Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - initial impressions and casual discussion

Darth Vile

New member
agentsands77 said:
Well, it depends what you're partial to. I personally found RAMBO to be a rather distasteful film, but I can certainly understand why the fanbase responded the way it did. Stallone certainly tailored it to them.

Don't get me wrong... I understand why some like the Rambo movie (specifically Rambo fans). What I can't fathom is how anyone can, on an intellectual level and with a straight face, defend Rambo IV whilst criticizing KOTCS. It?s a bit like slating Madonna whilst downloading Britney Spears to your iPod.


New member
Darth Vile said:
What I can't fathom is how anyone can, on an intellectual level and with a straight face, defend Rambo IV whilst criticizing KOTCS.
I guess you could suggest that RAMBO delivers on what is expected of it, while KINGDOM didn't.


New member
agentsands77 said:
I guess you could suggest that RAMBO delivers on what is expected of it, while KINGDOM didn't.

While Rambo catered a little more to the established expectations I had for a new entry in the series, the new Indiana Jones movie delivered just what I expected and wanted - Indiana Jones - while twisting the formula around and establishing a new time period.

I loved both films.

Darth Vile

New member
agentsands77 said:
I guess you could suggest that RAMBO delivers on what is expected of it, while KINGDOM didn't.

Very true... however, that's not an intellectual stance to take when critiquing a movie. If it where, that would make Rambo one of the greatest movies ever made? ;)


New member
I liked both Rambo and Kingdom. Rambo gave me what I thought it was going to be about "crazy **** blowing up". Sure the first Rambo was actually a good film, but the others are just crazy, and this one fits in with the others. Same thing for Indy: it delivered what I expected out of an Indy sequel. There was Spielberg-quality action, some humorous scenes, some good acting, a great score, memorable characters, and INDIANA JONES BABY. For the most part, I got that. Much like Rambo, its not like the first movie, but it fits in with its sequels.

Its funny. Last summer I'm wondering "why have standards gotten so low?" and now I'm stuck with "Why are everyone else's standards way higher than mine?"
I found that the Internet thinks Kingdom destroyed their childhood and that Speilberg/Lucas/Ford/Koepp should be crucified for not living up to their expectations. Like I couldn't even believe it.

No, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is not in the same club of Raiders/Aliens/T2/BttF/Ghostbusters/Jurassic Park/etc, but God damnit it was a fun movie that let me see Indiana Jones on the big screen, and I enjoyed it. Its a shame nobody seemed to :(


New member
Crusade>Raiders said:
I liked both Rambo and Kingdom. Rambo gave me what I thought it was going to be about "crazy **** blowing up". Sure the first Rambo was actually a good film, but the others are just crazy, and this one fits in with the others. Same thing for Indy: it delivered what I expected out of an Indy sequel. There was Spielberg-quality action, some humorous scenes, some good acting, a great score, memorable characters, and INDIANA JONES BABY. For the most part, I got that. Much like Rambo, its not like the first movie, but it fits in with its sequels.

Its funny. Last summer I'm wondering "why have standards gotten so low?" and now I'm stuck with "Why are everyone else's standards way higher than mine?"
I found that the Internet thinks Kingdom destroyed their childhood and that Speilberg/Lucas/Ford/Koepp should be crucified for not living up to their expectations. Like I couldn't even believe it.

No, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is not in the same club of Raiders/Aliens/T2/BttF/Ghostbusters/Jurassic Park/etc, but God damnit it was a fun movie that let me see Indiana Jones on the big screen, and I enjoyed it. Its a shame nobody seemed to :(

There are more people that like it than it appears. It's an observation of mine that people tend to voice their opinions more when they don't like something than when they like something.


New member
Crusade>Raiders said:
it was a fun movie that let me see Indiana Jones on the big screen, and I enjoyed it. Its a shame nobody seemed to
While I'm pondering to go and watch Indy a fifth time (this time I'll choose the wonderful Burgkino in Vienna, which plays 'The Third Man' all year long), I have to assist you:

I immensely enjoyed the fact to be able to watch a new Indiana Jones adventure unfold on the big screen before my very eyes. I brought the woman in my life along the ride. Next time I brought my father. Then a good friend and UFO lover. Then my sister.
Just some little facts, besides the ones already mentioned elsewhere: I was really happy w/ all the so-called "slow" scenes in the middle of the movie. In fact I found them pretty interesting, the movie full of archaeological details - more so than all the other movies, and the discoveries in all the tombs and how they happened were quite supsenseful to me. Just imagine watching Indy and company carefully making their way through detailed caves: Boy, what joy! :D

Darth Vile

New member
Filmphoenix said:
There are more people that like it than it appears. It's an observation of mine that people tend to voice their opinions more when they don't like something than when they like something.

Quoted for truth... Well stated.


New member
Yeah reading the board you think most people hate it. You look on the polls though, and most people really enjoyed.

The term "vocal minority" comes to play.


New member
Crusade>Raiders said:
Yeah reading the board you think most people hate it. You look on the polls though, and most people really enjoyed.

The term "vocal minority" comes to play.
People in the minority always complain the most! It's how they get attention. This film is still doing solid box office and has mostly positive feedback from both critics and general audiences.

I've pretty much stopped posting around here as it seems 100 different people will write a positive review and 1 person will post their negative review 100 times making it appear even.

I like the movie and saw it three times and gave my opinion. Why should I hang around the boards to get blasted by a hater? They aren't gonna change my opinion and I could care less about theirs.


New member
sandiegojones said:
People in the minority always complain the most! It's how they get attention. This film is still doing solid box office and has mostly positive feedback from both critics and general audiences.

I've pretty much stopped posting around here as it seems 100 different people will write a positive review and 1 person will post their negative review 100 times making it appear even.
Give it a few months - Trolls have a short shelf life, and eventually they'll go away.


Well-known member
Agent Spalko said:
Guess that means it's Howdy Doody time for you.

For years, the one thing I didn't want to see in Indy 4 was a television. I have no idea why I was so adamant about that. :D

But oddly, I had no problem with it when it actually happened. (I'd even forgotten about the whole thing until your post reminded me.)


New member
Agent Spalko said:
Guess that means it's Howdy Doody time for you.

Y'know, I find it psychologically compelling that every time I mention Trolls, you think I'm talking about you. Freud would have a field day.

Also - your post makes no sense. It'll be ... time for me to ... watch Howdy Doody? Huh..? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


New member
I saw the midnight showing in Hollywood the day it came out after me and some friends went to a concert at The Knitting Factory.

I've been an avid Indy fan ever since I watched my Father's VHS tapes and Crystal Skull was the only movie I've really been excitedly waiting for.

I thought the movie very well done although it certainly doesn't live up to the trilogy. The only thing that I really didn't like in the movie was Mutt swinging on vines with monkeys like Tarzan, way to Disney for my taste.

son of Indy

New member
Peacock's-Eye said:
Y'know, I find it psychologically compelling that every time I mention Trolls, you think I'm talking about you. Freud would have a field day.

Also - your post makes no sense. It'll be ... time for me to ... watch Howdy Doody? Huh..? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Should that surprise you? Considering that "Agent Spalko" has put up 1,243 posts in just two months, I'd say he or she knows he (or she) is a troll and has no life beyond sitting in front of the computer and insulting the other people posting whenever they disagree.
There are those who are able to formulate opinions, either for or against the film, and express themselves in a thoughtful, considerate manner.
And then there's Spalko, who belittles, insults, berates, and flames others with whose opinion differs. Big ego combined with massive inferiority issues.
You're right, Freud would have a field day.