Indy and Marion Question...


Active member
Perhaps Indy had been young, arrogant, and a real ***** back then, and he raped Marion while being taught by Ravenwood Sr.. It was only after Abner threw him out that Indy finally realized what he had done to her and to himself. It sort of makes sense: A lot of young men are sexually irresponsible and impatient at that age, and perhaps this was back when Indy was just getting over the stressful teenage years we all go through.

And maybe the rape resulted in pregnancy (thus Kingdom of the Crystal Skull).

I know, this is a rather sacreligious theory, but I think it would be interesting to show that even Indy had a dark side once, and by the time Raiders began, he had finally matured and become a good person.


New member
Ok, here is my take.

I think that Marion was young, not unreasonably young. She may have even have been 16 or so when Indy met her, and started mentoring with Abner. I think that over the course of a few years they grew to love each other.

I think Indy has had his share of women over the years, but I don't think is a playboy or a man-whore. Nowhere close to James Bond in terms of casual relationships. I do think that in his younger years, Indy was a little more idealistic. I think his innocence and Idealism were slowly stripped from him over the years. I don't think he was born that way. I also don't think he was saintly like YIJC.

But back to my theory, they casually slowly fell in love over a few years, and everyone was more or less happy. I think Abner and Marion were both delighted by the idea of Indy and her marrying. I think for some reason Indy started to feel he was not ready to settle down quite yet. Maybe he felt like he could learn more than Abner could teach him anymore. Maybe he felt like he had to go out on his own, find himself. So Marion was upset because her love was up and leaving for no apparent reason. Abner was upset because he was losing the man whom his daughter was madly in love with, and who was like a son to him. I don't think Indy ever stopped loving her. He just didn't know what he wanted. I don't think anybody was done wrong, he just had to go, and it left everybody feeling a little sore at each other.