Indy Caption Contest - Volume 1.1


Hi, All:

Here is the pic for the next caption contest. Same rules apply.

1. Post your captions for the next week.
2. Next week I'll post the winners.
3. The #1 winner will have the honor and priviliege of selecting the next picture and judging the next contest.

Have fun!!



Hahaha! :D

Actually that's what I said when I saw Spielberg do it on the Behind the Scenes documentary for Raiders that's on the Fourth DVD.

Speilberg is actually just pouring water on Harrison's lap but taken out of context, it does looks a little wrong. :p

Let me know...I can change it....


New member
Leave it, Raffey! Awesome pic. I knew you were the man for the job! (That's not my caption either...)

Pale Horse

Staff member
official caption

"Unbeknownst to Harrison Ford, Steven Spielberg pours hot liquid margerine, taken from the "land o lakes" spokeswoman (whose knees you see to Harry's left) in order to garner favor from the Raven droolers"

caption checklist
1. droolers, got it
2. random pop reference, got it
3. pants reference, don't got it, but you wouldn't want to read my original caption anyway
4. reference to the Raven, got it...

that should 'butter up' the judge, donchathink ;)

Aaron H

Moderator Emeritus
When Harrison asked for a bikini wax, he didn't think he would get it from Steven.


A long running Spielberg end of filming tradition: pour freezing cold water on the lap of the the star of your film when he least expects it.



Tennessee R

New member
I'm sorry, but somehow, I can't delete my message, only edit.
By the way, great picture.
Last edited:


New member
"It's just a normal day on the job for Harrison Ford, professional actor. He thinks that he's here to film a new blockbuster called 'Raiders of the Lost Ark'. Little does he suspect that he has in fact been set up by long time friends George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. I'm Peter, you're on candid camera!"


Well-known member
Due to a water shortage on the desert set, Steven urged all the actors to begin saving their urine. Well, the next day the water shipment FINALLY came in. Still, Steven didn't want to let a perfectly good cup of pee go to waste, soooo...

-- OR--

Steven demonstrates to Harrison Ford the finer points of childish pranks.

-- OR --

Putting that leftover Bantha spit to good use...

-- OR --

Steven demonstrates how to properly flaunt wealth by wasting a precious resource... water in the middle of the desert.


(BTW, after seeing Steve and Harrison's reaction to this let's-pour-water-on-Harrison-Ford-teehee-teehee prank, I exclaimed out loud, "My God-- they really ARE nerds!")


New member
QuantumGirl said:
Steven to Harrison:
"Let's see if we can make your little friend grow if we water it some more."

I don't understand what you mean?

OK, I'm just kidding...good one, QG!

*Still thinking of a caption*


New member
Steven: Now look here, Harrison... Have you read the description for the Cairo swordsman scene? It says here CLEARLY, "Cut to Indy wetting his pants." Well, I'm helping out with wardrobe today so...


Steven: Alright, Ford! Time for a random drug test! Can you pee in this cup if I hold it up here? You can?!?! That's amazing...
You've gotta control yourself and think of something non-sexual. I haven't even touched you yet and you're turning into the Sears Tower.


I guess it should be over as of today, since these contests are to only go a week. I'll post winners a little later! :D