indy like bond?


New member
not exactly about Indy 4, but more generally about the future of the Jones Movies, wouldn't it be neat if indiana jones became like the james bond movies and they make like 40 of em! they would need different actors like bond but Mr. Ford would still be the sean Connery of the movies.
It could work because the reason Indiana exists is because of bond. what do you think?


New member
no im not drunk, im new!
any way where can i find those arguments? i searched the forums and found non. (im tired, what am i doing on my comp at three in the morning? lol)


Well-known member
Would you want to see a Terminator movie without Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Or a Die Hard movie without Bruce Willis?
Or a Rocky movie without Sly Stallone?

Harrison Ford is part of the tradition of Indiana Jones. You'll have 4 Indy movies, and countless spinoffs, like the Tomb Raider and Mummy series.

Doesn't work without Ford.

Besides, the best Bond movie is a montage of all the stunts of the Bond movies. They have excellent scenes but rarely excellent movies anymore. Indy shouldn't have to succumb to being a walking cliche.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Hehe...that's the best response I've seen in awhile. "No, I'm not drunk. I'm new."

Frankly, Indy is a walking cliche. Perhaps he has a bit more depth, but not all that much. Even in the 3 films with Harrison Ford, he is different in each one. So why not have a bunch of different people interpret the character. It might be interesting to see the results.


New member
Indy could not last for 20 films (or any beyond say 5 movies) because:

1. The Indy films have an extremely narrow premise, namely a maverick archaeologist looking for various supernatural objects. This cannot last very long to be honest, even the comics had trouble; i would say that there are only so perhaps half a dozen sorts of artifact that could be tried before it got old.
2. Indy is harrison Ford unlike Bond which goes back to books Indy will always be Harrison and Ford has been Indy for over 20 years. You just couldnt bring in a new actor.
3. The Indy films are set in the past and offer little scope to be brought upto date, unlike Bond.
4. I cant see Big Three selling out to become a huge epic franchise.
5. Since Raiders (specificly in LC) the character of Indy has been demtstified and given him a backstory and an emotional heart that will be demanded from all new Indy films, this means that the Indy series cannot run and run.


New member
Uhhh... If they made 40 new Indy stories I might be sick. For those of us who like to have Indy's life kept in reality ( He's a teacher! He can't have that many adventures) and have his adventures in chronological order... Indy has way to many adventures anyways. If they did some of the adventures that are already around, I might switch my opinion, but not new ones. Sometimes I think some of the comics were dreams of Indy ( Only when I actually spend time really thinking about Indy... which is probably once every month. Not including this though... Like actually saying "Hmmm... how real is this?" in this way) So I'd like to say that the games feel kind of weird not having HF in them... If they did I bet they'd be sold out... All of them could be sold for about 30 to 100 bucks. I think Harrison Ford is part of the "Indy" feel, but how would we feel if it was played by a completely different actor? Like what if the 3rd one wasn't played by Ford? What if Spielberg isn't directing Indy 4?


New member
Yeah, your right. If I was 40 I'd have a heart attack. We're like opposites... Yeah enough between us I'd also like to say that I think that Indy is already selling out ( Well a little bit) In games and and novels. Not that this is a particulary bad thing, It's just that he can be over-exposed. Being not a real person, that's what happens. Imagine if Indiana Jones was REAL... Than this would completely different.