Phantom Edit of Indy 4


New member
1) Spalko deserves a better fate. Wouldn't it be cooler if she was driven completely mad from the aliens' knowledge and ended up locked away in the Peruvian insane asylum? She could spend her days locked up, muttering the secrets of the universe, drowned out by the opera records and screaming inmates.

2) Tell Karen Allen to "take it down a notch." She's not very believable when she's grinning ear to ear while defying death. What makes the good guys in Indiana Jones so likable is that they're normal people: they get scared of death too!

3) The Dovchenko fight: Indy beat him! Indy isn't supposed to "win" in fistfights against the big bad guys, he's supposed to get his ass kicked but win when the bad guy trips into a grisly death. Dovchenko fell into the ants because Indy knocked him out.

I'd let Dovchenko "win" the fight against Indy, before his overconfidence led him into the ant swarm.

4) Better deaths for the Russian stooges. Being sucked into a portal isn't as awesome as it could have been.

5) Getting rid of the three waterfalls. One would have been fine.


New member
1)Tarzan scene should have been cut

2)Alien and spaceship reveal should have been cut...would have liked a more mysterious ending...

3)Does anyone think the marriage at the end was a bit of a flat ending? ...compared to endings like riding off into the sunset in Crusade and the massive warehouse in Raiders...


New member
I've been pondering this more and more and radically I would cut the entire opening sequence and start at Marshall.

I've come to think the movie would have worked better if it was Indy coming out of virtual retirement for one last struggle. Mutt, etc could still be in there and the movie could open with the Russians and the bike chase. We'd then get the Indy puts on the jacket and hat again scene as he sets off for Mexico and Peru. The time saved would have allowed for a) a more meaningful and longer fight in the cemetery, b) a better introduction for Spalko, c) a typical and quiet Indy-Marion interlude scene, perhaps downriver, perhaps at Akator itself, d) a better jungle chase, actually involving the tree cutter as a peril, and e) a less rushed climax, involving some sort of genuine race to the finish with Spalko.


New member
. During a conversation with the american agents, they tell that Spalko learned how to ''read'' people threw their facial expressions.

. Indy visiting Marcus Brody statue/graveyard on Marshall College.

. The floor on the chaucilla cemitery colapsing when Indy and Mutt retreive the Crystal Skrull.

. Indy fighting with a bunch of soldiers on a truck during the jungle chase.

And two gags:

. Indy running around the ants and hiding on a hole. When the lights up the place, there is a bunch of snakes. Then, he runs back yelling: ''I Prefer the ants! I Prefer the ants!''


. A Sovietic soldier fighting with the ants and driving his jeep over a cliff. He falls in the water and gets releived that there's no ants... But Piranhas!

Bjorn Heimdall

Active member
protocida said:
And two gags:

. Indy running around the ants and hiding on a hole. When the lights up the place, there is a bunch of snakes. Then, he runs back yelling: ''I Prefer the ants! I Prefer the ants!''


. A Sovietic soldier fighting with the ants and driving his jeep over a cliff. He falls in the water and gets releived that there's no ants... But Piranhas!

I don't mind your first suggestions but these "gags" were thankfully not in the film;)


New member
instead of the monkey swing mut, i would have loved a fight on the jungle cuttter. dovocheno shoots at indy. indy whips him but gets pulled over. he shoves a solder between the sawblades and the blood splaters all over the hull. several punches later, indys jacket falls of (later mut returnes it.) indy hides in a cave, were a bazooka rushan waits.indy chucks him into the path of the cutter. dovocheno jumps of to fight indy- and indy fires, hitting the cutter!


a mut adventure!


New member
This films need a lot of work. Lets just hope someone saves it from the evil that is George Lucas. ;)

Someone has to do a revision of edit. Too many people hated the aliens for people not to.


New member
I agree with a lot of things being said here.

I wouldn't show the alien mummy at all. Perhaps just the hand, but make it more mysterious and unkown.

I'd get rid of the whole Doom Town scene. Unnecessary and made the opening a little too long, in my opinion.

Again, I wouldn't show Spalko handling an obvious puppet that is supposed to be the alien. Why they would take this thing to the South American jungle is beyond me.

I'd make more use of the jungle cutter. It is barely shown before it gets blown up. It could have made for a nice fight sequence.

Of course, the Tarzan sequence.

I echo what others have said about the waterfall. I think just one would suffice. Also, that would give them a chance to slow it down a bit, maybe develop Marion a little more, her relationship with Oxley, her son, and of course Indy. Maybe showing Mac dropping one of those locator things. At first when Spalko was holding it by the waterfall, I thought it was part of the car. It wasn't until the second time that I realized what it was.

I'm not sure what to do about the skeleton/alien scene. I know I hate that they show the alien. But I don't think the skeletons themselves were scary enough. It needed some work.

Mac's death was stupid. Not that he died, I didn't care about that. It's his response to dying. "I'll be ok," or whatever it is that he said. Is that really something an incredibly greedy person would say right before his death? He had all those things around his neck, perhaps having the magnetic powers of the skull pull him back into the vortex or something would have been a little more interesting. One could make the argument that it's a pretty sexist moment in the films. Elsa, a greedy character, dies because of her greed, and gets no redemption. Mac, another greedy character, gets to realize he is going to die, and then make a clever comment and accept death. I don't believe that was what they were going for, nor do I think they are sexist, but I can see people who study multicultural film making the argument.

Also, how is that Mac had the foresight to hint to Indy that he was a special agent while totally intoxicated and while Indy was in no danger of escaping? This really doesn't make sense, especially given that he wasn't a double agent at all.
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