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    Now that the wait is over....

    Reading geeks behaviour is quite addictive I must say, reading up on how the geeks obsessively discuss, dissect, carry out analysis on their icon is actually quite interesting. It can be addictive too. I would like to see what will happen to this forum website not so much of the interest of...
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    Now that the wait is over....

    Now that the 19 years of waiting for Indy 4 is over, what would you do with the rest of your life? Since , the geek fantasy has climaxed. By the way, will this Raven go on and let the geeks discuss when Indy 5 is coming out (When HF is 76) or Indy's son spin-off will be? Do you find yourself...
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    Would you download it?

    Supposedly some cinema leak out a pirated copy of IJ4 and it is available in HD format and can be easily downloaded from internet, would you : A) Download it and watch it on your computer (Why pay when you can watch for free) B) Download it (After all, you paid and watched in cinema) C) No, I...
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    How Many Times, IJ4?

    How Many Times would you watch IJ4 while it is showing? How many times have you seen it so far? Let's see who hold the record for watching IJ4 most number of times.
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    whip and idol

    The things you can do with whip 1. Take picture 2. Threaten children 3. Self-flagellate 4. 'Hit me baby one more time' 5. Target practice neighbor's dog.a 6. Bring it to exotic places while on holiday, a practical survival tools. And you leave it inside the 5 star hotel room closet for the...
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    What You wanna do with a USD 300 boots? Admiring your hero and what he wear is one thing. What are you actually going to do with a pair of USD 300 worth of boots? You can't wear it to formal or official occasion (look too gawky), you don't have the heart to wear it everyday for rugged use (it...
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    My gear pics

    Nice try That is a wonderful danny devito parody of indiana jones. You look good doing that.
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    How Many of You Think That Indiana Jones 4 is going to be disappointing?

    Would that change you? You all have been visiting, The Raven IJ Message boards and have been waiting all these years for IJ4,however , a lot of you actually express the concern of it possibly being disappointing. Now, if it really happen (Not so good, similar to TPM), what would...
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    How Many of You Think That Indiana Jones 4 is going to be disappointing?

    I know all of you are waiting for Indy 4, but seriously from the bottom of your heart with full honesty , how many of you think that Indy 4 might not live up to its billing like Phantom Menace SW Ep1? Don't react and try to fight, argue and call this trash, (Cause this is only going to show...
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    The Frank Darabont Script

    The Frank Darabont Script - What if... Here's an idea : eventhough the script was rejected by GL, SS likes it and who knows twenty or thirty years down the line, someone (may be son of Frank Darabont or SS) bought over the necessary Indiana jones movie-making rights from GL and decided to do a...
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    which actor looks like HF?

    To Torao I can understand your admiration for HF and in fact HF fans are one of the most loyal fan. That is why back in the 80's & 90's any film with HF in is sure to be BO hit. In fact HF capture the adventurous spirit of Indy so well that we identify with it and love it. However, it is...
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    which actor looks like HF?

    Another suggestion: Ralph Fiennes Despite the fact Indy = HF, HF is the ultimate one we have to come to accept the fact that we love Indy for his character and I surely don't mind SS & GL produces more Indy prequels in the future for the future generations of audiences. Another actor that...
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    which actor looks like HF?

    Wrong never cross my mind, those 2 are far from looking like HF and as for their acting: well, can't tell coz never watch any of the SG episodes.
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    which actor looks like HF?

    Another suggestion: Joe Flanigan Throwing in another suggestion: Joe Flanigan. I Haven't seen how he acted in Stargate Atlantis so can't tell how he can handle indy's character but he does look a bit like HF in younger days: Here's a pict that i think he looks quite like HF...
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    which actor looks like HF?

    How about Dylan McDermott? Just throwing some ideas, how about Dylan McDermott?If he learn to smirk a bit more and not too serious, he could do. Here he looks good to play Indy...
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    which actor looks like HF?

    Casino Royale opening boxoffice of 40 m implies that James Bond still has it following after all these years. Another way of asking : whom do you think can replace HF as Indy if Indy 4 is such a huge success and SS & GL decided that Indy prequels should be produced? Whom do you think carry...
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    All of you are doing it wrong

    For all the eager fans trying to predict when and how the Indy 4 story is, you guys/gals are doing it wrong. Firstly, the notion to discuss when it is going to happen, you guys already more or less know it is going to happen in 2006 or 2007. Ya, big deal - any delay beyond that wouldn't make...
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    Same old Uncle Lucas's story

    It might be true..... Let's devote a few more pages to discuss whether that is true or not.
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    Concerning Indy 4,What would you do......

    Imagine this, the last Indy film was back in 1989 and by now your kids are in their teens or may be just old enough to like watching movies. After years of anticipation and finally, voila - Indy 4. You took them to see it. As you and your kids gone through the adventure and came out, what would...
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    What would you recommend HF do about his face?

    What would you recommend HF do about his face? 1) Plastic surgery,Face-lifting 2) Digitally remove all those wrinkles and lines 3) Use special camera lens and lighting to conceal them 4) Let it be, after all HF is "still" a hit even at his age. (And risk alienating the younger audience) 5)...