Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - its legacy and reputation

The Lone Raider

Well-known member
It would be if I agreed with you about your stance on 4 and 5, but I don't. Scold me all you want. :p My eyes have rolled back so far in my head from all of y'all that I won't even be able to read your scolding comment anyways. 🙃


Well-known member
I think KOTCS and DOD will always feel like slightly extended family to the original 3, just because of the prolonged time period between them and the trilogy. I don't see it as a slur on their quality, but when you have a tight trilogy made by a close knit group of people released within an 8 year span, and then get another film 19 years later, and a further film 34 years later, they're bound to feel 'apart' from those first movies, not least because the audience has either changed or grown up so much in the meantime. Watching a sequel to a film 42 years after watching the original is never going to be able to recapture the original's magic 100%, regardless of how good the sequel is.


Well-known member
Spielberg, Lucas, Ford, etc, they went into that production with the best intentions. The result wasn't there, as the script was absolutely terrible.


Well-known member
Nah, it’s still my favorite of the 5

One of my favorite aspects of it was being around the same age as Mutt when it came out so watching the movie, it felt like Indy was interacting with me in a sense, especially those scenes when they are in the burial chamber and Mutt remarks that gold isn’t magnetic and it could be the same set of tracks twice, and you get that Indy acknowledgement “not bad, kid.”

Love that film.


Well-known member
Would you mind elaborating? I'm curious.

A) All of the secondary characters in Dial work for me. In Skull, I really hate the character of Mac.

B) I don’t think the chemistry between Ford and Shia is truly there. Comparing it to the one between Ford and Waller-Bridge makes me wish Indy’s child was a teenage girl instead. Dial plays a part in that observation, but rewatching Crusade also drove the point home: you can’t recapture the dynamic that Connery and Ford had. Lucas shouldn’t have tried to give us another father and son story.

C) Dial knows it wants to be different and follows through on its premise. Skull tries to have it both ways by feeling like a traditional Indy movie but with its 50’s B-Movie Sci-Fi angle. It sounds weird to say, but you could spend a fair amount of time thinking about Skull without realizing there’s aliens at the end. And because it doesn’t fully commit to its premise (for example, Temple of Doom certainly fully committed) it ends up feeling less of a movie compared to its predecessors and successor.

D) the on-location shooting in Dial gives it a more classic feel than Skull’s.


The Lone Raider

Well-known member
I mean, who wants to be wrong?
I'm sorry, but I just can't see how Raiders isn't overrated. It's a classic film, no doubt - one of the best movies ever made - but perfect? Unparalleled? Unquestionably the best in the series? Nah. I'm sure someone out there finds it to be their least favorite or could make the case that it's weaker than the rest.
To dispel any doubt: You won't get banned if you do.
After what you did to me, I don't believe you 😂


Well-known member
I'm sorry, but I just can't see how Raiders isn't overrated. It's a classic film, no doubt - one of the best movies ever made - but perfect? Unparalleled? Unquestionably the best in the series? Nah. I'm sure someone out there finds it to be their least favorite or could make the case that it's weaker than the rest.
I was being cheeky.