Indy and Mutt parallels


New member
I was just thinking over all the parallels to Indy and Mutt and wondered if you had found any others?
1. Indy's name is Henry Jones, Mutt's name is henry Jones
2. Indy took the name of his dog indiana, Mutt, well think about it,
3. indy has a scar from the bull whip, on the train in last crusade. Mutt got a little cut on his face from sword fighting with Spalko, which will probably leave a scar. (could this mean the sword will be his tool like indy's whip?)
4. they both wore leather jackets.
5. they were both rebels (indy ran away to war) and Mutt is self explanatory


New member
I think it has mostly to do with the demeanor of the characters and some of the parallels to 'Last Crusade.'

First off, the use of names. Henry Jr. wants his dad to call him Indiana all throughout 'Last Crusade' instead of Junior. And the first time Henry Sr. calls him "Indiana" is near the end to get Indy to give him his other hand. Great, emotional scene. Now this time around, near the end, Indy calls Mutt "Junior," and after refusing to call Indy dad throughout the movie, Mutt finally calls Indy "dad" in reply.

Two, Mutt's character arch that harks back to Indy's impetuous adventure spirit ("I don't know, I'm making this up as I go"). In fact at one point, Marion calls Mutt impetuous, to which Indy replies, "That's not the worst quality in the world." Mutt starts off scared in the graveyard, but as the movie goes along, he becomes more adventurous and more heroic. At one point in the temple of Akator, Mutt grabs the skull, eagerly asking "This way?" and Indy gives him this smug grin that says a thousand words (one of my favorite moments from the movie).

Indy has his whip......Mutt apparently has his sword.

Overall, I think it's a theme of Indy becoming the father and displaying qualities like his father (at one point, Indy proclaims "This is intolerable" after Mutt acts impetuous by throwing the lantern on the ground and running away)......and Indy gaining a son sort of like he was. And I think this leads to the line "Somewhere, your grandpa is laughing."

And as someone whose favorite movie pretty much of all-time is "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade," I just really loved these little moments like this.

The Drifter

New member
-Indiana Jones has a fear of snakes. Mutt will now have a fear of scorpions (I would wager on that).
-Mutt is great on a motorcycle. Indiana Jones is great on a horse.
-Indiana Jones like reading about history. Mutt likes reading about history.
-Indiana Jones swings on whips. Mutt swings on vines. (Sorry, I had to!)
-Mutt was mentored by Oxley (not his father).Indiana Jones was mentored by Abner (not his father).

Yes, these are small traits. But they're there nonetheless.


Well-known member
I want to know what will be Mutt's trademark attire?

Indy's got the fedora. What will Mutt have? His comb?

Plus Indy got his scar from his whip while "protecting" a macguffin from "villains". Mutt got his scar from his sword protecting a macguffin from villains.


New member
The more I think about it, the more I watch it.......the more I appreciate Shia LaBoeuf's performance.

I had my reservations about him. I didn't know much about him. But I figured Spielberg knew what he was doing and I wasn't let down.

Casting for the role of Indiana Jones' son is not easy. I think you almost need an actor of stature (like they did with Sean Connery) to play opposite of Indy so they aren't blown off the screen. And there aren't too many 18-22 year olds in Hollywood who could pull off playing the son of Indy.

My hats off to Shia...


New member
Lonsome_Drifter said:
He only wore the cap during one scene in the movie. The rest of the movie we see him contastly combing his DA.

I suppose it will depend on how they want to present the character if there is a 5th film. It will be hard to have him still be the rebel kid since they already hinted at a sort of respectful friendship between the two.

At the very end of Kingdom we see Mutt stop to comb his hair and it's still a DA, which would be period-correct for a few more years. He also grabs his jacket. That type of jacket (Perfecto, police, rocker, etc) has never gone out of style, so it would be an easy fit for any year the story might take place. He didn't wear the Stroker for very long, so I doubt that's the direction they'll go for him.

