Great Movie Endings


New member
When I say Raiders is a no-brainer, I mean that the ending is one of the, if not the best ending for me, so I don't even have to think about it.
Thus, a NO-brainer.

It seemed you thought my comment was slightly negative and I needed to clarify that. :)

One of the best has to be Beneath The Planet Of The Apes. Not only does the hero, James Franciscus, get riddled with bullets but Charlton Heston destroys the world.

"What do you mean they're making another one?" - Charlton Heston. :eek:


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Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Star Wars: A New Hope
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Superman II


Active member
You know what, I am on the verge of exploding, I am SO annoyed! NOT ONE DAMN MENTION of the ending of King Kong 1933!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL? That is perhaps the most memorable ending to a blockbuster ever...and you guys completely skip it. This is a sad, sad day for me...looks like people really DON'T care about helpless animals being slaughtered. *Sigh* :mad: :mad: :mad:

God, now I know why I seem to be a nonexistent user on this forums...the name always throws people off.

This is like saying that THE GODFATHER or HELLBOY have bullsh!t endings...

(I REALLY need to get hosed...boy, I hope I haven't annoyed or pissed off anybody! ClintonHammond, Deckard24, JonesisSparrow...I apologise!)


New member
Night of the Living Dead - Original 1968 version, easily.

The Thing - Is HE infected? Or is he infected?!

Halloween - "Was it the boogey man?" "As a matter of fact... it was."

Hard Candy - So brutal, I loved it.

Return of the Living Dead - Every one explodes!


New member
ZiR, I second Halloween!

Some others worth mentioning are: Jaws, Braveheart, Rob Roy, Gladiator, All 3 Indy flicks, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Hoosiers, Snatch, The Bourne Ultimatum, Casino Royale, E.T., Saving Private Ryan, Se7en(now that was a kick in the balls!), Run Lola Run, Croupier, Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and The Return of the King, Saving Private Ryan and way too many more that I just can't think of right now!


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Best Endings

Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy
Mackenna's Gold
The Mummy (1999)
Oliver! - Two rogues walk into the sunset
Disney's The Jungle Book - Again two friends walk into the sunset
Peter Pan (1953)
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets
It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
Lawrence of Arabia
Scavenger Hunt
The Great Race
A Day At The Races
Duck Soup
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
The Wizard of Oz
Gone With The Wind
Home Alone
Ferris Bueller's Day off - (It kept on going till Ferris said go home at the end.)
Monty Python's Life of Brian - Best ending
Arsenic and Old Lace - (I'm not a taxi driver, I'm a teapot!")
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad
City Lights
Monster Inc.
Abbott and Costello meets Frankestein
The Apartment - (Unconventional but sweet ending)
Modern Times
King Kong (1933 and 2005)
Dr. Strangelove
The Bridge of River Kwai
Citizen Kane
It's A Wonderful Life
The Incredibles - (The ending really leaves room for another sequel, I hope do another one.)
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Back To The Future Part II
A Fiddler on the Roof
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Horse Feathers


Indyologist said:
Call me sentimental, but I love the ending to the Wizard of Oz. ALWAYS makes me cry, no matter how many times I've seen it.

"There's no place like home..."

That makes two of us, I'm embarrassed to admit.

I would add "The Bride Of Frankenstein" to the excellent endings already listed.

"She hate others."



Citizen Kane!!... Rosebud.

Fight Club... with the Pixies (y)

Being John Malkovich... surreal

those are the ones I can remember now.

Matinee Idyll

New member
Whoever mentioned City Lights, bravo! That is indeed the greatest of all time.

My personal favourite however, is Peter Weirs haunting and lovely 'Gallipoli'


Other honourable mentions include;

Antonioni's 'La Notte'


De Sica's 'The Bicycle Thieves'


and Coppolas 'The Conversation'


If you ain't seen any of these, get on 'em.
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New member
Basic Instinct - even though you know who the killer is the whole time, you're still waiting for that one shred of doubt. You're lulled into a false sense of security with the fade away, but then, in a very Hitchcockian way, Verhoeven adds one more piece to the puzzle.

Batman Returns - a somewhat bleak ending for our hero, but that final shot shows that a certain cat has one more life to live.

Big Fish - one of the most moving "death" scenes in history, and somewhat ironically also one of the happiest. I'm not a Burton fan, but with this and Batman Returns, he gave us two awesome endings.

Casablanca - as everyone else has said, this is a classic.

Halloween - a great, spooky ending.

Love Actually - Had to add a happy ending in there.

The Talented Mr. Ripley - what's so amazing about this film is that even though Tom is a killer that we shouldn't be supporting, you're still kind of happy that the film sets up a happy ending for him. But all that is taken away with one word..."Dickie?"

Who Framed Roger Rabbit - aside from the fact that Jessica Rabbit is the greatest cartoon character ever made, this one actually does have a great ending.

Witness For the Prosecution - amazing, amazing ending. One of the few times I was actually surprised by the end of a film.


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Niteshade007 said:
Batman Returns - a somewhat bleak ending for our hero, but that final shot shows that a certain cat has one more life to live.

Heh. Nolan's Batman has me struggling to enjoy Burton's flicks, but I agree. That ending is amazing!

It's been said before, but I haven't acknowledged it yet. Gladiator's ending (along with the rest of the film) is fantastic. And Planet of the Apes did have a great twist. How did I see that without knowing about it in advance with all of the references to it in pop culture? I guess I wasn't paying attention to pop culture then. I count myself lucky to have been surprised :)