Emperor's Tomb hints and tech help


New member
About # 5:

I've experienced problems where if I change my keyboard configuration (which I've done) then every so often certain moves I can't do anymore - even ones that I haven't changed.

For example, I would jump to a chain and not be able to swing it. I would go to the controls and find that nothing is bound to the forward motion (usually 'W').

Basically, my recommendation is if it happens again, try opening the control option and checking and/or changing the key binding to something else.


New member
Okay, new level:

Prague - Dungeon

I'm at the part of the level where you have two switches on a raised platform in the middle of the room. There's water and a fountain at one end.

Anyway, you pull one switch and a chain comes down. I can jump to the one chain, but the next one I'm supposed to jump too is apparently intangible. I keep going through it.

Is there some kind of trick? Is this an illusion and I'm supposed to do something else?

Or is this a glitch and I'm screwed?

Can anyone help me? Yolegoman?


New member
This hasn't happened to me, but have you tried climbing up the chain?

If that doesn't work, there is a ladder on the wall opposite the wall of the water fountain, try climbing up that THEN jumping to said chain.

Sorry to hear it is so buggy for you. Most everything works great for me!



New member
Actually, climbing the ladder and jumping to the chain was the first thing I tried, but I can't reach it.

I've tried from various heights of the chain and that doesn't work either.

I'll try again, but it better not be buggy, 'cause I'm lovin' this game!


Moderator Emeritus
When you first come to the room, jump on to the platform. Then pull the right switch, and jump on to the chain on right. Then jump and climb until you get onto the highest level. Then pull the switch, and get back to the middle platform. Then pull the left switch, and jump and climb to the gate. Then go through it.


Moderator Emeritus
philhos said:
About # 5:

I've experienced problems where if I change my keyboard configuration (which I've done) then every so often certain moves I can't do anymore - even ones that I haven't changed.

For example, I would jump to a chain and not be able to swing it. I would go to the controls and find that nothing is bound to the forward motion (usually 'W').

Basically, my recommendation is if it happens again, try opening the control option and checking and/or changing the key binding to something else.

Do a quick search. Then you'll find about 100 threads about problems in swinging without the default controls. The problem is, that with the default controls, you'll use the W to swing and UP to climb. But if you change them to the arrow keys, then you'll use your UP arrow for both climbing and swinging. But you can't do both of them, so you'll just climb. The only way to solve this is to use the default controls OR change your keys to the default everytime you have to swing, then change them back.


New member
philhos said:
About # 5:

I've experienced problems where if I change my keyboard configuration (which I've done) then every so often certain moves I can't do anymore - even ones that I haven't changed.

For example, I would jump to a chain and not be able to swing it. I would go to the controls and find that nothing is bound to the forward motion (usually 'W').

Basically, my recommendation is if it happens again, try opening the control option and checking and/or changing the key binding to something else.

I think you missed something here... I did NOT rebind any keys; I use the default controls, and generally, shimmying and pulling up do work fine. However, once in a while, the same shimmy & pull-up controls that worked only moments earlier on a different ledge will refuse to work, leaving Indy dangling over his doom with no choice other than to let go and jump.


New member

I STILL can't get to that STUPID CHAIN!!! I am seriously getting P.O.'ed!!!!

I really want to love this game. I love Indiana Jones, but this game is really starting to get on my nerves.

Do I have a buggy copy or something? I have installed the patch, is there another one or something?

Is there some trick I can do to activate the switch without activating it?

Please, someone help!


Staff member
*cough*...somebody smelling ware here...*cough*

The most common explanation to problems that seem impossible to explain.


New member
You ain't smellin' nothin', buddy.

I have a retail version that I got for my birthday a couple of months ago. But, of course, someone comes across a bug in a game and automatically, it's a warez version.

You want proof that I have a retail version, fine. Here's the UPC symbol on the box: 0 23272 66018 5

From the manual (page 12, it has the newspaper on it):
Article: Paris, Feb. 16 - Great Britain has informed Italy that an invasion of Ethiopa will result in the collapse of the League of Nations and a resumption of the dangerous pre-war "balance of power" in Europe, authoritative sources said today.

There's more to the article, but I trust you believe me now.

Please, if you don't have anything useful to add to this thread, don't post.


Staff member
Hey, you could have just said so. But anyway, as we know, ET is a buggy game. Have you tried replaying the previous level and letting the current one reload again?


New member
S'alright. I'm just a bit ticked off.

I didn't want to have to, but I guess I might as well and try. Do you think it'll work?

Anyway, I'm trying it now. I'll let you know if it worked.


New member
WAIT. You are jumping up onto the middle (YES! It IS possible!) bridge, pulling the lever, ONCE, then jumping, FROM THE BRIDGE, to the chain ACROSS FROM THE WALL THAT HOLDS THE FOUNTAIN. Then, to the next one, climb to the top, pull the lever on the wall across from the water fountain on top of the wall, then make your way back to the bridge, pull the other lever, and jumping across the two chains through the iron gate, okay?



New member
This is what I have been trying to do.

I can jump onto the bridge in the middle of the room. I pull the lever once.

I turn to my right and face the wall that has a small alcove with a ladder and the alcove way at the top.

I jump to that chain and I cannot seem to jump to the other one. No matter how lined up the jump is, I go right through the chain.

I'm almost at the point of level skipping to get past. I don't want to do this for a variety of reasons, though, so I am waiting until I have absolutely no choice.

So, PLEASE, someone help me! Is there I way I can modify the game - basically modifying the map of this level?


New member
I appreciate your guys trying to help me, really I do, but it's not that simple and I almost feel a little insulted, but I know you have to ask.

It's a bug.

Yes, I've tried swinging. I've tried climbing the chain. I've tried climbing then swinging. I've tried jumping from the ledge with the ladder straight to the chain, but I cannot seem to grab the chain.

The chain seems to be intangible or Indy is intangible and goes right through the chain.


New member
I'm going to try to uninstall the game entirely. Reinstall the game. Reinstall the patch and start a new game.

I'll let you know how it goes.