They could go with either of those (hair\jacket), but not make them so dominant. It's who he is, but they're not nearly as iconic as Indy's jacket & fedora - and I don't think they should be. They did a great job of giving Mutt his own look and identity, while keeping it very different from Indy. The similarities between the two were who they were as people - regardless of upbringing\education\career\etc. I thought that was much more interesting than appearance. I hope it's something they stay with.


Well-known member
Cole said:
The more I think about it, the more I watch it.......the more I appreciate Shia LaBoeuf's performance.

I was terrified by the whole idea and had never even heard of him, but Shia did a great job. His conversation in the diner is a great exposition scene and one of my favorites in the entire film.

If you go back and read the original reviews, even people that hated the film admitted Shia was actually a highlight. Then somewhere along the line, fanboys apparently decided to just go back to hating him anyway. (Maybe they held some kind of meeting, I don't know.)

As for similarities, Marion Ravenwood played an influential role in both their lives.
James said:
If you go back and read the original reviews, even people that hated the film admitted Shia was actually a highlight. Then somewhere along the line, fanboys apparently decided to just go back to hating him anyway. (Maybe they held some kind of meeting, I don't know.)

Why does everybody obsess on the critics? People just write "haters" and never point out specifics!

Shia did a fine job...I can thank my stars I never watched him in anything but Transformers and he was fine in that too. I never heard any stories where he changed his lines or tried to flesh out his character any more then the words that were on the page, or the direction he was given...but he certainly wasn't annoying like Willie Scott or Short Round!


Well-known member
Rocket Surgeon said:
Why does everybody obsess on the critics? People just write "haters" and never point out specifics!

I was mainly referring to fan reviews rather than actual critics. There was plenty of Shia fear on sites like AICN and this one prior to the film opening. Afterwards, there was a collective sigh of relief when Mutt didn't turn out to be a modern day Jar Jar.
James said:
I was mainly referring to fan reviews rather than actual critics. There was plenty of Shia fear on sites like AICN and this one prior to the film opening. Afterwards, there was a collective sigh of relief when Mutt didn't turn out to be a modern day Jar Jar.

Sorry I was just doing my impression of the Crystal Skull Lamenting Team which has been rearing it's ugly head again and only fanning the flames of discontent.

We get it, you LOVED the movie, get used to the fact that you're still an undertermined percentage of the fan base! (I think a minority!);)


Well-known member
Rocket Surgeon said:
Sorry I was just doing my impression of the Crystal Skull Lamenting Team which has been rearing it's ugly head again and only fanning the flames of discontent.

Admittedly, I don't always check every thread, so I may have missed the fireworks.

My comment was really more about Shia than Mutt. Unless he's just incredibly bad in the films I haven't seen, I'm not convinced that he's earned the bad rap. Then again, it seems to happen to just about every successful actor, until they tackle something dark or edgy.


New member
Rocket Surgeon said:
Sorry I was just doing my impression of the Crystal Skull Lamenting Team which has been rearing it's ugly head again and only fanning the flames of discontent.

We get it, you LOVED the movie, get used to the fact that you're still an undertermined percentage of the fan base! (I think a minority!);)
And how do you know that? Did you conduct an in-depth survey?
Cole said:
And how do you know that? Did you conduct an in-depth survey?

Maybe you should abandon the speed reading for now and focus on comprehension. In your "Quest to Oppress" you seemed to miss, or plainly ignore the major qualifiers of the "opinion":

Rocket Surgeon said:
get used to the fact that you're still an undertermined percentage of the fan base! (I think a minority!);)

Must you ALWAYS be a dick?!?
Hey don't apologize...:)rolleyes: ), you just dove right in with your own bit of snotty-ness!:hat:

To be snide, maybe rode in on your cotton pony would be better...

lao che & sons

New member
mutt is closley alike to indy indeed, but I see hime coming back still with the leather jacket and DA but know with some smaller thing s that show change in his gear like his pants won't be rolled up and maybe they'll even add a satchel to mutt. I also see him to start crrying a gun and switchblade. I really can't see a sword replacing the whip but it's possible. But there's one main difference between indy and mutt. By the time mutt is in his 30s it will be the late 1960s and well treasure hunting days will be long gone.:(