Anyone here seen a ghost?


New member
I'd like everyone to know that I refuse to frequent a forum where @#$holes like ClintonHammond are allowed to insult and demean other users while the moderators look the other way. Therefore, I am deleting my account. To everyone else, it's been fun, but I must stand upon my principles. Abbisynia!
Ya.... sure.... I'm the a$$hole here....


If you need to believe that, go right ahead. It won't bother me any.

Nor will it provide ANY evidence for the existence of ghosts.

"I am deleting my account."
There isn't any way to delete your account.

But then again, why would I expect someone who, 14 or so posts ago, was in agreement and now has done a complete 180, to realize that.....

What every pills it is you take to get through the day, maybe you aughta take 'em more often...


Active member
Hey CH, what is it with you and pigeons?:hat:

Note to moderators: must this continue with CH? Do we have to keep putting up with him?
"what is it with you and pigeons?"

Arguing with the 'faithful' is like playing chess with a pigeon. Eventually, all that's going to happen is they are going to knock over all the pieces, crap all over the board and fly back to their roost, boasting to the other pigeons how they beat a MAN at chess.

So if it coos like one... if it struts like one.... if it's eyes are bigger than it's brain like one, I'll call a pigeon a pigeon....

"must this continue with CH?"
As per the post rules, there is a Report Post button you are more than welcome to use. There is also an "Add User To Your Ignore List" function.... PLEASE use it.... There are rules here at The Raven about having such discussions in public.

If I may quote the General Rules
"Problems with a fellow member:
If you have an issue with the behavior of a fellow member at The Raven, don’t fight it out in threads or PMs but contact a moderator about it! Posting a thread in which you openly talk about your problem with another member will only make the situation worse!"

Show me where I have broken any of the rules of The Raven. If you can't handle that not everyone believes the same things you do, or indeed that some people are capable of living unfettered by 'belief', that's your problem, not The Raven's.... and it's certainly not mine.

The burden of proof lies with the claimant... and extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

If YOU'RE willing to 'believe' things just because someone says them, that's your choice. No one has to agree with you, or even respect that.


Active member
"must this continue with CH?"
As per the post rules, there is a Report Post button you are more than welcome to use. There is also an "Add User To Your Ignore List" function.... PLEASE use it.... There are rules here at The Raven about having such discussions in public.

Hey, that is a good idea. I think I will ignore you.:D

Prepare yourself for the greatest scientific statement in the history of mankind in the defence of ghosts... "You can't see the wind but it exists." -Isaac Newton.
""You can't see the wind"
Oh but you can.... And it's effects can be measured, reproduced and confirmed.

So, bang goes that lame idea.

Maybe you aughta do a little research into what Sir I.N. meant when he said that, instead of pulling his quote out of context and trying (And failing) to twist it to suit your own needs...

" You can't see oxygen but it exists" - Isaac Newton's brother.

How do you know these entities are not around us all of the time. The human eye is inferior in some aspects to that of a dog or cat. Just as our sense of smell is inferior. The arrogance of mankind presumes he knows and sees all.
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"How do you know these entities are not around us all of the time"
Everything that exists can be measured, quantified, tested....

So if there are ghosts, let's see a SINGLE piece of GOOD evidence... (Not anecdotes.... not 'eye-witness' accounts that are uncorroborated... Let's see something that would stand up in a court of law, or in a lab.)

"The human eye is..."
The least of the tools available to us....

"arrogance of mankind presumes he knows and sees all"
We know enough to know we don't know much.... But we know how to find answers... How to separate wheat from chaff.... How to recognize something we've never seen before and glean exactly what it is.

In the cast of ghosts, it's wishful thinking, misunderstanding, and self-delusion.

Do you believe in the concept of other dimensions? A concept embraced by some scientists. If all there is to existence is the here and now, are these people crazy?

Cavemen probably thought that being able to make fire was an interesting theory with no practical application. You tend to dwell on the here and now. Give it a millenia or so and we all may see the light. (Pun intended)

Major West

ClintonHammond said:
So if there are ghosts, let's see a SINGLE piece of GOOD evidence... (Not anecdotes.... not 'eye-witness' accounts that are uncorroborated... Let's see something that would stand up in a court of law, or in a lab.

You can't prove what somebody has seen until there's a scientific way to record the evidence. Just because science hasn't advanced enough yet doesn't mean first hand accounts should be rendered useless. Until you can properly record the evidence you can't really prove or disprove it.

Besides which, some things on this earth may well go far beyond science or our own comprehension. We'll just have to wait and see.

Here endeth the lesson.


New member
Major West said:
You can't prove what somebody has seen until there's a scientific way to record the evidence. Just because science hasn't advanced enough yet doesn't mean first hand accounts should be rendered useless. Until you can properly record the evidence you can't really prove or disprove it.

Besides which, some things on this earth may well go far beyond science or our own comprehension. We'll just have to wait and see.

Here endeth the lesson.
endeth:) hahaa
"doesn't mean first hand accounts should be rendered useless"
There's no witness more useless than an eye-witness.... ask ANY crime-scene investigator. (A cop... a lawyer... a judge...)

"or disprove it."
The burden of proof lies on the person making the claim. Some here have said there ARE ghosts... I have put them to showing ANY evidence. They have failed at every occasion.

"We'll just have to wait and see."
And the more we 'see' the more and more and more there's evidence against there being any 'spirit' or 'sou'... The more that people try to prove there might be, the more and more they fail.

"Keep an open mind is the important thing."
Until you open your mind so much that logic and reason fall out and escape.... Then all you're left with is 'faith'.

THAT's where "The Lesson" endeth.... And the lesson is, some people here haven't got half a clue.