what's your opinion on ET


New member
For the people who have played The emperor's tomb could you please give your review/opinion on the game and please point out the pros and cons of the game


New member
Awesome game, though two things bother me; is Indy supposed to be sick?! I mean, if Harrison Ford saw that, he'd probably puke! And the other thing, if a shark attacks you while you're underwater, and your fedora comes off, you're screwed. Indy can grab at it, but he can't actually pick it up. And besides that thing with Wu Han being innaccurate, great game! Now I love PS2!


Well-known member
I absolutely love Emperor's Tomb.

I think it's a brillaint game and months later I find myself playing on it non stop.

Firstly Indy himself. Not sure what Whipcrack means but I feel that they have done an excellent job of Indy, as in terms of looks. He looks strikingly like Harrison did in Temple of Doom, even the little expressions he gives whilst fighting are amazing! Plus he looks as handsome as they come which is a bonus for us ladies! There are certain things that Indy says in the game which sound exactly like Harrison Ford, for example: "I'm gonna be a rich man, if I ever get out of this alive...".

The scenery and landscapes are, in my opinion, fantastic and when you're high up on a building (Prague for example) you can't help but feel a bit dizzy.

One of the best things for me in this game is fighting. I simply can't get enough of a good fight with the bad guys, be it Nazi's or even ivory hunters. I find the Triads a little bit tricky but the best way of dealing with them is to keep moving whilst fighting them.

The only things that I am not happy with are the fact that the game is not long enough, Von Beck's Revenge level is ridiculously difficult and personally I would have liked to have seen more levels with Indy in a jungle setting (like Ceylon) and perhaps a few more puzzles and secrets to discover. Apart from that, I can honestly say that Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb is a fantastic game and I can't wait to see what the next Indy game will be like.


New member
Canyon sums it up, except I like the fighting a lot (It is a TON easier on the Pc, I've played both Pc and Xbox).

The only thing that could have made it better for me, personally, is more puzzles, I'm not really an action gamer, but even so this game has better action then I have seen in most games. Instead of your "Shoot all bad guys in this area, then move to next area" the guys are logically placed, and you have to fight smart, its fun.

For the Pc at least, it is definetly worth the 30 bucks I payed for it.

You can read a review I wrote about it here:

By the way, who else likes this level a lot?

[Edited by Yolegoman on 12-17-2003 at 08:11 am]

Indy 4

New member
Emperor's Tomb is the Best Indy Game Ever Made!

In my opinon I think Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb is the BEST Indy game EVER made! Because, this game puts the player right smack in the middle of the type action you would see in a Indy film. You can make Indy do special whip tricks(Pulling a villan foward and decking him, disarming the bad guys.) Plus the player can make Indy pick up weapons and other items in the different environments. The revolver and gun shots are also straight out of the movie. To top it off the locations and backgrounds are just down right awesome!
The cons are few and far between. The cons include inaccuries with Wu Han. Second and foremost the bosses are simply TOO EASY! Marshal Kai turned out to be joke, even though he was supposedly all powerful. The only boss that presented a good challenge was the Kraken. However, it soon turned out to be easy on a second try. Despite these little cons, the game overall is great and is still the best Indy game out there.
Who knows maybe my opinon will change once I get hold of the Fate of Atlantis.


New member
great game, but: the traps are totally lame. they should be instantly lethal, like in infernal machine. you'd be walking along some passage when suddenly-SHRRRRK! thud. the wall spike slowly retracts, leaving you shocked that you died without warning, gruesomely. none of this "ouch, i just got impaled by a half-dozen spikes/wall saw, but thankfully i only got bumped backward and lost a little health" in ET. of course, dying instantly would be a drag without quicksaves. *hint hint*

and it needed more of a mysterious feeling. again, in infernal machine, you got a sense of forbidding travelling through the tombs, caverns and temples. the only sign of life being spiders and scorpians. the impression that no one had been in these places for ages. in emperors tomb, you come under attack by nazis/thugs in almost every level. (not that thats a bad thing, i love slapping around those nazis as much as the next guy. its just that when i descend into the sunken city, i expect booby traps, not german divers and thugs blasting through the walls)

hmmmm this sounds like a rant, lol. actually i love the game. the hand-to-hand combat p0wns me, i like the way all weapons can be used melee-style in a pinch; lots of different types of enemies; more realistic limit to the stuff i can carry. also, great graphics and music. IM didnt have a lot when it came to those things. carrying enough guns to take on the entire red army was kinda lame(but i wish there was a sniper rifle in ET though)

Tom Jones

New member
I can't say enough about this game and how good it plays. The player control is great, the music is superb, and . . . and . . . Indy in general looks shockingly like Harry and even sounds like him to boot.

