This is AMAZING!! but sad too.


New member
Look at the 2nd response on this thread.

Look at the Mine car chase on this playset

Chap Mei toys ADVENTURE HEROES!! AMAZING!!! Look at the Playsets, Vehicles, Figures.. I mean, Ancient Egyptian Mummies, Anubis Warriors!! HOLY CRAP!!

What is even more funny is that in this site, about 2-3 years ago I started a "wish list" thread for lines we would want to see and my #1 proposal was this very line :( I guess the execs are listening from Chap Mei...Too bad i will probably never see these in the USA :( The other lines that were dreamed of were Vikings and Wild West..All are now in production and at stores across the world.

If ANYONE can find these, I have some SERIOUS $$ to throw your way.


New member

Is that the Crystal Skeleton throne?


New member
ChromiumBlue37 said:
At any rate, Hasbro really screwed up. It would hilarious if the design team could see these toys.

Amen. The thing I've always loved about the Chap Mei toys are the diorama/playset pieces they include. The figures for the most part suck. Did you guys see the pirate stuff from a few years ago? They had a skull island playset/accessory that I had to buy because it fit in so well with Indy. Check out the photo I posted to JoeDios:

More cool Indy shots from JoeDios (in case you guys didn't know about that righteous site):

Billy Ray

Well-known member
That is some pretty cool stuff! We don't have a Gordmans in the whole state of TX...any idea if these might show up at Big Lots? I know they have some of the single carded figures and military playsets/vehicles.


Well-known member
You have got to be kidding I just looked at the link and I have seen that anubus figure at my big lots about 3 weeks ago I just thought it was a swap meet knock off figure. I'm going back later on to check if its still there.

Billy Ray

Well-known member
I checked my Big Lots on the way home today...they some of the Viking figures and a bunch of military stuff, but sadly none of these.

I did pick up a Golden Compass figure for $4 though, Lord Azriel. I got it because it comes with a revolver that bears a striking resemblance to Indy's Webley from TLC. I was pleasantly surprised on opening him that he also came with a pair of goggles that fit perfectly on Vogel! The figure itself is pretty cool looking, he can easily make for a sidekick for Indy.

Billy Ray

Well-known member
Yes they do...well at least the one I got today does. I was thinking of maybe using it for a James Bond custom if I could find a good body for it as Daniel Craig was the actor. It's not a bad likeness.

I was deployed when Golden Compass came out and the toys were long gone by the time I got back, but they are actually pretty well done. The Nicole Kidman one was a good likeness as well.


New member
I was thinking of making a Bond figure too. I guess a Henry Jones body could be repainted for a dark blue 3 piece suit and the bowtie could be filed down to put a regular tie in. The Cobra Commander suit doesn't look like a Bond suit (double breasted) but I guess that might work too.


Well-known member
Just came back from big lots they had like a billion military toys but the Anubus figure was still there it was 12.99 though so I passed it up none of the playsets though.

vf wing

New member
This is how the Indy line should be done! And you guys are giving me more ideas for backdrops/accessories... my wallet hates you! :whip: