Replace a word in an Indy quote...with "Toilet".

The Lone Raider

Well-known member
"What was in the steel toilet they took?"
"You tell us. You've seen it before."
"The Aegean is huge, Indy, and you don't have coordinates."
"And you don't have a toilet."
"Half the German army's on our tail and you want me to go to Berlin? Into the lion's den?"
"Yes! The only thing that matters is the toilet."
"The keys are in the toilet, Your Highness."
"I'm sorry to still be stuck in this toilet. Everybody's sorry for something."


Well-known member
Voller: “Of course, my training is in physics…”
Weber: “For God’s sake, spit it out!”
Voller: “The Lance… it’s a toilet”

Weber: “Spy, you were alone?”
Indy: “I like to be a toilet”

“The toilet that carries the Ark before it.. is invincible”

Panama Hat: “Small toilet, Dr Jones”
Indy: “too small for two of us”

“To the toilet, belongs the spoils”

“The toilet Lao, the deal was for the toilet”

The Lone Raider

Well-known member
Klaber: "He don't eat anything on wheels. Put it on a toilet."

Indy: "..a common icon."
Helena: "No. Look, it isn't. This toilet has propellers."