Temple of Doom teaser


New member
This came on the Raiders VHS when it was first released... I always liked how the title whipped across the screen and zoomed in to reveal cracks as if it was was made of stone...


New member
This teaser trailer is pretty awesome, but the best Indy teaser by far is for Raiders! That one is awesome!(y)


New member
That teaser was not all that interesting. Had I been around, I'm not sure it would have caught my attention.

The other day my dad was saying he can remember seeing the Raiders teaser for the first time in theaters. His first reaction: what was that? He thought that the movie would suck. Now, of course he loves it, but its kind of funny to hear people's first reactions to something.


New member
Niteshade007 said:
The other day my dad was saying he can remember seeing the Raiders teaser for the first time in theaters. His first reaction: what was that? He thought that the movie would suck. Now, of course he loves it, but its kind of funny to hear people's first reactions to something.
The first time I heard about Raiders was from my mom showing me the newspaper ad... and I thought it would suck too... The only "ark" I knew about at that time was Noah's Ark, from "sunday school", as Indy would say. As a kid I couldn't think of a less interesting movie to want to go see. It sounded like a religious documentary or something... then I saw the trailer on tv one day, and was like, wow...


New member
The first time I ever heard of Indiana Jones was when I was 9, and ABC was showing all three Indy films. When I saw the commercial for it, I then realized that these movies were amazing!(y)

No Ticket

New member
I used to watch this before Raiders or one of my movies all the time when I was little. I've seen that trailer like a hundred times by now.


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IndySeven said:
Has anyone ever seen this teaser? Its the first (and only) teaser trailer for TOD.


Boy oh boy, does that bring back memories. My parents bought RAIDERS on VHS the day it came out, and even though that teaser doesn't show a single frame from TEMPLE OF DOOM, I used to watch it over and over just because I was so excited they were already making a second Indy movie. :)