Raiders of the Lost Ark Rerelease in 4DX Format Feb. 11-17, 2022


Active member
Looks like this rerelease is only in 4DX theaters, which I believe only exist in Regal cinemas in the U.S. Judging by Wikipedia, the movie has never been shown in 4DX anywhere in the world before this. The 4DX theaters near me have one showing per day for these 7 days. Tickets only cost $8 (new movies in 4DX are about $20).

This shows what 4DX is, if you don't know:



New member
Just got my ticket for Tuesday. Thanks for posting this here. I’m excited to see Raiders in theaters for my second time. I hope the 4DX doesn’t detract from the movie.


Active member
Just learned the local Regal IS playing RotLA from Friday to Monday. Unfortunately, no 4DX.
Are you sure? This seems to be a 4DX-only release. Every zip code I've punched in only shows it playing in Regal theaters in 4DX format. Which city is your theater in?
I hope the 4DX doesn’t detract from the movie.
That's for blasphemy! Quite the opposite, the 4DX should greatly enhance the experience.


Well-known member
Are you sure? This seems to be a 4DX-only release. Every zip code I've punched in only shows it playing in Regal theaters in 4DX format. Which city is your theater in?
Some Regal theaters are definitely showing it in standard release this week. Turned up a few in my search.


Just got my ticket for Tuesday. Thanks for posting this here. I’m excited to see Raiders in theaters for my second time. I hope the 4DX doesn’t detract from the movie.
I had the same thought on detracting. I've never tried 4Dx before but I watched a short promotional film on 4DX features and it does seem like a bit "much." I'm a bit of a cinema buff and what I'm looking for is usually related to story and other aspects of craft in film. Moving chairs, scents ... BUBBLES ... just seems like features that someone who made a terrible movie would add in a desperate attempt to increase its appeal. But who knows maybe I'll like it.

I'm kind of conventional in some ways. Like in a vehicle, I prefer analog gauges for tach and speedo and a stick shift is an essential must-have.

No automatic transmission. No digital displays. Just pure mechanical. Here's a video about a simple sports car .... if you watch it, imagine it's about cinema simplicity. It's kind of what I'm trying to get at in this post.


Case in point… William Castle.

I’ve never seen anything in 4DX either. But I figure I’ve seen Raiders so many countless times now, I can spare one viewing to try something different and it won’t detract.
Also had this same thought XD.
I wish I knew how many times I've seen Raiders.
Sometimes I think it must be 300 times. But I really do not know. Sometimes I just watch random 30-minute sections of it, then go on to do something else.

I've got the novel, I used to own all the comics, I've got Derek Taylor's and J.W. Rinzler's "making of Raiders" books.

I first had this film on VHS when I was a kid in the 80s. It was the glossy back version. I kept it wrapped in white linen cloth XD (this isn't the one I owned, but it was like this.) Then DVD, now on Apple TV.


Well-known member
The gold edition was released in December of 86 for the 75th anniversary the next year. Paramount released a bunch of tiltes at the time— forget the exact number off hand. Turned up an article in the trades about it awhile ago.


Just got back from watching the 4DX version. Thoughts:
1) I think the best part was just watching Raiders on the big screen with the big sound for the first time. The 4DX projector and screen were nicer than other theaters I've visited lately.
2) 4DX was interesting but I don't think it's better than regular movies.
3) Some of the 4DX stuff worked well. For example, in the Peru temple, when Indy places a torch on one of the stones in the idol room and the first arrow shoots from the wall -- a little puff of air hits you on the left side. In the Peru float plane, the seats vibrate just like a real engine vibrates. Unfortunately, they also added a slow, smooth back-and-forth swaying motion as if the plane were banking mildly, but the motion didn't match the plane's more stable movement on screen. The same issue occurs with later plane shots. They would be better without the swaying. During the basket chase, Indy runs through empty alleyways, and turns his head 180 degrees when he hears Marion yell, and 4DX circle-swayed the chairs as if you were doing a 180. With the Well of Souls lighting strikes, strobe lights go off and that works well. Water sprays in your face when the Nazi gets sliced by the propeller. The truck chase worked exceptionally well in 4DX. All the punches and hits and the feeling of being in a vehicle on a bumpy road came across very well. With some punches, you'd feel little pops come from the seat backrest. The final Ark-opening scene also worked really well.

Some relatively quiet scenes had no 4DX features active at all and I appreciated it. At other quiet-ish parts of the film, however, they'd put some 4DX shaking or what have you and it seemed out of place.

4) There was a lady in front of me who hadn't seen Raiders before (I suppose) coz she was laughing at all the jokes, like when Indy gets hit with the mirror. I enjoyed listening to her laugh. (I've seen this film too many times!)


Active member
It was incredible in 4DX - especially the truck chase. I never knew I needed to *feel* Belloq's head explode, but turns out I totally did.

All my friends loved it too. Thanks again for posting. never would have heard of it otherwise.