How Many Times, IJ4?


New member
I still haven't seen it as I'm on holiday in Italy...I came here on the 21st. I've actually got the opportunity to see it tonight but I'm going to resist since my Italian is still at the "I'd like a cup of coffee, please" level and so probably not up to appreciating the intricacies of the script! Still, having read many posts on here, my expectations have taken a nose dive so I'm not feeling quite so impatient to see it as I was... :-(
Nevertheless I'll sure that I'll still see it twice as planned (once with my Dad and sis, re-creating our '89 trip to see LC) and once more with my GF and no doubt buy the DVD.


New member
I'm not going to watch it again until it comes out on DVD...
I think by then I'll have settled down and want to see it again

Legendary Times

New member
4 times as of this writing... and it's not even Sunday yet... plus, it's a holiday weekend with Monday off... My girlfriend thinks I'm officially nuts. She's right!


New member
Twice. First was a midnight show. Second was an evening show with my buddies. I hated it first time round and couldn't get out of going the second time... so I rought a book. Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Read it with a pen light. It's a really engaging story. The book that is. Not this abomination of a film. I will never watch it again. Not out of some pathological hatred (it is only a movie after all - as G Lucas keeps telling us) but because life is too short. Although, it's not too short to return to the original trilogy. Now pen light required there. Wish I was making this up. I really do!

sarah navarro

New member
Arab Swordsman said:
I'm going for the fourth time tomorrow. Saw it at midnight, Thursday morning, Friday afternoon, and tomorrow afternoon.
Same here im gonna see it #4 tommorow ,and it just keep getting better everytime,im loving it(y)


New member
I'm seeing it for the second time today, but I have several more viewings left to go. I've had several friends and family members ask to see it with me but all at seperate times, so I may be going 3 more times after today!!LOL

I'll have to try to space the viewings out a bit though!;)


Active member
I've seen it twice so far. I want to watch it a third time, but I'll probably be a cheapskate and wait until it's free (I work at a cinema, you see). But I have to say the second time around did improve it lots for me!