New Video Clip

Looks cool, love the double cracks...

He got it to crack when he "wrapped" the girl...hmmm.

I have a long one so I don't know if it's realistic, but would like to see the whip and motion all on screen.

Slow Motion High Speed would be very cool, (and interesting)!

Thanks for the post!


New member
Thanks for your coment! :)

And - yes - it is realistic. If you use the opposite horizontal crack, you can wrap and have a nice crack, too. It's all about the aiming and timing. You have to crack behind the object/person, and at the side. So the whip can crack, and the momentum will bring it around. Okay, sounds easier than it propably is, but when you practice, I don't see one single reason, why you shouldn't have a crack with the wrap. Just try it!

Thanks again and take care,