Letter to Harrison


Well-known member
I found this funny (and mostly true) letter someone had written to Harrison Ford. Take a look--


I bring this up on the Indy 4 forum mostly because I got a kick out of it and thought some of you might, too. But I also mention it because I think a lot of what this woman says is very true, and I'm hoping Harrison doesn't sleepwalk through Indy 4. He used to be a far more lively actor back in the 80s, and unless he can get back to that style, I have to question how well Indy 4 could work.


Well-known member
I think it's very sad

Yes, yes. I've alread come across this lame feature on my favourite actor... :rolleyes:

I think it's sad that lately, people are ripping into Harrison Ford, just because some are saying that he's not as 'energetic' as he used to be! :mad:

Quoted by Randy_Flagg
He used to be a far more lively actor back in the 80s, and unless he can get back to that style, I have to question how well Indy 4 could work.

Okaaay. Admittedly, he's a bit older now (60) but let's look at some of his film roles after the last Indy adventure.

Action scenes?
Presumed Innocent No
Patriot Games: Yes
The Fugitive: Yes
Clear and Present Danger: Yes
Six days, seven nights: Yes
Random Hearts: No
K-19: The Widowmaker: Yes
Hollywood Homicide Yes

Please remember, he did not stop doing action stuff after Last Crusade, but continued to do action and still does most of his own stunts. Bear in mind he was 46 when he made Last Crusade and you only have to see some clips of how they made the film and it shows that it was really him doing some really fantastic stuff there!

<small>What people seem to forget is that Last Crusade came out in 1989 (and was set in 1938) and the new Indy film will come out in 2005 and to my way of thinking, most likely be set in 1952/53. If you do the math, then you can see that there is roughly a 15 year gap between the year its gonna be set in, and also the year it comes out, so I seriously don't that that will be a problem.</small>

At the end of the day, I'm sure if Harrison felt that he didn't want to or couldn't play Indy convicincing again, he would leave the films as a trilogy and not do another one.

Randy, (believe it or not) I understand where you're coming from and I apologise if some of this appears a bit harsh, but I am a little bit miffed about the whole 'let's rip into Harrison' thing. (It's not personal honest!) ;)


Well-known member
I knew this one would get to you, Canyon! Didn't mean to upset you, though. And I didn't mean that he's less lively in terms of how much action he's been doing. If the movie doesn't call for action, it would look a little silly to have him leaping about for no reason. I meant his personality seems to have lost its spark. Even on talk shows and interviews, he mumbles far too much these days, as if he can't be bothered to open his mouth. Yeah, I know, maybe it's because he's getting old, maybe we should go easy on the poor guy.


New member
Randy how could you say that about Harrison Ford!!!!!!!

Harrison Ford is a Cinematic Legend!!!!!!

He definately still has it and i know he will be great in indy 4!!!!!!!!


"Were am i going to find another advasary so close to my level" - Beloch
"Try the local sewer" - Indy

"Thats the second time i had to reclaim my property from you" - ?
"It belongs in a museum!" - Indy
"so do you" - ?


New member
Randy how could you say that about Harrison Ford!!!!!!!

Harrison Ford is a Cinematic Legend!!!!!!

He definately still has it and i know he will be great in indy 4!!!!!!!!


"Were am i going to find another advasary so close to my level" - Belloq
"Try the local sewer" - Indy

"Thats the second time i had to reclaim my property from you" - ?
"It belongs in a museum!" - Indy
"so do you" - ?


New member
Deja Vu, there must be a clitch in the Matrix.

I see the lady's point, Ford's gotten roles where his characters seem typical to his last. Im guessing he's now starting to get back in the groove.

I believe Harry has an animated feature coming out, or he's preping for it. Perhaps that will bring back his energy.

YES, some very valid points that I agree with, except the Clear and Present Danger remark, I believe his character was supposed to be symbolic of truth, right of the wrong.


Well-known member
I think Harrison Ford is the greatest. He's such an awesome presence in the movie industry.

I enjoyed What Lies Beneath, but he didn't act a whole lot in it. There was not a lot of space for him to. K-19 and HH were all right, but were lower than his standard.

