tod figure wishlists


New member
Well I think the first wave of TOD will include torn shirt indy, willie, short round, mola ram, giant thugee and the regular thugee guard.
After that, I would love to see a tux indy, lao che and his two sons, performance willie and a temple priest.
As for deluxe, I think a raft, mine cart and collapsing bridge would be fantastic!


Well-known member
Eh, yeah you pretty much summed it up, mabe an Indy with no jacket but no torn sleeve, a Chatter whatever :rolleyes: , eh, maharaja, ooh the fat merchant, captain blumburtt mabe, and the dude that got sacraficed to Kali, and as for deluxe, some thuggee' with bows, british soldiers, and that's pretty much all I got :sleep:


New member
masterJ said:
Well I think the first wave of TOD will include torn shirt indy, willie, short round, mola ram, giant thugee and the regular thugee guard.
After that, I would love to see a tux indy, lao che and his two sons, performance willie and a temple priest.
As for deluxe, I think a raft, mine cart and collapsing bridge would be fantastic!

Tux Indy would be great (y)
Good idea with the raft deluxe, and I can definitely see a mine cart deluxe figure set.
And the little bastard with the voodoo doll :whip: The Maharaja
This what i would like

1st Wave

Indy (battle worn)
Willie (palace outfit)
Short Round
Mola Ram
Thugee Captain
Thugee Guard

2nd Wave

Indy (white tux)
Willie (Dancing costume)
Thugee Priest
Thugee Slave Driver
Loa Che


New member
i think...

wave 4:

short round and mahara, unles short round has something big
indy of some sort-mayby evil?
thugee giant
mola ram
lao che
willie in... some clothing of some sort

raft with willie
mine cart with shortie
cadge with sacrifice-ee- conects to temple of cali
skull with priest and 3 sankara stones
xelaman said:
i think...

wave 4:

short round and mahara, unles short round has something big
indy of some sort-mayby evil?
thugee giant
mola ram
lao che
willie in... some clothing of some sort

raft with willie
mine cart with shortie
cadge with sacrifice-ee- conects to temple of cali
skull with priest and 3 sankara stones

Is this what you would like, or what you think we be released?


New member
I love your idea of the cage that connects with the cali skull with priest and stones... that would make up a mini playset, kind of like they are doing with the two raiders sets. I would definitely buy those! I only hope hasbro reads posts from this site, there are some great ideas here.
Also, I hope the deluxe line does well enough to warrant a 2009 line. I know I will buy ALL of the 8 deluxe sets shown so far. I would be happy if we could get 3 years out of this line, I know I am in for the long haul. Just pray the consumers are as well.
masterJ said:
I love your idea of the cage that connects with the cali skull with priest and stones... that would make up a mini playset, kind of like they are doing with the two raiders sets. I would definitely buy those! I only hope hasbro reads posts from this site, there are some great ideas here.
Also, I hope the deluxe line does well enough to warrant a 2009 line. I know I will buy ALL of the 8 deluxe sets shown so far. I would be happy if we could get 3 years out of this line, I know I am in for the long haul. Just pray the consumers are as well.

I hope people get behind this, it would be GREAT to get 3 years out of this line.
Snakes said:
Perhaps Indy's right arm could be interchangeable: one with sleeve and one without.

Why would we want that? There already is an Indy figure without jacket and both sleeves on.

Indy TOD needs more than just a bare arm. Its also needs;

Bandaged Hand
Open Shirt
Whip marks on back
Unshaven face
bloody face and body
dirty messed up outfit