Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Festivities? Or. Original Trilogy Movie Marathons?


New member
torao said:
Nice. :D I just realized that this year ...May 22nd is actually Fronleichnam* and thus a legal holiday in the German states Hessen, NRW, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Baden-Württemberg, Bayern (Of course) and even in Sachsen and Thüringen in communities with predominant catholic population.

*My dictionary tells me it's called Feast of Corpus Christi or something along those lines... Makes sense.
Here in the States Corpus Christi is generally moved to the nearest Sunday (so thus the 25th in this case). The parish I belong to has a big Eucharistic Procession every year.

That's interesting you celebrate it on the 22nd in Germany. I guess it's not much of a surprise that it is a legal holiday. No such luck here, which is probably why it is moved to Sunday.


New member
I have just recently watched them all - out of order, but with that prequel what exactly is the correct way to watch?

Can't wait - May 22nd will not get here soon enough.


Active member
I usually watch at least one film a week. I'm getting married on May 24th, so I may be a little busy to try and have a party, but I'll definitely find the time to give them another run through.

Does anyone else watch TOD first just for chronology?