The Frank Darabont Script


New member
DetectiveFork said:
Did that person on AICN who said he read the Darabont script and would post more about it ever do so?
No. Since the script leaked now (and he verified its authenticity), he said that people can just compare for themselves.


Staff member
DetectiveFork said:
that person on AICN who said he read the Darabont script
Moriarty also points out, "the version that's online is not the actual script that was turned in. Someone retyped it, presumably to avoid the watermarking that was on every single page of any copy of the script. Before you get all crazy about typos or even dropped words, realize you're reading the verbal equivalent of a fuzzy Xerox."
DetectiveFork said:
DAMN, I missed it, too!
Yeah, their hosting company says "in addition to the technical issues surrounding the site causing high load, there is the legal issues around redistributing other peoples work... I'm sorry, but we won't be able to continue hosting the"


New member
So, was Moriarty saying that it wasn't the same draft of the screenplay that was turned in, or did he mean that it was the same draft, but a retyped version (with some errors) that found its way online?


New member
DetectiveFork said:
So, was Moriarty saying that it wasn't the same draft of the screenplay that was turned in, or did he mean that it was the same draft, but a retyped version (with some errors) that found its way online?
A retyped version with some errors.

Here's what Moriarty said:

Regarding Daranbont's INDY 4 Draft... It Was Only A Matter Of Time...

... and now it looks like the internet has hold of the Frank Darabont draft of INDIANA JONES 4.

I'm not going to run the script here, but other sites don't seem to have the same issues with doing so. G4 has posted a review of the bootleg that basically exploded everywhere at the same time earlier today, and a site called PDFScreenplays has posted it as well. There seems to be some debate about whether or not it's real.

It's real. That's the Darabont draft. No question at all.

If you do choose to read it, you'll be able to see how many of the major story points -- the ants, the fridge and the nuke, the rocket sled -- all have been carried from draft to draft and from writer to writer by Lucas, who gets story credit on this script. You'll also see how much more elegant those elements can be in the hands of a writer who loves Indiana Jones and who actually wanted to see a great Indy movie for this last chapter.

I would expect this link will self destruct within the hour, and Paramount will then spend the rest of eternity chasing this thing from site to site to site to site, as is the tendency once anything has leaked in PDF form.

So instead of me TELLING YOU what differences there are, now you can see for yourselves and use this talkback to discuss what might have been, what was, and how things went down.


He said it here:

Attila the Professor

Staff member
eshine said:
Well Jeff - I commend you on a casual response LOL

Honestly - Spalko has been hating on this film for so long and with such vitriol, it's difficult to take seriously...

And this is the point where you go over the line and make a post that is entirely about <I>your own</I> vitriol against another member. We don't do that. You've been warned.


New member
Dovchenko said:
I saved the PDF on my computer. Is Paramount going to hunt me down and beat me with a wet noodle?
No. At this point, all Paramount will do is police the major postings of the script. But the script is far too dispersed at this point for them to make any serious efforts at getting it off the internet. It's simply not worth their time.


New member
agentsands77 said:
No. At this point, all Paramount will do is police the major postings of the script. But the script is far too dispersed at this point for them to make any serious efforts at getting it off the internet. It's simply not worth their time.
Cool...wet noodles hurt!


Staff member
agentsands77 said:
A retyped version with some errors.
I'm guessing someone scanned it, then retyped the areas where the watermarks were, assuming they weren't too intrusive. That's what I did with Saucer Men. Then they apparently photocopied it and passed it around, rather than emailing it. "Like a broom to their footsteps," heh.


New member
Moedred said:
I'm guessing someone scanned it, then retyped the areas where the watermarks were, assuming they weren't too intrusive. That's what I did with Saucer Men. Then they apparently photocopied it and passed it around, rather than emailing it. "Like a broom to their footsteps," heh.
This seems like a pretty likely scenario. Only maybe they should have put a bit more elbow grease behind that broom handle...


