Scholastic Junior Novelizations


Good heavens. This has now gone beyond being disgraceful...

"Ohmigod, like this old dude Harrison Whatshisname is, like, so totally... um... OLD! We totally want the hip cool young Shia on posters and covers for the hip cool young Myspace generation!"

Steven... it's still not too late to change the film's title to "Mutt Williams and the Old Totally Uncool Guy", you know.



Moderator Emeritus
Whatever... It's just another pic of Shia for droolers to drool over... What more can be said to the people who worry than Shia happens. :p


New member
This is Lucas trying to make Indy look cool to the MTV generation. Well, not so much Indy as Mutt. The sad thing is, if KOTCS is popular, none of my friends will believe me when I tell them I was into Indy before KOTCS.


New member
this is the YA version

FYI all, this is the young adult version written by James Luceno. He also wrote adaptations for the YA market for the Young Indy TV series. It makes sense they would put their young adult "hook" on the cover, i.e. Shia.

The adult version of the movie is being written James Rollins and has a totally different cover.



New member
walker said:
FYI all, this is the young adult version written by James Luceno. He also wrote adaptations for the YA market for the Young Indy TV series. It makes sense they would put their young adult "hook" on the cover, i.e. Shia.

The adult version of the movie is being written James Rollins and has a totally different cover.

Ah, thanks for clearing that up... for a second there I was like, "No No No NOo".


New member
Junior Novelization Cover: Now I'm a little worried!

Let me just say, straight out of the box, that I think Shia is a good actor and I enjoyed his performance in Disturbia, lest anyone think I am a Shia-basher. However... there seems to be a growing concern that this movie is 50 % Indy vehicle, 50% pass the torch to the new kid on the block. Nobody was suprised when Shia got the gig. Speilberg has a Drew Barrymore thing him and is investing in his rising stock very heavily. And why shouldn't he. Shia is very talented. I suppose I slightly resent that my childhood hero is being somewhat usurped. I didn't mind Indy sharing the limelight with Connery in LC, because, well, Connery is James Bond. He'd earned the right to stand tor to toe with Indy. But Mutt seems to be forced upon us. And talented as he is, I just don't buy him as a rebel without a cause. Brando he aint! ROTLA and TOD were strictly Indy affairs. Even TOD, in which Short Round was there as a gimmic rather than a character with an arc. In LC we already got the father/son-find eachother story. Why, oh dear God why, do we need it again?
However, what really concerns me is that most of the images realised seem to accentuate the Shia factor. Are the producers afraid that today's young audience don't know who Harrison Ford is? Look at the Dark Horse comic cover (proposed). Shai in the foreground with poor ole Dr. Jones behind. And just check out the junior novelisation cover. Shia and the bike are huge with a suggestion (to call it a silhouette would be generous) of Indy in the background. Now, the junior novelization is for kids so, maybe the idea is that Mutt will appeal more to that audience. But... I dunno. I worried. I've waited all these years for an Indy movie. I don't mind Shia being in the movie, but I have zero interest in an Indy movie without Indy. All lot of people are starting to call Mutt, Indy's Jarr Jar Binks. I really hope that its not the case.
Yes, I may be jumping the gun. We haven't even seen the trailer yet. This might all be mis-placed concern. And regardless, I will still be first in line on May 22nd.


New member
If your biggest concern in life is whether Indy won't get quite enough screen time, then I envy you.

Seriously, Indy fans wait 20 years for a new movie, and when they finally get one, they start complaining about it before it even gets released. Unbelievable.

Look, Indy is going to be the main character. Lucas/Spielberg didn't wait 20 years only to do a movie where Indy assumes the role of Marcus Brody. Stop worrying!


New member
I understand the concern here, but mutt would be better suited to the younger audiance (gradeschool age) than Indy because of age reasons, I think they are really trying hard to market this movie for the newer generation


Let them market it as they want. In the end, Indy will be clearly the main character with a strong sidekick in Mutt. And young audiences will love that old man with a fedora ;)

The movie is already sold to the adult audience who growed up with Indy. I think they are smart selling it now to the younger audience through Shia.
Marketing has little to do with the final movie. Don't worry.


New member
Shouldn't this thread be renamed, "Indy 4 Junior Novelization"?


Anyway, I'm glad they didn't go with the other cover that barely had Indy in it.


New member
New Junior novels

I just took a look at the article about the new junior novels of the 4 films (well, two of them are new anyway). The cover for KOTCS depicts new artwork that could very possibly reflect a new poster, especially since the other three books use posters for their covers.

Personally, though, I hope the cover for KOTCS is just a placeholder. It has that "Mutt in foreground, Indy in background" issue again (yes, I know Shia appeals to kids). Also, Indy doesn't look rugged and confident. He looks.....confused. :(

Here's the link:


New member
He looks.....confused.
"umm....damn! Why did I come in here again? Something about a pie...? And where did I put my glasses?? Marion!"
I'm not one to make jokes about Indy's age, but....:D