Unused Script Idea: Indy's 13 YO daughter?


sandiegojones said:
This is just like Indy realizing the real treasure in LC was rebuilding his relationship with his Dad.

Right, that's it! It's the same and that's the reason why it's so lame. It was great for one time.

Indy becoming a family man with a wife and a son is of course the worst you could ever imagine for this great character. It's always BS if you know to much about a character. If you know everything about his past and about his future it's disenchant. A good example for this is the youth of Anakin Skywalker in the new Star Wars Movies. Great characters like Vader or Indiana Jones need some secrets...

Major West

Sankara said:
Right, that's it! It's the same and that's the reason why it's so lame. It was great for one time.

Indy becoming a family man with a wife and a son is of course the worst you could ever imagine for this great character. It's always BS if you know to much about a character. If you know everything about his past and about his future it's disenchant. A good example for this is the youth of Anakin Skywalker in the new Star Wars Movies. Great characters like Vader or Indiana Jones need some secrets...

Perhaps Indy should have stayed single with no family and died lonely in a retirement home?


@Major West
That's why the end of "Crusade" is sooo perfect. He is riding into the sunset! We don't know what will happend! His Future is wide open...! Ahhh... what a great ending...
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New member
Guys what if, just what if, it turns out in Indy 5, Indy fathered a daughter with Willie Scott. Then the 2 of them show up at Henry and Marion's house asking for child support.

Then Shortround gets drafted, and is going to have to go off to war, so he starts hiding out with Indy. So now Indy has all these people he needs to care for and they all go on an adventure purely for the money.

So Indy, Marion, Willie, his daughter, we'll call her pedigree, or just Dog, Shortround, and Mutt head out and team up with Sallah, Ox, Jock, and Wu Han's cousin Ray Ray. Then they rob museums all over the world while an international Gestappo force of Germans, Russians, and Skimpy Natives hunt them down.

It's called Indy's 13. And I am available for rent if you need me to pen a sequel to say, Jurassic Park, or Rambo.


New member
Moedred said:
In the DVD featurette "Return of a Legend", Lucas says it again: "In the beginning it was a daughter he didn't know about... David revisited the idea as a son." (Which beginning?)

I thought the script writers employed by Spileberg would be the best money can buy.

The only ideas in a Spielberg movie these days are just a boring father & son relationship. They took one of the greatest books of all time - war of the wiorlds - and turned it into a father and son relationship. Dull and patronising.

Lucas's quote above - it was a daughter then it was a son....did they spend days thinking of this, tossing a coin - heads for son tails for daughter. What a bad idea that was executed even worse.

The only decent idea I've seen on this site for a possible Indy 4 or now Indy 5, would be Indy on the run ala North by North West.

Finally, reading a review this morning of a film Spielberg has just produced and it concluded by saying, Spileberg should take a lie down, and then lambasted him for underrating his audience. Thats exactly what he did for KOTCS. The audience a stupid, they would love the tarzan scene etc.

Major West

Sankara said:
@Major West
That's why the end of "Crusade" is sooo perfect. He is riding into the sunset! We don't know what will happend! His Future is wide open...! Ahhh... what a great ending...

So what you're saying is you'd prefer no 4th movie at all, no matter how good it was.


New member
Major West said:
So what you're saying is you'd prefer no 4th movie at all, no matter how good it was.

In retrospect, absolutely, because we now know how good it was. And it was pretty awful for trying to live up to what it had to.

You can't say that when Lucas and Steve decided to revive Indy, they didn't try the hardest they could with just about every aspect.

The sad truth is, for them, KotCS is "as good as it was." And that just isn't good enough.

Indy seems to have gotten well stronger, and alot faster in his 60's then he was in his 30s and 40s. He became a super hero to compete with all the other super heroes whoa re pumped out each year. They stripped away his humanity and made him a magical force, like Michael Myers, or Jason, nothing can kill him, not even nuclear weapons.

How do you top that? Do you have him stand in the midst of a Hurricane and survive unscathed, or maybe he can just light himself on fire for warmth in Indy 5.

And I agree, Indiana Jones....Indy riding into the sunset...Perfect.

Indy getting married to a woman he awkwardly got thrown back togeather with evn though they clearly had no more chemistry and she was just excited to be in a movie again for the first time in 20 year or w/e.... not as perfect.

Its like if at the end of Rambo, he joined a monestary to become a monk and renounced violence. I would have rather remembered young Indy kicking ass, and then riding off for m to decide his fate. Now he's just a geriatric who isn't teaching anymore, he's married, he has a kid to take care of.

He isn't Indiana Jones anymore, he's just another regular guy, which is an ok fate, but one I would have rather been able to decide on my own after crusade.

Now how would 5 work? Dos his whole family come along? Aren't 2 back to back films with family enough? Is this National Treasure or the Mummy now? WOuld Marion even let him go on an adventure? How do you end it for good and still make it as epic as a wedding or riding into the sunset? Whats left? His death? OR death and ressurection like the MOnkey King script? So Indy can be just like Jesus and rise from the dead. Thats the only thing I can think of to top the stuff we've seen. Or Mutt taking the mantle. Do you really want either of those, bcuz frankly, I'd rather die a bloody, horrible, slow, torturous death myself.
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Well by not making Indy have a daughter, they saved themselves from a lawsuit, because....if his daughter ended up following in Indy's footsteps....



you get the point