Star Wars Saga

sarah navarro

New member
1. new hope
2. revenge of the sith
3.return of the jedi
4.empire strikes back

i hate these movies !!!! george lucas be ashamed !!!!
5.attack of the clones
6.phantom menace

Short Round said:
Watch this video. It's hilarious, although it's not supposed to be.

hahahahaha.....that was so sad when leia looked at han with those sad eyes , aww that song sucked
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Forbidden Eye

Well-known member
The force is strong with this thread!

As for my ranking...

1. A New Hope
2. Revenge of the Sith
3. The Empire Strikes Back
4. Return of the Jedi
5. Attack of the Clones
6. The Phantom Menace

No Ticket

New member
My Ranking:

1. The Empire Strikes Back (it just OWNS all the rest!)
2. A New Hope
3. Revenge of the Sith
4. Return of the Jedi
5. The Phantom Menace
6. Attack of the Clones

Sorry, Empire Strikes Back is the best SW movie ever. Perfect amount of story/action/humor/surprises and a perfect ending with great music and themes and the introduction of Yoda. Plus, I like how it separated Luke from Han and the rest. Everyone on their own journey. And the big battle at the opening is great too.

A New Hope was the first! Come on! It's awesome still for all sorts of reasons you guys know I don't need to list. The Tatooine sunset shot is amazing.

Revenge of the Sith is actually really good. Save for the really awful Nooooo! at the end. lol. I like the opening sequence SOOOO much. That was a great opening. One of the best in any Star Wars film. I also think the saber duel was most impressive. heh.

Return of the Jedi is a great movie. But it's a lot of been there done that for the original trilogy. The ending is the best part, with the three action sequences going on. The space battle is INSANE and Luke, The Emperor and Vader's scene is great until you've seen that scene about 500 times. I don't like the Ewoks. They are as dumb as Jar Jar. Yes. Yes they are.

The Phantom Menace is not all that bad. Expectations were too high and Jar Jar was a bit much, but he wasn't as bad as everyone makes him out to be. The pod race is a great sequence. And Jake wasn't that bad, give him a break. Leslie Nielson's Qui-Gon Jinn was my favorite character and I wish he had been in a scene in Revenge of the Sith. Darth Maul is the best baddie of the prequels. DOUBLE-BLADED LIGHTSABER. Speaking of which. This movie had and still has the best lightsaber battle of probably ANY Star Wars movie.

Attack of the Clones. It seemed cool the first time I saw it. Never quite as much since. It's not all bad, but the only action sequences I liked were the opening bounty hunter chase through Coruscant and the Boba and Jango Fett thing on whatever that water planet is called. I didn't like Hayden Christensen much in this movie. He got better in ROTS. The Yoda thing is kind of cool, but more funny than anything else. lol.


New member
No Ticket said:
My Ranking:

1. The Empire Strikes Back (it just OWNS all the rest!)
2. A New Hope
3. Revenge of the Sith
4. Return of the Jedi
5. The Phantom Menace
6. Attack of the Clones

Sorry, Empire Strikes Back is the best SW movie ever. Perfect amount of story/action/humor/surprises and a perfect ending with great music and themes and the introduction of Yoda. Plus, I like how it separated Luke from Han and the rest. Everyone on their own journey. And the big battle at the opening is great too.

A New Hope was the first! Come on! It's awesome still for all sorts of reasons you guys know I don't need to list. The Tatooine sunset shot is amazing.

Revenge of the Sith is actually really good. Save for the really awful Nooooo! at the end. lol. I like the opening sequence SOOOO much. That was a great opening. One of the best in any Star Wars film. I also think the saber duel was most impressive. heh.

Return of the Jedi is a great movie. But it's a lot of been there done that for the original trilogy. The ending is the best part, with the three action sequences going on. The space battle is INSANE and Luke, The Emperor and Vader's scene is great until you've seen that scene about 500 times. I don't like the Ewoks. They are as dumb as Jar Jar. Yes. Yes they are.

