Who are the vintage or Potential Vintage Indy Kenner Collectors here?


New member
I love the vintage line as well. I have all of the Raiders figures AFA graded and mint on card as well as loose (except for Marion) and all of the playsets and the 12" Indy in loose but mint condition.

The only TOD figure I have is a loose Indy but it's complete.


New member
Billy Ray said:
Was this Disney Land (CA) or Disney World (FL)?

Yeah, I still love the Disney figures and have them displayed alongside my vintage figures and Hasbro figures. I also have the first Disney Indy figure with the jacket that my mom got me from eBay. Really love that figure as well.

It's weird how the Indy from the second wave is kind of a mish mash of ROTLA and TOD. He sports a "Streets of Cairo" look (no jacket), comes with a sword/machete, and comes with the idol/pedestal/and sandbag.

Gonna have to try to track down the Mechanic and German Solider some day to complete this line.

FL...the last time I was in Disneyland ( CA ) was in 2006 and they had cases of nothing but Indy ( version 2 ). They had a TON of them everywhere you went.

The German soldier is cool because he has Swastikas on his uniform as well as on the crate LOL!! A Jewish operated company selling Swastika wearing toys was just wierd...However, it was authentic to the character. The soldier looks much better when you open one and paint eyebrows on him :)