The only thing this game lacked I thought was dialog. I would have liked to have seen Indy interact with more people and come up with more witty comments.

Maybe placing Indy in a big city like Cairo would be a great place to start in the next game. Think of how many people he could talk to there.


New member
I love it.

The fighting is the best of any game I've ever played, and I've played a ton of games. There is no limit to the combat tactics you can deploy.

Infernal machine does have a few little things about it that are a little better, like the mood -- while playing IM, in a lot of places, i would be so tense I was shaking. When a spider would appear or a trap would spring, it would REALLY scare me! Emperor's Tomb doesn't have that feeling of tension, but it makes up for it in every other aspect.

Emperor's Tomb is an improvement in almost every way. The story is pretty good, but they still throw in some stuff that I don't like, like fighting giant crocodiles and krakens. :rolleyes: Other than thinking that we'll believe stuff like that, they did pretty good.

This is a major improvement. Those of you who play a lot of Lucasarts games know that they have major issues concerning staying current with modern videogame standards, especially graphics. This is an exception. The graphics, in most places, are incredible.

Heck, I would buy the game just for the fighting. It truly recreates the rough and tumble action of the movies. That's what makes it so great. I will fully admit to comtemplating the purchase of Buffy just to get some more of the same type of fighting. It's great stuff.



New member
[/QUOTE]While I don't believe in Aliens visiting Earth anytime soon, I thought it was a clever story. I actually cried with the critter died, but felt cheated when he came back to life.

Back then... every idiot was saying "Phone home! Phone Home!" for no good reason. I mean... come on! It was just a movie.[/QUOTE]

LOL! fisk, we're talking about indiana jones and the Emperors Tomb, not E.T. :p


New member
..middle of it...

...so what can I say?

Its a great game, the graphics is brilliand and especially the movemonts is exceptional!



The easy critics:
- There is no strafe to left-or-right function. There is a A & D, but then you change direction of indy. I really miss this "strafe" function!
- Quick for all items. It's quite anoying when you must click [3] two times to get the Mauser...I mean, I'm in a hurry, people are trying to kill me, I don't have the time....especially if theose flame-thrower-guys appear!

The hate critics:
- You can't save. There is no-sva or Q-load function...and if...here...is no save at all.
However, the levels are shorter (some of them), but anyhow...you will get crazy when you've killed Nazis, ducked for blades, killed Chinesians, Jmped, whipes, killed guys again....****...

Ja ôrkar inte längre, men vem fan bryr sig


New member
Compared to the other Indy games I give it an 8.
Compared to other games I give it a 6.5.. Period

I didn't liked the game at all. The fighting was good and that was it. Way too many bugs...
I have only got to Istanbul, but the game is great so far.
The only things that bother me is how you cant save, and the fact that you have a set path to follow, If they counld just mix ET and FOA with a little bit from IM I would be in heaven.


Well-known member
I'm a bit of a late-comer with this, but I JUST got Emperor's Tomb for Christmas, and so far it's not too bad. My all-time favorite game in this genre is "TR: The Last Revelation", so here's how I think ET stacks up against that one:

Graphics: ET WINS
The graphics in Emperor's Tomb are really impressive at times. The sense of height and space in the outdoor areas is something TR could never quite accomplish. Also, of course, TR had the limitation of right-angles everywhere, which severely hindered things (if you play around with the TR level editor a bit, you'll soon realize just how limiting this really is.)

