We may not buy him fully right now, but he knows we will by then the above has been proven as a fact.

If he just wanted to fool us, see how we go all giddy over something that's created by nothing but his mind... he's failed already.

Be the case either way, it's either 1-0 for us targets... or 1-0 to him, but in that case we really don't care, I reckon. Because I know I hope the little pessimist and doubtjack inside my head would be wrong.


New member
Do we remember what happend to Gmail, the new webmail system of Google?

What they did is to publish it on april fools day. Every website and also a few newspapers published the news so it had a lot of media attention. Now it's still in Beta fase and the only way to get in is by invites. A hype is started!

And that's the same what they are trying to do with Indy 4. If you only place a trailer on a website like the hype won't be big. But if you keep bringing in news, silence everything... And then *KABOOM* a big news fact... Then the hype that was already created by the little news facts is returned and even doubled.

Do we remember Spielberg saying with full confidence that they are going to film it in 2004 for a summer 2005 release? Well we kinda heard that a few times. Okay now there have been some script problems, movie is delayed. But that doesn't matter, the summer just has started! It is STILL possible.

We have to wait a little time and then another news bit is coming again. It has been quiet and silence sometimes is a good thing.


He wasn't just flamed...he was charred.

flaming people is human nature. It makes us feel good....

I hope I don't get flamed for that