What is the real reason Indy and Marion survived?


New member
Something bothered me about Raiders of the Lost Ark. Everyone knows what scene I'm talking about: the part where the Nazis opened the Ark.

So I go to wondering when I watched it the last time: why did Indy and Marion survive? Is it as easy as that they closed their eyes or is there more?

The force (and I hate using that term because of Ford and Lucas' involvement with Star Wars) that melted faces and exploded heads was an intelligent one...such as an invisible angel that watches over the Ark or God Himself. So this angel or God saw that Indy and Marion were tied up and realized they weren't the ones that opened it and decided to spare them...OR...it knew they didn't want the Ark for selfish reasons like the Nazis.

Or...was it truly because they shut their eyes? As much as I can support this with a story from the bible (the woman turning into a pillar of salt because she turned back to look at the fiery death of a village) but I kind of want to believe in something deeper than just the fact that they closed their eyes.

Granted...I'm not saying all of this to really get a definitive answer. I want thoughts, theories, and opinions on this because I am curious. I'm very well aware that the reason could be vague and mythical, but I want opinions.

Edit: I also want to throw out another idea. If you've ever played certain games, some spells and abilities have an area effect. You can only hit targets within a certain range around the spot you hit. I'm kind of thinking this might also be answer.


New member
I don't know much about the bible but I think there was something to do with you weren't aloud to look at the ark thats why in alot of pictures of the ark it's covered.

Morning Bell

New member
The Bible talks about the Ark being a very precious item. In fact, there's even a part where a couple people (I'm looking through my Bible trying to find their names and/or descriptions) who were killed when they touched the Ark while trying to keep it from falling down a hill. Obviously Lucas and Spielberg added some embellishment to the Ark to make it even more ominous but the Bible does talk about its significance to God and the important things that were kept inside it, such as the Ten Commandments. It was also covered with a veil many times that kept it hidden from view.

The fact that Marion and Indy were spared could account for many of the things you listed. I always saw them shutting their eyes as a sign of humbleness before God and His Ark, which may have gained them some favor, along with their desire to keep it from falling into evil hands.


New member
I remember Moses wasn't allowed to look at the front of God, but was allowed to view his back passing by.

Little Indy

New member
Morning Bell said:
The Bible talks about the Ark being a very precious item. In fact, there's even a part where a couple people (I'm looking through my Bible trying to find their names and/or descriptions) who were killed when they touched the Ark while trying to keep it from falling down a hill. Obviously Lucas and Spielberg added some embellishment to the Ark to make it even more ominous but the Bible does talk about its significance to God and the important things that were kept inside it, such as the Ten Commandments. It was also covered with a veil many times that kept it hidden from view.

The fact that Marion and Indy were spared could account for many of the things you listed. I always saw them shutting their eyes as a sign of humbleness before God and His Ark, which may have gained them some favor, along with their desire to keep it from falling into evil hands.

I agree with Morning Bell here. As far as an area effect being the reason I don't think that applies when God is involed, plus the ropes that bound Indy and Marion tothe pole were burned showing that the "force" could reach them.


New member
Well, what if the effect was worse the closer you got to the Ark? Toht, Belloq (sp?) and the other guy got a head exploded, a face melted off, and an imploded head, but the rest of the Nazis got electrocuted (and maybe more...I wasn't really sure). Maybe the "force" died down enough by the time it reached Indy and Marion that all it did was burn the ropes. Lucky coincidence, sure...but that's part of the Indy verse.

Though...I'm not completely attached to that theory, so I'm fine with disproving it.

Little Indy

New member
What if the effect was worse depending on your intentions? Belloq, Toht, and Dietrich clearly had evil designs for the Ark, so their punishment was accordingly severe. The German soldiers while they were in coalition with Belloq; et al, they really didn't have any purpose for the Ark. However they wouldn't have let Indy and Marion off of the island. They were an obstacle and had to be removed.

I often wonder if the "force" as we are calling it, took out the entire island, the submarine base and other personnel. That would make for another fun Indy adventure. Learning how they got off the island if they had to dodge more Germans or possibly comandeer the U-boat.

Finally Indy and Marion had good intentions and therefore were spared a painful demise

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Little Indy said:
Finally Indy and Marion had good intentions and therefore were spared a painful demise

This is equivalent to saying that if Indy had asked the crystal skeleton to give him complete knowledge that it wouldn't have burned his brain; goodness has nothing to do with it.

Rather, it's about hubris and pride, about presuming to look upon God or to know everything. That Indy is wiser than those who are killed is certain, but that's what leads him to make the proper choice, not why he is spared.

Morning Bell

New member
I think part of the reason for this is that God would never allow a sacred artifact of His to be used for evil. Indy and Marion simply wanted to keep the Nazis from using it and had no intentions of using its power for their own purposes, hence why Belloq and the rest of the Nazi army were destroyed.


New member
I think it's as basic as the Nazi's looked into the world of God and Indy knew better, to not look upon the power of God. He chose the mortal world.
Wasn't it interesting to see the Nazis flying up to heaven in the pillar of flame as opposed to going to hell. Anyway when Indy and Marion refuse to look at gods angels they are spared for they chose to not know the big man upstairs before time.

Little Indy

New member
Attila the Professor said:
This is equivalent to saying that if Indy had asked the crystal skeleton to give him complete knowledge that it wouldn't have burned his brain; goodness has nothing to do with it.

