Area 51 - am I the only one who likes this idea?


7 months after... nothing has changed very much.
Well, maybe after the trailer there are more people who like the idea ;)

sarah navarro

New member
Kingsley said:
7 months after... nothing has changed very much.
Well, maybe after the trailer there are more people who like the idea ;)
yah really,i think more people are comfortable now that we've seen Area 51 but no aliens.


New member
Kingsley said:
Area 51 is a place that in our imaginery could hide anything the world "must not see". Saying that, I like the idea too.
So I am wondering... that mistake with the number in the Crate... could it be a real mistake in the plot? Russians stealing the wrong crate and opening a Pandoras box?

All as a result of a burocracy mistake (maybe a simple typing error in the inventory files) made in the past by the "topmen". A mistake that pushes Jones (who is related to the secret files that point to the wrong crate) to a new adventure?

I like the idea of a world in danger because of a single finger typing the wrong number. But thats just my mind playing with me. :rolleyes:

diggin it --- like getting involved with the crystal skull by complete accident, not a bad idea and completely indiana jones-ish


New member
if anything, I went through a period when I was reading everything and anything about ufos when I was 10 or so, and Area 51 just seems a little uninspired to me- it's just too famous. They should have gone the 'underground' base route in my opinion.


New member
Attila the Professor said:
Apart from Sarah Navarro's question, which is a very good one, there's also the question of whether half of the Indy films need to have the Ark in it. The answer, it seems clear to me, is a resounding no.

You mean 3 out of 4 of the Indy films? ;)

Violet Indy said:
As others have stated, if it's a warehouse similar (or is) to the one in Raiders' ending, then it works for me. Even that idea Kingsley has about the wrong serial number is a good idea. Aliens... well, now that would start a cross-over...

"Indiana Jones and the Star Wars", anyone?

So as you can probably gather, I don't really like the idea of aliens or anything sci-fi in a film inspired by Lash La Rue, Alan Quartermain, etc. Seeing Indy with aliens is the same as seeing that with Alan Quartermain. Indy is meant to be the opposite of Star Wars in genre. Indy is meant to dispose of anything that reeks technology, it's earthy and it's everything ancient, supernatural and based in a much simpler time. By going with aliens, I feel that would be going against everything that is represented in the others and the creative treatment that the others have. I don't see any way of aliens being treated in a way that would fit Indy. I struggle to see that. My two cents, take it or leave it.

As I've said before, I think the Indy universe would fit well with Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It and Raiders show government cover-ups of sorts, and have similar "awe of a revelation" scenes in their endings.

And of course, they have that Spielbergian touch. :p
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