The In-Character Post Game


Active member
I have this idea for a game, hopefully it’s not a pre-established one (I combed through all 8 pages but didn’t find anything super similar, so apologies in advance if I missed something!): Just for fun, (hopefully…) write a post or scene that’s in the character’s point of view;
Create an interesting discussion between the characters!

Eligible characters (for this game) include;
- Indiana Jones :hat:
- Henry Jones Sr.
- Marion Ravenwood
- Mutt Williams
- Sallah el-Kahir
- Harold Oxley
- Marcus Brody
- Helena Shaw
- Irina Spalko
- Willie Scott
- Shortie
- & Sophie

Remember while you’re posting to try to capture your choice character’s essence: employ distinct dialogue that that character would use, notice things that character would notice, etc.

You can write a short fictitious scene from the character’s POV or you can respond to a post within this thread ‘in the character’ you choose.
Example: one poster selects Sallah’s point of view (POV), so another would respond to that with, say Marion’s POV, and another with Mutt’s, and someone else would respond in Indy’s.

Multiple posters can play the same character as long as they capture the essence so well that you can perfectly see the character doing/saying it.

The Lone Raider

Well-known member
"I dunno, I think this is a waste of time. Just a useless skill. I mean, what's the point? I'm not trying to impress anyone. I don't care what you think of me. This whole thing is a bit goofy, anyways; you know, real off the cob. I'd rather do something else, maybe burn some rubber on my bike instead. You got a problem with that?"


Active member
Oh, Mutt! You sound like a teenager! You know, you can’t always just drive off when things get rough!
I know you’ve never understood this, but I didn’t put you through all those boarding schools just to take away your freedom! I wanted you to know how function in this world and give you opportunities that your grandfather didn’t give to me because he was too busy draggin’ me all over hell, I hated it.
You don’t even know how lucky you are, son!

It’s boring, sure, but what you’re learning is good stuff. I know they lecture you about a bunch of random facts that seems useless now, but it actually does add up to something.
Please listen to your father and I, and just stick it out to get your degree! It’ll open new roads for you!


Active member
“Oh, wombat, hush! This isn’t your son we’re talking about!

And, sorry if you don’t like it, son, but I gotta tell you: you ARE finishing school! Please just do this one thing for your old man…

Oh, Marion, 😘 I don’t know how you’ve done this all by yourself for 19 years, dear.”

(Engine revving…)

(Marion opens the window,) “Oh, and Mutt - remember to dust the pantry later! Oh, and the sink is leaking, it might need you to tighten something!”
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