Active member
I like some parts of it, other parts I like less, but I think overall I think I would've liked this movie about as much as KotCS. I think the River Chase would've been more exciting than the Jungle chase we have now though.


New member
Attila the Professor said:
And this is the point where you go over the line and make a post that is entirely about <I>your own</I> vitriol against another member. We don't do that. You've been warned.
Have you read any of Maxphactor's posts?
Have you warned Agent Spalko about calling people a "Nazi"?


The Man

Well-known member
We can but imagine Lucas on the blower to Mr. Stevie after reading this script...

"Darn it, Steven, there's some decent lines in there, some good interplay. I've warned you and Frank about that before!"


New member
The Man said:
We can but imagine Lucas on the blower to Mr. Stevie after reading this script...

"Darn it, Steven, there's some decent lines in there, some good interplay. I've warned you and Frank about that before!"

Probably more like, "Gee Steve, it's 140 pages, are we seriously making a 2hr 45 minute Indy movie? The opening action sequence alone would last about 35 minutes on screen. And there are a ton of redundant characters that can easily be done away with. And at the end, the Aliens explain what's going on to the audience. When I explained too much in the Prequels, everyone complained. Wouldn't it be better to let the audience work it out for themselves?"

KSC makes alot of improvements on CTG, IMO.


New member
I liked it...Bits I liked more than Skull, other parts I liked less. I think the greatest improvement was the greater emotional throughline given to Indy & Marion (and the fact that she was better developed).

I liked the overall less goofy tone. I preferred the jungle/river chase in part (it workd much better without the sword fight and the Tarzan monkeys (while still reffing the Tarzan swing in a much better manner). I much preferred the Ants in Skull though.

Wasn't too sure about the Raiders reference in the Museum but I guess it could have been fun.

The constant side swapping was more distracting/ annoying for me in Darabont's than Skull.

I do think the bi-plane sequence could have been unbelievable (in a good way) but also could have in most probability as an overly CG heavy scene. Had they had the balls to do as much as possible with stunts though it would have been amazing.

I like the creepier tone and I like the greater threat given to the Aliens at the end (HATED the welcome to Earth moment though and the alien coming to life).

Overall, very interesting...and certainly re-usable sequences for INdy 5 lol. I'm not sure why Lucas vetoed it to be honest. It's not that different really...


Well-known member
Peacock's-Eye said:
Probably more like, "Gee Steve, it's 140 pages, are we seriously making a 2hr 45 minute Indy movie? The opening action sequence alone would last about 35 minutes on screen. And there are a ton of redundant characters that can easily be done away with. And at the end, the Aliens explain what's going on to the audience. When I explained too much in the Prequels, everyone complained. Wouldn't it be better to let the audience work it out for themselves?"

But I'm sure Darabont would counter:

"George, what about all the cutesy references I included to the previous films? Everyone will love that! And we need to really spend a lot of time trying to figure out what these fairly simplistic characters are thinking in a given moment. What does Indy really think about Yuri's betrayal? Is he okay with Marion having another man in her life? etc. You guys didn't really do any of that in the previous three! You're crazy if you let this one slip through your fingers!"


New member
I think Darabont's script would have been great if KOTCS had really been the last Indiana Jones adventure. As we now know Lucas actually intended it to be a transition movie to a fifth Indy movie. So the general finality in tone of the Darabont's script was the main contention. I have no clue whether Lucas has an idea for the fifth movie or not or if Mutt is really the main hero and Indy has a smaller role. The G4 review was unfair in complaining that Henry Sr. was absent from the current film. Obviously that was Connery's decision.


New member
SterankoII said:
I think Darabont's script would have been great if KOTCS had really been the last Indiana Jones adventure. As we now know Lucas actually intended it to be a transition movie to a fifth Indy movie. So the general finality in tone of the Darabont's script was the main contention. I have no clue whether Lucas has an idea for the fifth movie or not or if Mutt is really the main hero and Indy has a smaller role. The G4 review was unfair in complaining that Henry Sr. was absent from the current film. Obviously that was Connery's decision.

How, exactly, do we now know this?