Popular, but no...


Active member
One can assume after almost 20 since we saw him HJ Sr. would probably be dead in that time era.
Life expectancy in this time for a white male was about 61
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I think it would bring an emotional essence in the movie if there was a flashback of his death. Wouldnt if be gripping?

Attila the Professor

Staff member
IndyJohan said:
One can assume after almost 20 since we saw him HJ Sr. would probably be dead in that time era.
Life expectancy in this time for a white male was about 61

That doesn't mean much. Life expectancy in the late 18th century was 34 years for all men living past the age of 21. However, the most extraordinary men of the era, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson lived to the ages of 91 and 83. There are always exceptions; Dr. Jones could reasonably be one, since he seemed rather fit in his sixties.


New member
Here's another one for Lucky to put on the list: Ana Gasteyer (from Saturday Night Live). You've heard of flaming liberals, well I think Ana has petroleum running through her veins!!


New member
I also need to say that I disagree with those who have said they don't want Calista Flockhart in Indy IV. I think it would be great if she were in a scene such as the Palace scene in ToD and they made her eat Eyeball Soup and Monkey Brains. Heck, it would be great if they made her eat ANYTHING!!


Staff member
ROTLA said:
Heck, it would be great if they made her eat ANYTHING!!
...and in the next scene, she would be in the restroom, throwing it all up again...


Staff member
Amen. But seriously, Indiana Jones IV should be one of those A class flicks that open a way for new talents to starhood... it's the only reason I don't want Indy IV to be loaded with big names.


New member
Renderking Fisk said:
If you're going to exclude actors because of their politics, you might as well go all CG.

Obviously, I wasn't trying to say that I want all those people banned forever because of their politics, I was just being silly.

But, as far as the teeny bopper actors that I listed, I would really hate to see any of them in a new Indy IV movie.

You know what? People are going to hate me for writing this, but please don't think I'm going all AntiJones on you...but, I don't think I want them to make an Indy IV. I'm really happy with the series the way it is. Part of the energy that made it so special in the first place, was the time period. To put Indy in the Fifties, they would have to update things--like his gear--that I'm not so sure I want to see. Unless they went the Mystery of the Blues route with him and his gear; that I could get behind.


New member
no Orlando Bloom, no Lindsey Lohan, no Hilary Duff, no Chad Micheal Murry, No Brad Pitt, no Ray Ramono, no Ben Affleck, no Halle Berry, no JLo


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To be honest, I really wouldn't want them to exclude people just because of their politics. If an actor will make Indy IV the best movie it can be, I want that person in there. As I noted previously, I greatly admire Tim Robbins as an actor (plus I think he genuinely wants what's best for people - though I disagree with his means of getting those results). But, I would be lying if I wasn't fed up with the incredibly wealthy Hollywood yahoos telling me about how they are representative of the common man. When is the last time Meryl Streep had to eat 10 cent ramen noodles at night because she didn't think she could afford much else, not even Taco Bell?

Oh yeah, now that I mention it, I don't want Meryl Streep in the movie either!! (Really...I don't think she would be good in an Indy movie.)

I think it's safe to say that most of the politically charged "don't cast them" actors are listed mostly as a joke. However, my original list (the first post), still stands. I just don't think those cats can act!!


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indy_fan31 said:
no Orlando Bloom, no Lindsey Lohan, no Hilary Duff, no Chad Micheal Murry, No Brad Pitt, no Ray Ramono, no Ben Affleck, no Halle Berry, no JLo

Hey, slow down on the "no Halle Berry" stuff. If she has a non-speaking role and can just stand there looking hot, I'm all for it...and she can't play Catwoman!!
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New member
ROTLA said:
Hey, slow down on the "no Halle Berry" stuff. If she has a non-speaking role and can just stand their looking hot, I'm all for it...and she can't play Catwoman!!

lol! And I agree with you on the political thing. Alot of my favorite actors and actress have different political veiws then me-but I still like them as long as they don't get all bigheaded.


New member
Renderking Fisk said:
I've almost tossed my wife's "Dixie Chicks" CDs into the trash because of the way they've acted. I can't see a movie with some actors because of what they've said.

I want to hear what actors have to say as badly as I want to see jerks in Washington DC perform McBeth.

Want to take a brake from acting? Say something stupid that's going to insult half your audience.

lol! I almost through my Dixie Chicks cd away becasue of what they said--and I'm only 12!

Pale Horse

Staff member
If I were too ban support of those people whose politics I didn't agree with, there would be no art for me to view. Tim Robbins has a different view from me, (from the sound bytes I have heard) but he is a compelling actor with great talent. I doubt, though that Lucas will have many familiar faces in the next film. Here's to something new.


New member
Pale, that is the approach I have been taking. I consider myself to be rather conservative, but I'm also someone who loves the art and craft of cinema. Acting, directing, photography, writing, etc. I love movies. If I were to cross people like Robbins off my list, I would be doing a disservice to the movie fan side of me. However, I will swear off lesser actors for their comments and actions. Basically, I weigh the comments/actions against the importance of the artist and how they impact me. For example: I am a huge U2 fan. They are obviously very, very liberal. However, my "fandom" outweighs my displeasure with their comments/actions. On the flipside, Linda Rondstadt and Michael Moore don't mean enough to me artistically to worry about, so I'll swear them off. Make sense? Basically, I think people need to realize that they will be held accountable for their actions. If an artist (or any famous person) is going to make a comment, they better be certain that what they offer professionally will outweigh what they present politically. If it doesn't...bye-bye. I'm sure some will say this is hypocritical, but in my warped mind it makes sense.


New member
I just miss the old days, when actors and actresses didn't talk about their political/social views because they understood that such behavior alienates their fan base, not to mention what it does to their performances on screen.

Modern actors like Jack Nicholson, even Harrison Ford, understand that to make their characters believable onscreen, they need to keep a low public profile. It adds to the mystery. That's the problem, most actors are so hot to express their opinions, that there is no mystery surrounding them; we know what they are all about. And they lose their appeal.

Mystery is interesting. Full disclosure is not. Modern actors have lost their intrigue.
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New member
Good points, Lucky.

The other thing that they don't realize is that it isn't McCarthyism when the public holds them accountable for their actions/statements. If people are offended by comments from the Dixie Chicks, they have every right to throw away their cd's and not go to the concerts. If Sean Penn infuriates people with his actions, they are free to boycott his films. This is NOT McCarthyism. As long as the government isn't mandating the boycotts and such, it's fine. Too many entertainers feel the public shouldn't be allowed to exercise its rights to revolt against outspoken artists they don't agree with. So if the Dixie Chicks wanted to go on stage and talk about how great child abuse is and praise the benefits of heroin, are we not allowed to take action and show our disagreement? I just don't get where their thought process comes from. It's just another sign of the disconnect between Hollywood (and much of the recording industry) and the common person.

OK, no Dixie Chicks in Indy IV...or on the soundtrack.
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New member
Whatever publicity they can get, they want it. So people aren't going to want to hear how Whoopee Goldberg supports the president and his conservative government and his christian values, the people are going to be somewhat "shocked" the more "liberal" opposition.

Sometimes they are being completely silly, but other times I think that they are using their fame to perhaps, insipire us to vote for what they think, is the right choice.

It is sort of like putting up signs for the candidate on your lawn, or in the park. Every vote counts, and they are hoping that their words can get you to vote for their choice. And if you really hate him or her, you might just vote against theirs, just by spite.


Active member
Your lucky down there in the states! Here in Canada we have to chooose between 8 different people to put into public office.