What do you dislike about Indy 4?


?It?s got to be more badass,? he exclaimed. ?It has to be.?

Yeah, sure. First, learn how to act, then say such things, you wannabe actor, you...


New member
I know this has been posted before, but for reference here is the supposed heir to Indiana Jones:



I have no problem having Shia in this movie. But I do not want anyone "taking over" for Indiana Jones - or Indy having an "heir". I'd like to see Indy riding off into the sunset alone. Or with Marion. And he better not give up his hat and whip.

The Man

Well-known member
Dr.Sartorius said:
I know this has been posted before, but for reference here is the supposed heir to Indiana Jones:



I have no problem having Shia in this movie. But I do not want anyone "taking over" for Indiana Jones - or Indy having an "heir". I'd like to see Indy riding off into the sunset alone. Or with Marion. And he better not give up his hat and whip.

Judging from that pic, they could get Eugene Levy to play the older Mutt.


There are only two things that I can think of now what I don't like in KOTCS:
1) possible giant ants
2)this "heir to Indiana Jones"-thing


Active member
indy410 said:

dose anybody know if indy has a son!!!!!!:)

we do not know officially yet and there are many arguements about it. Anyways, welcome to the Raven Indy410! Glad to have new members.


Back to the giant ants thing...I think the ants will be large enough so we can get a good look at them but small enough to make your skin crawl. The larger they make something the less creepy I feel it gets. On the same note, if they just had normal sized ants...there wouldn't be much of a threat.

Thousands of snakes intertwined with each other, millions of bugs crawling all over each other, and thousands of rats scurrying about should tell us one thing...there will be hundreds if not thousands of these ants...and they will be of a size that makes you squirm.


New member

I'm not sure if someone else posted this (i didn't read all 11 pages) but someone complained about the title.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

then compare it (the altered title)

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

I know that wasn't the original title, but it's pretty much the title nowadays. If you look at it, it's the same number of words, and it's almost exactly the same rhythm. It's also grammatically the same. There's a Noun, and adjective, and the object in question.

So the complaints about that, I think are unfounded.

When it comes to the aliens, as long as they're hinted at, I'd be real cool with it. No close encounters moments or anything, please.


New member
donufro said:
I'm not sure if someone else posted this (i didn't read all 11 pages) but someone complained about the title.


So the complaints about that, I think are unfounded.

I agree. I didn't like Kingdom of the Crystal Skull at first - thought it sounded silly. But now it's grown on me, and I think it's the best out of all the other potential titles. (Though, Fourth Corner of the World, wasn't too bad.)


New member
agentsands77 said:
No official confirmation at this point, but if you ask me, the evidence is firmly on the side of Mutt Williams being Indy's son.

Maybe it's just me, but it seems no one's considered that maybe Mutt is Marion's son, who was conceived with another man, hence the last name "Williams". :confused:
Adamwankenobi said:
Maybe it's just me, but it seems no one's considered that maybe Mutt is Marion's son, who was conceived with another man, hence the last name "Williams". :confused:

Where have you been the last year?

Lol, I believe every variation has so far been considered and discussed to death. From her son with another man to their son, his son, not at all related, etc. Just search the forum....


New member
Adamwankenobi said:
Maybe it's just me, but it seems no one's considered that maybe Mutt is Marion's son, who was conceived with another man, hence the last name "Williams". :confused:
It's been considered, and it's actually been established that Mutt is Marion's son. We know that much. It's whether he's Indy's son as well that's the question.

And personally, I think it's pretty much guaranteed that he is at this point. The LeapFrog game description established his relationship to Dr. Jones pretty firmly.


New member
City of Gods was a better title. I think the only reason they didnt go City of Gods was that it would look like CITY OF GOOS when using the classic Indy typeface. (the D and O look too similar)

Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom, Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade, Indiana Jones And The City Of Gods.

Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom, Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade, Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull.

Still don't like the KOTCS title.