I have hope that Harrison Ford will be Harrison Ford again. While I'm disappointed in what's happened lately, I won't jump on the "I-Hate-Harrison-Ford" bandwagon. Never will.
Oh jeez, all this Harrison-bashing depresses me. Harrison still is and always will be the greatest!! You say he isn't as lively as he used to be! Well, I disagree- in the interviews with him that i've seen lately, he still seems very cheerful and upbeat and still manages to make me laugh.

Even if he is a little less lively than he used to be, who can blame him? He's 60! A lot of people his age are retired, leading quiet lives. Not only is he still acting, (wonderfully if i do say so myself), but he also flies, dates, and got his ear pierced! Go Harrison!


Well-known member
oskar said:
Randy how could you say that about Harrison Ford!!!!!!!

Harrison Ford is a Cinematic Legend!!!!!!

He definately still has it and i know he will be great in indy 4!!!!!!!!

Oskar, I agree with you totally. Harrison IS a cinematic legend and will be wonderful in Indy 4! (I just wish more people had faith in him!)

Indygirl21 said:
Oh jeez, all this Harrison-bashing depresses me. Harrison still is and always will be the greatest!! You say he isn't as lively as he used to be! Well, I disagree- in the interviews with him that i've seen lately, he still seems very cheerful and upbeat and still manages to make me laugh.

Even if he is a little less lively than he used to be, who can blame him? He's 60! A lot of people his age are retired, leading quiet lives. Not only is he still acting, (wonderfully if i do say so myself), but he also flies, dates, and got his ear pierced! Go Harrison!

Indygirl21, that was VERY WELL said and I agree with you 100%! Harrison IS the greatest!!! Most people who are 60 are retiring, but as you've said he's still doing all kinds of things which I think is cool! (If only more people in their 60's were doing stuff like that!)

<small>Uh Randy, I think you might have upset him just a little bit...</small> :mad:



Well-known member
Geez... relax people. I didn't write the letter! I just thought it was funny (and still do.) And I don't hate Harrison.

Now, before anyone else feels the need to lash out at me and blindly sing the praises of this guy, let me get back to my original point: Simply put, I hope he finds the energy to open his mouth and actually enunciate a few words at some point during Indy 4. Enough with the bored mumbling, already! Did anyone watch him when he got that award from the AFI? His acceptance speech bordered on being downright rude... it was like he just wanted to go home and couldn't be bothered with the whole thing. Considering the energy everyone else put into it (including Chewie!), couldn't he at least muster SOME enthusiasm or gratitude? He was the same way when I saw him on Letterman a few years back.

Anyway, I really didn't want to turn this into a Harrison Bashing Session. I've always liked the guy, and for the most part, I still do. I just thought the letter was funny because it hit on some truths. But if everyone feels the need to rip into me for saying anything at all negative about him, then I have to state where I'm coming from.


New member

"You want to talk to God? Let's go see him together, I've got nothing better to do!"

Indy Smith

New member
I thought Harris was quite good in Air Force One. I probably do agree that most of his recent films haven't been as good as his older ones. I do think he did a few good films in the 90's (The Fugitive, jack Ryan Movies and Air force One Among them), and in the 80's we know all thoese films that made him number 1. Most actors do make some good and some bad films. I think harrison lately is looking too much into his scripts. He seems to be looking out for the safe ones and picking them, but not doing a good job at picking the safe films. Did you know harrison Ford was Roland Emmerichs (Director) first choice for The Patriot?


New member
Can i take this oppurtunity to say that The Indy Experience.Com condemns what the discussed letter has to say about our favourite actor.


New member
I think I read it where it said I don't like your pissed off yet bored face or something like that. Maybe I'm wrong but that's like saying I don't like your face.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Patrick said:
I think I read it where it said I don't like your pissed off yet bored face or something like that. Maybe I'm wrong but that's like saying I don't like your face.

Well, my interpretation would be that he doesn't like Harry's expression as of late. I'd say that's a fair description.

Pale Horse

Staff member
Agreed yodablob

And on behalf of or vacated welcomner 00Kevin

Welcome to the Raven, ware paths kaross