LC: Elsa's strange look in the catacombs...


Well-known member
I noticed something in the Last Crusade after a recent viewing. Indy and Elsa are in the catacombs, Indy finds the "X" on the wall, and before shoulder plowing through it, he hands the lighter to Elsa. What follows, I'm still not sure. Could it just be a minor editing issue, where the camera just stays on her for too long or is it something more?
I've been re-watching the look she gives, and it still puzzles me. It might be the most awkward moment in the original trilogy.

Now you could say she is checking Indy out, but is she? That's what I always thought. She does move her eyes up and down to fully check him out, but her expression reeks of suspicion if you ask me, call me completely ignorant, but I'm just not totally buying that. You could say she has a look on her that spells betrayal. She has no look of excitement, anticipation or even anxiety as he busts through the wall. (you think she would?) But she sure does show it when they find the Knight's tomb, but that could be the fact that she and Donovan assumed that Indy was going to recover the grail, and them finding the tomb was probably the realization that Indy WILL find it.

I'm probably over thinking this, but I thought it was noteworthy. I'm on board with either idea (sign of betrayal or her interest in Indy ie: checking him out) Just wanted to know what you guys & gals thought.


New member
Could be another subtle hint that she is not all she appears to be. Just like there is no defining love theme for the couple like Williams uses in the other films. I think I'll watch that scene again tonight.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
I've always found that a strange moment myself. I think it's meant to be suspicious on some level, but what it means in the moment, for the character? I'm not able to say.


New member
Hmm. I never realized this was ambiguous for some. John Williams even cues the shot with a little "chemistry" music doesn't he?

I just asked my wife and her interpretation is that Elsa is attracted to Indy and "checking him up and down". She's warm for his form.


Well-known member
nitzsche said:
She's warm for his form.
Who isn't?

Regardless, it's a very subtle feeling for whichever way you feel about the look. Maybe it's such a genious look, that it shows BOTH. However, it still sticks out like a sore thumb, and I can't think of another moment that comes close to it's "awkwardness" (that's probably not the best word to describe it).

Attila the Professor

Staff member
nitzsche said:
Hmm. I never realized this was ambiguous for some. John Williams even cues the shot with a little "chemistry" music doesn't he?

I always thought that the music had more of a "femme fatale" feel than anything which, of course, breaks for both interpretations.

Lance Quazar

Well-known member
The moment makes sense only once you've seen the film and know Elsa's allegiance.

To me, it's a sly, pleased, vaguely sinister look. It seems like she's pleased that she's stringing Indy along, he is obviously totally unaware of her duplicity and the real fate of Henry and is plowing along in his father's footsteps, bringing her closer to the Grail.


New member
It's like she's thinking I've got him just where I want him. She's using him and he has no idea, and he's doing a good job of what she needs done. Kind of devious but at the same time she sort of likes him.


New member
I agree. I have always thought it was a sly, almost sinister she couldn't get this far without Indy's help. Who knows...she may have even planned to leave him in the catacombs somehow before the Brothers of the Cruciform Sword showed up and incinerated everything. I thought her glance was some excellent foreshadowing.


Well-known member
aJakeinthePlane said:
I always assumed it was the look of a library scholar put off by Indy's hands on method of research.
For real? That is definitely another option if you believe it. Never occurred to me.


New member
It's a look of both duplicity and satisfaction. She's deliberately using Indy to get what she wants, and she's satisfied that she's got him this far in so short a time. Evil.