What were your favorite and least favorite parts of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


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KneelBeforeZod said:
I rank Kingdom about even with Crusade (maybe a little behind, because I liked the grail artifact better than the skull -- but very comparable). I liked it better than TOD, but not near as much as Raiders. Ultimately, Crusade and Kingdom were both VERY well made Mummy-type movies -- fun action romps that carried the Raiders characters and backstory. Imminently watchable, great action, great characters, etc ... but Raiders is a pretty high bar.


I do not care if you are a man or a woman. I LOVE YOU!

This is the most accurate review I have seen so far. Not 100% biased but not 100% hater either. Kudos!


New member
My fav scene in this movie was Mutt and Spalko sword fighting on top of the jeeps :) That scene was very well done. I loved this movie. The only things I didn't like were the scenes in the beginning with the little moles, or whatever those creatures were :p They seemed a little too out of place. Beyond that though, it was a great movie.


New member
Pros: Production design, Shia and Cate, use of the Wilhelm scream, motorcycle chase stunt where Indy gets pulled in one side and pops out the other side onto the bike.

Cons: Horrible screenplay (too much exposition and terrible out-of-context lines), bad acting, too many unnecessary ancillary characters, Lucas-like slapstick that doesn't belong (shia being nutted by the plants on the jeeps, etc)

carolus magnus

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yodazone said:
Marion would look alot better on film if they spread vaseline on the camera lens.

her wrinkles were in full force and she's not even that old for a woman. Milf? Not with her mug she's rocking now. She needs a face lift!

Looks good from far but far from good.


erhm, yeah, more like a gilf at this point


New member
yodazone said:
Marion would look alot better on film if they spread vaseline on the camera lens.

her wrinkles were in full force and she's not even that old for a woman. Milf? Not with her mug she's rocking now. She needs a face lift!

Looks good from far but far from good.

Unkind. None of them are spring chickens (save the Beouff). She didn't look young, she looked her age. If that means she doesn't look good, whadaya gonna do? It's not the age, it's the mileage!

Lady in Red

New member
Ford is still a BAMF
The Indy/Marion argument in the van (Loved, 'They weren't you, honey')
Indy in front of the shroom cloud
Greasers vs Socs!
The wedding
Shia wasn't sucky. He was entertaining!
Ox was funny ('Help!")

Mutt, Lord of the Monkeys
Though funny, the fridge scene
Weird/Rushed ending
No Indy shooting guns? Yeahbuhwha?
Marion wasn't used to full potential


New member
fav. parts: motorcycle chase, the lines on the map using the boat image (because my mind would wander about how it might lead into the scene of a real Indy film), the fragments of the jungle chase that didn't make Walt Disney embarrassed, Indy's fist fight, being chased out of the temple and having those grapple things thrown at 'em... think that's it.

least fav. parts: 70% of the movie, mainly: the warehouse opens as Ark theme plays, then the Ark is shown; the wandering of the Indy icon on a model suburb was hands down the most f'd up mistake in the history of cinema, the camera holding on Indy sad, w/ LC theme playing for about 12 minutes, Marion's first scene, the quicksand scene (dialogue + call it a rope embarrasment), Marion and Indy in the truck arguing, monkey swinging, Ox being a sloth JarJar repeating Indy's name, the absurdly unnatural too late to save Mac confusingness, showing the actual space ship, the wedding!


New member

1. The saucer's reveal. The shot where the ground collapses and the saucer takes off is breathtaking.

2. The American Graffiti-style road race opener. A great, fun way to establish the period and open the film.

3. Doomtown. Tense and funny. Among the most ridiculous scenes in the movie, but it's all in good fun.

4. The diner conversation.

5. The Peru graveyard.

6. "I like Ike."

7. Indy staring into the eyes of the crystal skull.

8. Ants!

Least Favorites:

1. The Tarzan swing. Not funny, just lame. It would have been much better to have Mutt swing out of the jungle without all the monkey exposition, leaving us to wonder how he got there.

2. The "car-in-tree" gag. I can handle over-the-top, ridiculous material, but this was really quite stupid.

3. Mutt gets it in the crotch.


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Everything except for the UFO. I was reading the comic book movie adaptation and at the end instead of a UFO it was a silver orb lol


New member
I have to say the snake scene had me howling! I thought it was one of the funniest moments ever in the series!
I'd have to say the vine swinging thing. That could've been deleted.

I didn't mind the waterfalls-I thought Ford was hilarious! It's like jumping out of a plane with a life raft and the fall over the cliff in TOD.

Loved the UFO/alien theme.


New member
Best parts:
High-Speed chase/fight in the Jungle

Part that would have been the best if they had added a bit more:
The Wedding/Mutt and the Fedora Gag: If more people we knew were in the attendance: Sallah (although I guess it's understandable he couldn't get there from the Middle East), Short Round, Willie (a bit bitter it wasn't her, perhaps?) and they could have put in cameos from the production staff and other people associated with Indy (Flannery, Carrier, etc). A missed opportunity, but it still was pretty good.

Worst Part if it wasn't so much like a 1950's B-movie:
The atomicproof fridge

Worst part:
"Three Times it falls": Overkill to the max (and technically, they fall four times, since they first go over the cliff)


New member
After seeing it just the once, the quicksand and snake scene was my favourite bit so far. So OTT but soo funny. Loved it. Just remembered my favourite line from it - "I think I can feel the bottom!" Lmao.

Worst had to be the 'being' looking Spalko in the eyes. It was all a bit too Close Encounters.
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