mel gibson's the passion


New member

I didn't mean to mock you, i just thought that way I formed the above question was funny. I myself haven't been to chruch in a few years. I feel betrayed by The Catholic Church, but I'm definetly spiritual. Son of a Baptist minister, eh? Tori Amos was the daughter of a Methodist minister.

Tennessee R

New member
Actually, the defenition "Church" is not a building, but a group of believers in Messiah.
So, what did the Catholic Church do to turn you off?

[Edited by Tennessee R on 02-23-2004 at 07:50 pm]

Pale Horse

Staff member
Kate said:

I didn't mean to mock you, i just thought that way I formed the above question was funny. I myself haven't been to chruch in a few years. I feel betrayed by The Catholic Church, but I'm definetly spiritual. Son of a Baptist minister, eh? Tori Amos was the daughter of a Methodist minister.

I know that about her, I won't say I'm a fan(<small>but I have a few albums</small>) I also didn't feel mocked. I rarely do. Knowing exactally who you are in all your perfections and imperfections makes it hard for others to hurt you with mockery.

And I'm with TR. Why were you turned off?

Doc Savage

New member
You guys want a real tear jerker? I was watching "The Making of..." last night, when one scene brought big, bad Doc Savage to tears. Jesus stumbles carrying His cross and Mary bends down and says,"I'm here...I'm here..." Jim Caviezel then pierced my heart by turning to her, stroking her cheek with a bloodied hand and saying,"See, Mother? I make all things new!" It says in the Bible that Jesus "For the joy set before Him" endured the cross. We are that joy.


New member
I was turned off for a lot of reasons. When I was little, my mom took us to lots of different churches- Presbyterian, Anglican, Lutheran. Then, when I was 10, my mom converted to Catholocism so that we and my dad could all go to church together (he didn't attend the Protestant churches with us).I was baptized, recieved Communion, and was confirmed all at once, at age 10. I didn't know the first thing about Catholocism. So I was basically forced into it, which is a big reason I'm turned off by it. Another reason- I believe the Church is hypocritical. I went to a Catholic high school my freshman year, and I couldn't believe the hypocrisy. Here they were, offering extra credit to students who went to anti- School Of the Americas rallies, the followers of the same religion who oppressed so many for thousands of years. The Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, oppressing the sexual health rights of women. Well, that's just my two cents, guys. If I offended anyone, I'm sorry.

PS: Which Tori albums do you own? I have them all.

Pale Horse

Staff member
Hypocrisy. That is a very tough one not to get caught up in. Most of us have our experience in hypocrisy from time to time.

Was that your only reason you were turned off? I suspect it's not.

Back on topic <large>Finn!</large>, if you see this can I, we get a commentary on your interpretation of the language?

[Edited by apalehorse on 02-26-2004 at 09:59 am]


New member
the passion

now that the passion has been released in theaters i was wondering what you guys thought of it.

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New member
Renderking i know exactly how you feel. i was moved so much the effects are still with me. it's definitely deepened my already strong faith and i plan on watching it every good friday once i buy it on dvd. this is one film i truly believe is a classic.


New member
I thought mel Gibson was great as an actor but when he started making films I completely changed my view of him. Films like the Patriot are a load of bollocks. He portrays the english as heartless, cowards, murderers etc but portrays the yanks as noble, brave, fearless.
I have never watched a film with so much [mod edit] in my life. I wonder why he is anti- english
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New member
Gibson didn't direct The Patriot...Roland Emmerich did. But Gibson did direct Braveheart where the British were not exactly portrayed as nice guys. But back then, for the most part, the aristocracy weren't nice. That's how they built up their empire, by not being "nice". They were ruthless soldiers and warriors--mean SOB's, and at the same time well-educated and intelligent, both during the time of Braveheart and later during the time of The Patriot.

I find British history to be a bit of a double edged sword, they accomplished amazing things, and at the same time, they were really bad mamba jambas.

But doesn't that apply to ALL cultures. No country's or civilization's history is untarnished.

But I have gotten off topic.

I have never had tears flow so freely while watching a film as they did when I saw The Passion. I have never been in a theater that was so quiet and reverent towards what was appearing on the screen.

And I have never felt so much shame as when He was nailed to the cross for our sins.

That film made me want to be a better person. And yet I still fail and come up short every day.

As far as the anti-Semitism...I felt that if anyone came under attack it was the religious hierarchy, and the sort of mob mentality they can whip up so easily. In some ways, I felt it was anti-organized religion. It was the Jewish LEADERS who were portrayed negatively, not the Jewish people.

But that's just my nickel. (Inflation)
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Pale Horse

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Please keep in mind this forum is used by members of all ages. Use of offensive language is not acceptable, and will be edited out of any future posts. If you feel this message has issued in error, please contact the moderators of this forum.

Pale Horse


New member
I may see this movie becouse of it's controversy, but I hear it is horribly anti-sematic. I have a Jewish friend who says he won't see it becouse of that, and I probably won't ether. The musical "Jesus Christ Superstar," is enough Jesus for me.

Pale Horse

Staff member
Are you sure?

There are so many interpretations of J.C., how could you limit yourself to one?

That is like trying "bumblebee tuna" and never goin' to a restaurant in Japan to have fresh tuna sashimi, because the can was "too much"

Maybe a bad metaphor, but I hope the message came through.
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New member
Strider said:
I may see this movie becouse of it's controversy, but I hear it is horribly anti-sematic. I have a Jewish friend who says he won't see it becouse of that, and I probably won't ether. The musical "Jesus Christ Superstar," is enough Jesus for me.
I would not believe in things some people say. Before you haven't seen a film you can't really know how it is. Better make your own opinion. The truth in the statement "Passion Christi is anti sematic"
is as same as the truth from rumours. One person states a thesis and gives it to another. The other person itself gives it to another one and so on. This is the way rumours be created. I have seen this film and can definetely say that it is not anti sematic.


One might say Indy is loosley based in a Christian philosophy as far as what he believes. Spielerg is jewish but in LC they serched for the cup of christ...

Pale Horse

Staff member
Indy's_main_man said:
One might say Indy is loosley based in a Christian philosophy as far as what he believes. Spielerg is jewish but in LC they serched for the cup of christ...

There is so much fluff right now in the Raven, I would really like to see a nice paragraph or two from you about this. It could lead to an interesting discussion. It would be good in it's own thread.

Junior Jones

New member
I'd like to see (and join in) a thread like that. Which forum would you suggest starting it in? I suppose off-topic would be most likely.

Pale Horse

Staff member
Well it would probably be best in the Classic Trilogy thread, I may allow it in here, provided we all remember we are comparing two films.