Why do people hate Temple of Doom?


New member
Well, hmm.....okay, so maybe Mola Ram is not the best villain, not bad but not the best, but still, I mean, doesn't it makes you wanna kill them all just because they torture the kids? that's enough for me to just wrip their hearts off! and about they cutting the scene where Shorty reliazes the fire thing....well, i would say its casuallity,plus, look at his face when indy is acting like threatening him, is as he didn't know that was suppose to cure him!


New member
wolfgang said:
Well, hmm.....okay, so maybe Mola Ram is not the best villain, not bad but not the best, but still, I mean, doesn't it makes you wanna kill them all just because they torture the kids? that's enough for me to just wrip their hearts off! and about they cutting the scene where Shorty reliazes the fire thing....well, i would say its casuallity,plus, look at his face when indy is acting like threatening him, is as he didn't know that was suppose to cure him!

Yeah, that's all true. I personally <i>don't</i> hate Temple of Doom. It's my least favorite of the three, but still pretty good in my opinion.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
ccc123 said:
That was kina silly, burn them with a torch and Mola's curse wears off? Please!

Yeah, it came off as silly, but the script (the one you can often download...it's an early draft) indicates that it isn't so much burning as pain that does it, which doesn't seem quite so bad. Of course, then I'm sure they realized that it wouldn't take much for all the Thuggees to be on Indy's side, once he punched each of them or something. Perhaps it was excessive pain...


New member
ToD is not a BAD movie. However, it isn't as good as Raiders or LC. ToD uses gimmicky sidekicks (Shorty and Willie) who don't really advance the movie. The movie could have been just as good if Willie wasn't even in it. In Raiders, Marion is an important part, just as Elsa (and characters such as Henry Sr.) is an integral member of the LC cast.

The story isn't quite as good either. Though entertaining, it isn't as thought-provoking as the other two. They strike a moral fiber that ToD does not. With ToD you can just sit back and absorb the action. With the other two, you can't do that because you're almost part of the action.

The characters in Raiders and LC also have more depth. We care about their history and we know what made them who they are. Willie is just a lounge act and Shorty is some kid who Indy helps out. They don't have ties to Indy that begin far in the past. Heck, even Belloq has a past with Indy!!

Well, this isn't the most fluid post I have ever put together but hopefully you see some of my points. ToD is a good film, the other two are just far superior.
spohlso said:
ROTLA said:
ToD is not a BAD movie.

See, there's where you're wrong.

See, that's where YOU'RE wrong. I saw temple of doom before raiders, and it sucked me into indiana jones. It made Indy my favorite action hero and idol long before i had even SEEN raiders. So it's got somethin' goin' for it.


New member
I cant stand people who absolutly HATE a movie just becasue it wasnt as good as its sequels and prequels!

Indy Smith

New member
Apparantly all the Snkara Stones just glowed?

The one that belonged to the villiagers did just more than that. When Indy arrived the place was dead. There was nothing growing, no running clean water. Then when the stone was returned to the goodies the river ran again and the bushes grew again. i mean bushes don't grow in a day. That is some magical power that the stones possess. If they could do something like that on one level what could they do on another level, as they said once they had all five they could contain an awesome power.

The grail on the other hand, what did it do? ok, people drank it and got better which is good, and they had long health. But seriously what advntage would that give an army? Meh. Well the artifacts are usually self important to Indy as well as on a greater level. The Sankara stons were more than just stones that glowed. Anyone that says otherwise, just watch the film because its there.

Stone is gone = Villiage is dead
Stone is back = Villiage alive.

That's more than glowing my friend. Conversation over I win. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.


New member
Indy Smith said:
Apparantly all the Snkara Stones just glowed?

I think that was made a little ambigious in the film i always assumed it was the fact that there were gangs of cultists roaming the countryside. Indy doesnt seem to read much into it just calling them 'fortune and glory' and to be honest the apparent powers are soon forgotten it has taken about 30 posts for the people who have watched these films endlessly to actually mention it.

Ok so they are good luck charms as well this could have been done a lot better in the movie by explaining...

1. Why these villages NEED a Shankara Stone i mean there are millions of villages in the world why does this village need one?
2. Why are the Shankara Stones so important to the Cultists? (this was barely touched on)

The Stones are poorly explained in the movie, and at the end of the day they are just glowing rocks the script leaves them extremely undeveloped this was ok with the Ark which was pretty undeveloped also but its power was made far more tangible
"The children dig for diamonds to support our cause. They also dig for the remaining shankara stones. Once the stones are mine, the thuggee's will be all powerful..." (Something like that) - MOLA RAM

That's it. That's all we get. HOW? HOW THE HELL DO THE STONES MAKE YOU ALL-POWERFUL!?!?!?!?


New member
Guys, I've already posted my opinions...I think I made it clear that temple of doom isn't a bad movie. I really don't know why people care so much about what is the importance of the stones, or the village or anything....all I said was my opinion, and if you want it, go take a look at my other posts if you bother. I'll make sure not to post here again cause it might turn out ugly, so good day.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
wolfgang said:
Guys, I've already posted my opinions...I think I made it clear that temple of doom isn't a bad movie. I really don't know why people care so much about what is the importance of the stones, or the village or anything....all I said was my opinion, and if you want it, go take a look at my other posts if you bother. I'll make sure not to post here again cause it might turn out ugly, so good day.

Wolfgang, my friend, I'm afraid you may have mistaken something. Perhaps a few people got a bit "Thuggish" in their defense of the film, but none of it was directed towards you. The only problem for them was that someone was suggesting that the film was less than perfect. I'd hate for us to lose another good Ravener just because one person smugly suggested that a conversation could be won and some others went around saying people (not you, you'll notice) we're wrong. Please, accept my explanation as an apology from those that might not be willing to offer one.


New member
HAHAHA! I think you might have misunderstood. I wouldn't leave the raven for the world (or would I?) I was just leaving this thread because I already said what I wanted to say, and if people keep being "THugish" defending what they think about the film, it might turn into a fight, and I sure don't wanna be a part of it, so I've decided not to post in this thread anymore. ANyway, i know your heart is in the right place, so thank you...see you at another theme!

Attila the Professor

Staff member
wolfgang said:
HAHAHA! I think you might have misunderstood. I wouldn't leave the raven for the world (or would I?) I was just leaving this thread because I already said what I wanted to say, and if people keep being "THugish" defending what they think about the film, it might turn into a fight, and I sure don't wanna be a part of it, so I've decided not to post in this thread anymore. ANyway, i know your heart is in the right place, so thank you...see you at another theme!

Did I suggest you were leaving the Raven? Oh, so I did. Well, it was a grievous error. Sometimes I get overly zealous trying to smooth over disputes. Come on, buy you a drink...you know, a drink? ;)

[End of sidetrack]


New member
tod is easily better than the other 2.

its darker and more scarier, its more violent, it doesn't have nazis, it doesn't have sean connery, it has a guy who pulls peoples hearts out, it has shorty and it has heaps more action plus its more adventerous.

I reckon the last crusade is the worst. if it wasn't for that one, indiana jones wouldn't have been labelled a family movie.


New member
Scaramanga said:
tod is easily better than the other 2.

its darker and more scarier

Darker? DARKER? The average episode of Power Rangers is darker than TOD, Willy Wonka is darker, The Muppets Take Manhattan was darker, Pee Wee's Big Adventure was darker. Mindless violence doesn't make a movie dark, it just makes it mindless.

Maybe, MAYBE that movie could have been saved if they got rid of Willie "IF Jar Jar could scream" Scott and Short "If Jar Jar was 4 feet tall" Round.