What would you like for a new game?


Active member
What about games based on the Novels...I mean the plot is already there and it would give us a picture of the plot seeing how there is nothing on the big screen


Staff member
A novel-game is not a bad idea, but there would still be way too much reworking the story span to fit to a game and it would also include some hassle with the original author (and I don't mean anything big, but still), so I think it goes figure that generally the designers would stick to some original ideas.


Active member
The only problem is that it is often a likely scenerio where there is not enough research done to make a Indy game true to what Indy is.


Active member
with technology these day's they can take pervious quotes from ANY of his movies and use them in the games


Staff member
But they'd still have trouble with the copyrights. And fear of that deal Ford starts claiming his royalts, after all it is his work there.


New member
Indy being based off a book is like being based off of a movie. The story would have to be reworked and the story's not new or original.

That could be good or bad. Many people haven't read the books so it'd be new, and the action segments would be never before seen since we had to use our imaginations. But the action in the first 5 books weren't too spectacular as I recall. It had it's moments but not enough action like the movies for a solid action/ adventure game.