Rather, it's about hubris and pride, about presuming to look upon God or to know everything. That Indy is wiser than those who are killed is certain, but that's what leads him to make the proper choice, not why he is spared.

Wisdom really plays no part. If we accept that a divine influence was involved then we must also accept that the influence was omnipotent, as well as omniscient. The wisdom and philosophy of men is no comparison to God. I use God since we are talking about a Judeo-Christian artifact in this case. Being that God knows all things from the beginning He was well aware that Indy and Marion would return the Ark and it would be buried in a Warehouse(That's where their good intentions come in). Indy began his quest under the assumption that the mseum would get the Ark to increase understanding and knowledge. While this ultimately wasn't where the Ark ended up it is a much better plan than to use the Ark to conquer the world. Indy and Marion were instruments in the hands of God. They were used to accomplish his ends because they were good not wise. But I do agree with you Indy was much wiser than the Germans

The Magic Rat

New member
Morning Bell said:
The Bible talks about the Ark being a very precious item. In fact, there's even a part where a couple people (I'm looking through my Bible trying to find their names and/or descriptions) who were killed when they touched the Ark while trying to keep it from falling down a hill. Obviously Lucas and Spielberg added some embellishment to the Ark to make it even more ominous but the Bible does talk about its significance to God and the important things that were kept inside it, such as the Ten Commandments. It was also covered with a veil many times that kept it hidden from view.

The fact that Marion and Indy were spared could account for many of the things you listed. I always saw them shutting their eyes as a sign of humbleness before God and His Ark, which may have gained them some favor, along with their desire to keep it from falling into evil hands.

Personally, I'd think that. Plus that deleted scene where the shaman warns Indy to not look at it-good enough explanation for me.

Morning Bell

New member
You beat me to Magic Rat. I was just about to mention that scene.

The novelization had a line near the end where Indy remembers being in the House of Imam and hearing that whoever looks into the Ark will die. Either this scene was cut from the film or not shot at all but apparently the old man warned him while translating the head piece.

At least that's how Indy knew in the book; it's hard to say if this was the same case in the film, especially since we're never given that information.


New member
The Magic Rat said:
Personally, I'd think that. Plus that deleted scene where the shaman warns Indy to not look at it-good enough explanation for me.

Ah..deleted scene. I never saw it.

Well...even then...I like digging deeper into it. "Just not looking" might be fine, but I want a reason. I mean, some of us went back and used the Bible to explain WHY you shouldn't look (you can't look on the face of God, for instance) and I'd rather go with that plus the fact that you just aren't supposed to look rather than just don't look.

But thanks for letting me know about the delete scene.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Little Indy said:
Wisdom really plays no part. If we accept that a divine influence was involved then we must also accept that the influence was omnipotent, as well as omniscient. The wisdom and philosophy of men is no comparison to God. I use God since we are talking about a Judeo-Christian artifact in this case. Being that God knows all things from the beginning He was well aware that Indy and Marion would return the Ark and it would be buried in a Warehouse(That's where their good intentions come in). Indy began his quest under the assumption that the mseum would get the Ark to increase understanding and knowledge. While this ultimately wasn't where the Ark ended up it is a much better plan than to use the Ark to conquer the world. Indy and Marion were instruments in the hands of God. They were used to accomplish his ends because they were good not wise. But I do agree with you Indy was much wiser than the Germans

Anything about Indy and Marion somehow being vehicles of God's plan is pretty irrelevant. Unless we're entirely taking away their free will, it was Indy who realized they should not look at whatever was emerging from the Ark. He knew that it was not proper to look upon it, be it somehow God himself (the special privilege of Moses to see the Lord is remarked upon above) or the usual provision against not touching (or looking at?) the Ark. And so I say wise because Indy heeded the warning (in the version with the deleted scene) or simply exercised good learned humility. If they had watched, they'd be dead with the others.


New member
Even without the deleted scene i always thought Indy got his wisdom from the giant history book at the beginning of the movie, shown with the CIA guys. It seemed to have alot to say and pictures as well.(y)


New member
Well, Indy isn't exactly used to strange things like that going on. For him to suddenly remember to shut his eyes after reading something that probably wasn't all that recent is pretty extraordinary, especially since the...stuff...had hit the fan by then.


New member
Dyonus said:
Well, Indy isn't exactly used to strange things like that going on. For him to suddenly remember to shut his eyes after reading something that probably wasn't all that recent is pretty extraordinary, especially since the...stuff...had hit the fan by then.

I'm pretty sure Indy did his homework.:gun:


New member
No, no...I'm willing to buy that, but it doesn't seem like he read it all that recently and to assume he'd remember something vague like that at a time of panic seems kind of hard to believe.

Though...I guess since he's a scholar, it is far more believable than other people with the same circumstance.
the eyes have been the "gateway to the soul" in many cultures, the angels of death that were released from the ark could only destroy the soul and take life if they were able to gain access to the soul through the eyes. by not opening their eyes indy and marion stayed humble before the power of god. also in the study of the occult and its famous figures such as aleister crowley one will repeatedly come across quotes and writings stating that when a mortal sees a ghost it maybe fleeting and transparent,when a ghost sees a mortal the mortals eyes give off a glowing light,if one shuts his or her eyes the ghost can hardly see the mortal which would make indy almost invisible to the angels of death.