Controls: TR WINS
Okay, yes, I can get used to ET's controls and they're not as horrific as I first thought, but that's hardly a compliment. The fact remains, I find the controls very twitchy at times, and I often feel like I'm fighting them to get Indy to go where I want him. In TR, the controls were far more cooperative.

Exploration/Puzzles: TR WINS
ET has small, very linear levels. This is okay (particularly since the designers made the bone-headed decision not to allow in-game saves), but I prefer TR's larger, less linear levels. I really felt like I could explore the levels in TR, whereas in ET, I feel like I am just working my way along a predetermined path. In TR, I was always finding hidden ledges, concealed paths, etc, etc. None of this really exists in ET, sadly. As for puzzles, I really haven't seen too many in ET, and the ones that do exist are painfully simple. TR has some really tricky, yet solvable-without-hints puzzles.

Music: ET WINS
Although TR had some great music, it was used far too sparingly. ET has good music throughout, so it wins.

Combat: ET WINS
The fist-fights are a lot more entertaining than the auto-target shootouts in TR. In ET, the fights are highlights. In TR they are often digressions.

Other Stuff: TR WINS
The lack of an in-game save in ET is incredibly annoying at times. It wouldn't be so bad if the controls were better, but it's infuriating to reach the end of a level and then die because the controls didn't do what you wanted, and have to restart the level. To make matters worse, the loading times in ET are awful.

So bottom line is, ET is good at times, infuriating at others. The sad thing is, with better controls and the ability to save anywhere, this could have been a excellent game. As it stands, it's an enjoyable enough diversion until something better comes along.


New member
Yolegoman said:
I give it a 9.9 :)

Me and Mp3 here think its the best game ever made, right Mp3?


There speaks the voice of experience, Yolegoman! ;)

I definitely think it's the best game ever made. Unfortunately, just as there is a saying that goes "There is a vast difference between having something to say and having to say something" (let me know if you don't get that ;)), so too I must point out there is a vast difference between making "the best game ever made", and making "the best game ever made in the best way it could have been made." What I mean is that while everything rocks, form storyline (despite the plotholes and missing cinematics - particularly about Richter *wink wink*) to action, there are definitely some glaring cons, such as the various bugs that we all know and hate, not to mention the deviation from the usual 3D control scheme (whereby A and D are "sidestep" moves and moving the mouse horizontally actually rotates your character to face that way), and of course the infamous "Von Beck's Revenge", may it roast - errrr, rest - in peace. ;)

However, cons or no cons, it still doesn't change the fact that IJET is the best game ever made.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
MP3 said:
Yolegoman said:
I give it a 9.9 :)

Me and Mp3 here think its the best game ever made, right Mp3?


There speaks the voice of experience, Yolegoman! ;)

I definitely think it's the best game ever made. Unfortunately, just as there is a saying that goes "There is a vast difference between having something to say and having to say something" (let me know if you don't get that ;)), so too I must point out there is a vast difference between making "the best game ever made", and making "the best game ever made in the best way it could have been made." What I mean is that while everything rocks, form storyline (despite the plotholes and missing cinematics - particularly about Richter *wink wink*) to action, there are definitely some glaring cons, such as the various bugs that we all know and hate, not to mention the deviation from the usual 3D control scheme (whereby A and D are "sidestep" moves and moving the mouse horizontally actually rotates your character to face that way), and of course the infamous "Von Beck's Revenge", may it roast - errrr, rest - in peace. ;)

However, cons or no cons, it still doesn't change the fact that IJET is the best game ever made.


Pale Horse

Staff member

Are you serious Attila? I am not a big gamer, but I have been know to flick the keys from time to time...more Sony than PC. I do read and watch pop-culture so I can relate to my extended family (in nephews and nieces) when it comes to the virtual world. But ET being the best game ever...

<small>to quote a post that should be in another thread</small>

"That's a bold statement"

even if you limit the parameters to PC


New member

apalehorse said:

Congratulations, my friend. *tips hat*

Are you sure you're not addressing the wrong person, though? It was Yolegoman and myself that said IJET is the best gam ever. Atilla is innocent - to paraphrase Donovan, "Not that Atilla <small>[the Hun]</small>, the other Atilla <small>[the Professor]</small>!!!!". ;)