The Phantom Menace is not all that bad. Expectations were too high and Jar Jar was a bit much, but he wasn't as bad as everyone makes him out to be. The pod race is a great sequence. And Jake wasn't that bad, give him a break. Leslie Nielson's Qui-Gon Jinn was my favorite character and I wish he had been in a scene in Revenge of the Sith. Darth Maul is the best baddie of the prequels. DOUBLE-BLADED LIGHTSABER. Speaking of which. This movie had and still has the best lightsaber battle of probably ANY Star Wars movie.

Attack of the Clones. It seemed cool the first time I saw it. Never quite as much since. It's not all bad, but the only action sequences I liked were the opening bounty hunter chase through Coruscant and the Boba and Jango Fett thing on whatever that water planet is called. I didn't like Hayden Christensen much in this movie. He got better in ROTS. The Yoda thing is kind of cool, but more funny than anything else. lol.

... Hmm, I'd still say episodes 4 and 5 are the best Star Wars movies and yes the Ewoks are dumb but... :confused: some how cool... :confused:

Papa Jones

New member
No Ticket said:
Leslie Nielson's Qui-Gon Jinn was my favorite character


Blue Jay

MY favorite movies are:

1. ESB
2. ANH
3. Revenge of the sith
4. Return of the jedi
5. Attack of the clones
6. phantom menace

although the first two prequels are at the bottom of my list i don't consider them bad movies.


Moderator Emeritus
My ranking:

1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. Return of the Jedi ( ewoks rule :cool: )
3. A New Hope

4. Revenge of the Sith
5. The Phantom Menace

6. Attack of the Clones
Star Wars DVD packaging redesigned for 2008

Can you believe this? Lucas is re-re-re-re-re-releasing all 6 Star Wars films on DVD on November 4th in Prequel and Original Trilogy box sets retailing for $49.98 each. I'm not kidding. There are NO plans to release them on Blu-ray. I swear to God Lucas is the biggest money grabbing whore on the planet! I'm sure he will tweak a few more scenes this time around or throw in some new extras to guarantee sales. Seriously. This is becoming a joke. Don't buy them. Wait for Blu-ray.


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The Man

Well-known member
Forbidden Eye said:
Is the original Star Wars trilogy the actual "originals"?

Weren't they released individually on DVD aswell - after Lucasfilm telling all they wouldn't be?


Staff member
Agent Spalko said:
I'm sure he will tweak a few more scenes
we've confirmed with 20th Century Fox that the new Star Wars Trilogy DVD box sets are just re-packs of the previously released 2-disc sets (in the case of the Prequel set) and presumably the recent Original Trilogy 2-disc DVDs that had both the SE versions and the non-anamorphic original theatrical versions of the films. The key point is: THERE'S NO NEW CONTENT. So be advised and spread the word.

Forbidden Eye

Well-known member
Yeah, they were released as a bonus feature. So I'm wondering if the new box will contain the originals as well.

EDIT: Okay, so all they're adding is a pretty box? There really is no new-release between the 2006 editions and Blu-Rays. So much for "Luca$" being oh so "greedy". :rolleyes:
The Man said:
Weren't they released individually on DVD aswell - after Lucasfilm telling all they wouldn't be?

Yeah, they always say "The Originals one last time." I call B.S.

I also call B.S. on the mods for renaming this thread. Censorship is a crime.

Indy Geek

I stopped long time ago arguing with that kind of crap! I wonder myself how long this people can keep up without getting tired (and I mean REALLY tired) of SOO MUCH STAR WARS!!!:sick:


New member
My guess is Lucas will put them on Blu-Ray in 2009 for the 10th anniversary of The Phantom Menace (even if the majority won't cheer for the anniversary, I'm sure GL will).

As far as this set is concerned, I wouldn't buy them! Still, who cares if they change the packaging every 2 years. Other films have had just as many or more releases without significant additional features beign added (Casablanca, Ben Hur, Evil Dead, etc.). I also don't recall the prequels having been released together before. If you don't plan on buying them then there's no reason to complain, is there? (I'm talkin' to you Spalko (n) ).
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