Great Movie Endings



Monty Python's life of Brian...that was brilliant

"'s the end of the film"

what about the sixth sense or signs


I thought the end of Sixth Sense was only really good first time round when I hadn't seen it coming... (Although you could probably say that about loads of films.)

Donnie Darko - how could I forget that one!?

And Holy Grail managed to have great ending, and a great credits sequence at the start, with next to no budget - fantastic!


New member
"The Game"
I knew they would have a twist at the end, and it STILL surprised me.


Star Trek II

A bad ending was Two Gandalf-Sauraman confrontation?


Staff member
mra said:
A bad ending was Two Gandalf-Sauraman confrontation?
You will see it on Return of the King's Extended Edition DVD... according to the TT DVD documentary, Jackson cut it out because it would have lessened the movie's climax (talking about bad endings)... <small>and it's <i>Saruman</i>, by the way.</small>

To name one more, I liked the ending of Phone Booth (like I liked the whole movie).

Hmm, and perhaps we should open a thread about most captivating openings in the movie history?


Moderator Emeritus
mra said:
"The Game"
I knew they would have a twist at the end, and it STILL surprised me.

'The Game'?
It was a good movie, but the ending ruined it for me.

<small>this may contain spoilers!</small>

The reaction of the leading character at the end was so annoying..
I mean.. If I'd been him I'd have kicked all my so-called friends into the hospital, in stead of giving them a grateful hug.
It's very rare, but this ending just really pissed me off.
Sad. It could have been a great movie?

Joe Brody

Well-known member
Platoon: The ending sees a shift from the "bad" sergeants (Barnes to the weak and inept O'Neill) to the "good" sergeants (Elias to the wise Rhah). This change in the balance of power is uplifting because it comes after the best on-screen depiction of the futility of the Vietnam War: that of a Commander calling in an air strike on his own position.

Chinatown: If this hasn't been mentioned already. Powerful Noir ending. Talk about futility. . . . it's Chinatown.

Empire of the Sun: the disturbed look on the kid's face in the final frame is incredibly real (more so than anything else that Spielberg has produced in my opinion) it's priceless.

Silence of the Lambs: great ending that has been diminished over time because it has been copied countless times.

In response to some earlier posts:

Attilla, I haven't watched Kwai in over five years, but I thought that the "madness' line at the end of Kwai was not an observation on the carnage around him but the British Officer reproaching himself for his own conduct. Could that be right?

Maquino, I never linked the end of LA Condfidential with the end of Episode IV. Sure the medal cereomony is cynical but what's the link to Star Wars?

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Joe Brody said:
In response to some earlier posts:

Attilla, I haven't watched Kwai in over five years, but I thought that the "madness' line at the end of Kwai was not an observation on the carnage around him but the British Officer reproaching himself for his own conduct. Could that be right?

Hmm...I suppose there might be something to that, though I'd say it's a combination of the two. After all, the doctor was the observer character in the film. He made some mild attempts to persuade Col. Nicholson to realize what he was doing, as any of us would do, but was not very successful. This allowed him to keep his position as everyman-observer.

Was there an element of regret over his failure mixed in his cries of "madness"? Most possibly. However, I still feel it was mostly an observation on the carnage, and, of course, on the madness of the other characters that caused it.

Joe Brody

Well-known member
Ah. Thanks for setting me straight Professor. My recollection was off and I was attributing the line to the Alec Guinness character.

[BTW, I loved your last post in the Indy IV forum].
No, that's Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. I've never seen it except for some of it when I was little, but I've heard it's the worst Star Trek movie ever made. William Shatner directed, so...


New member
Star Trek V

I remember seeing this in the theater and thinking that it was horrible. Years later, I thought "it couldn't have been as bad as I remembered." I was right. It was WORSE. :D

Seriously though, Star Trek V and Star Trek I are tie... :sick:


New member
Sorry about that...

I personally love the end of Terminator 2. That little bit of narration right at the end is dead on... Even after a special effects slug fest, it still feels like something deep and philosophical. :D



love how the predator repeats arnie and says "what the hell are you"...

the village:

some people say this is one of the worst movie endings they've ever seen...and from the view of the general audience it's pretty bad...but from a director's point of view it's truly visionary...bringing in Shyamalan's message about society today.


New member
First Knight
LXG (No comment's please..:))
Secret Window (Love this one! "crunch")

Hmm...that's odd. All these movies end with death. Eerie.


Well-known member
Call me sentimental, but I love the ending to the Wizard of Oz. ALWAYS makes me cry, no matter how many times I've seen it.

"There's no place like home..."


New member
"Well, I'm home..."

"Come on Indy, I know the way!"

"Always look on the bright side of life..."

"Everything worked out, what a happy end..."

*we ee we ee* *warehouse full of boxes*

*kicks door open* *sees room full of giant aliens, door was actually a small locker*

*splash* *raiders theme*

"What makes a man..."

"Not Guilty, not guilty!"


New member
What?! All these posts and nobody mentions Scarface??? I think that's one of the most 'killer' endings ever.

I also love the end to Bridge on the River Kwai. "What have I done?"

Stalag 17 has a great ending too.

Unforgiven is another.

There's also this very obscure film called Titus with Anthony Hopkins and Jessica Lange and I was in total shock at the end of this film. It's a brutal film to get through but it is the most ultimate tale of revenge I've ever seen. My mouth was (literally) open as I watched.

Raiders is a no-brainer.