Question for the people who liked Crystal Skull


New member
Crusade>Raiders said:
^Ownage of the highest caliber. DAMN.
Actually it's nothing but a stream of hysterical over-the-top insults from someone who'll disappear one day and never come back to this forum.

Way of the dodo

New member
When Temple of Doom came out there was something that many people had A COW about: the voodoo doll. You don't really hear that complaint too much anymore, but back then, holy crap, people were pissing and moaning about that doll, and how it was over the imaginary line of what is and isn't allowed in an Indy movie. And when Indy uses the betrayed-shiva chant, that was another thing. "Indy shouldn't actually USE the supernatural, blah blah, it's THE LAW." Whatever. Crystal Skull has a lame, feeble ending (like almost every movie now for some reason) but as for the rest, I would just wait a year and relax before forming your final call.


New member
Way of the dodo said:
When Temple of Doom came out there was something that many people had A COW about: the voodoo doll. You don't really hear that complaint too much anymore, but back then, holy crap, people were pissing and moaning about that doll, and how it was over the imaginary line of what is and isn't allowed in an Indy movie. And when Indy uses the betrayed-shiva chant, that was another thing. "Indy shouldn't actually USE the supernatural, blah blah, it's THE LAW." Whatever. Crystal Skull has a lame, feeble ending (like almost every movie now for some reason) but as for the rest, I would just wait a year and relax before forming your final call.

I remember all that. For a good decade, TOD was widely considered to be a turkey. And now people love it. I hated LC when it first came out - and now it's my favorite. Opinions change.


Way of the dodo said:
When Temple of Doom came out there was something that many people had A COW about: the voodoo doll.
One of the reasons I dont like TOD as much.
But you're right, the extremes will settle down with time, and KOTCS will take the place it deserves... 4th. :rolleyes:


New member
Crusade>Raiders said:
^Ownage of the highest caliber. DAMN.

You know...I almost feel bad.

Peacock's-Eye said:
Actually it's nothing but a stream of hysterical over-the-top insults from someone who'll disappear one day and never come back to this forum.

I thought you blocked me? Pity! What makes you so sure I'm temporary? I've already more then doubled the amount of posts you've made. You really seem to think that anyone that so much as disagrees with you…isn’t worthy of being here. That harsh reality is going to sink in eventually. I've been here far before you. Sure I've got my enemies, my big mouth does that, but I've got my friends here too. I've met some really great people actually. I don't plan on going anywhere. I'm sorry mate, but you'll just have to live with me. Sorry to disappoint. :)

Kingsley said:
But you're right, the extremes will settle down with time, and KOTCS will take the place it deserves... 4th. :rolleyes:

Hah! That was a great line! Pssh! I'm far from hating this movie, but I utterly agree that it's last place in the race.
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Well-known member
I just saw Kingdom for the second time and found it better. I think the problem with the first viewing is that it is battling all of our preconceptions and hopes and dreams. We would like all the best of the previous three, especially the original and classic Raiders, but alas, that's what original is: first and foremost. I think how they dealt with the passing of time was really well done, that all the action and plot was well thought out. Personally, the only thing I would like to have seen was more whip action. The reintroduction of Marion and introduction of Mutt was great and the Aliens theme is no more silly than Hebrew relics wreaking fire and brimstone havoc upon the naughty Nazis. I just can't wait for Indy5.


Yes, I agree with the aliens part. They are more likely than the existence of god in my opinion. It was just the way it was handled. They wheel out a stereotypical, cheesy looking CGI alien that is staring directly at the camera. Please. They should have just left it at the crystal skeletons communicating telepathically. You acknowledge the existence of aliens, but done in a better controlled manner.