Lucasarts goes adventuring


Moderator Emeritus
I don't know if you've noticed but the gaming industry has been avoiding the adventure genre for the past few years.

With the sucess of 'Runaway' devellopers are comming back to adventure games, so is LucasArts with 'Full throttle: hell on wheels'.

Now that ET is done and over with they are probably gonna start making a new Indy game. Since it seems to be fashionable right now they might make a new Indy adventure game, a FoA type of game with Great graphics. It seems plausible to me, What do you think?


New member
I cant really see the Indy adventure game being picked up as adventure games are not very profitabl at the moment and for at least the present time the 3D Tomb Radiers esqe game are the most logical for Indy to appear in (and cheapest to make i dare say)


Moderator Emeritus
True but Lucasarts probably realised that gamers are sick of Indy in the Tomb Raider format. IM and ET where both BIG disapointments (yeah let's face it). Plus there is a leading space to take on the adventure gaming market, Indy would do fine. And considering all the hardcore gamers keep a very good souvenir of FoA it could be a great sucess.

Lucasarts needs to give a new face to their Indy franchised games like they did with Starwars. LucasArts has proved they are not afraid of changing their way of doing things. Indy doesn't seem to work the way he is now so... they'll change.


New member
I'd like to see as next game ET with less linear levels (as in IM) with those cool dialogues from FoA thrown in, also more/harder puzzles like those from FoA... There also should be an option where you could set the difficulty for the puzzles and an option for the action difficulty (as I read, this is featured in a game series called Silent Hill) Also less supernatural stuff... Just calm not that extreme... Like in the movies. That'd be perfect :)

[Edited by omega5ooo on 07-09-2003 at 01:26 pm]


New member
IM and ET where both BIG disapointments
IM machine wasn't that great but ET is awsome


New member
Personally I had a lot of fun with ET. It had its share of problems, sure, but I think the time for true adventure games has passed.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
I don't think the time has passed. Granted, Escape from Monkey Island fell flat on its face, but sequels to Full Throttle and Sam and Max are on the way. Grim Fandango, from just a couple years back (about the time of Infernal Machine), is perhaps possible of qualifying as a work of art, it was so incredible.

Pale Horse

Staff member
Just remember, 2002 was the year that video game revenue wasd greater than the revenue that was brought in by the movie industry. That oughta say somethin' 'bout where we are heading.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
apalehorse said:
Just remember, 2002 was the year that video game revenue wasd greater than the revenue that was brought in by the movie industry. That oughta say somethin' 'bout where we are heading.

Really? I hadn't heard that. Thanks for the tip.

But to reiterate my point, LucasArts is still the king of graphic adventures. However, if Indy ever returns to that genre is another question entirely.


New member
Those are good points, Atilla. But even though they can still make great adventure games, they would still want the Jones games to succeed commercially, and I'm not sure that they would in the adventure form.