How Many Times, IJ4?


New member
Oh yeah well I've seen it 8 times that!!!

ok I am joking but seriously...

I've seen it twice. Liked it the first time. Loved it the second time.
And going to see it on THursday for the third and posibly final time before I buy the DVD.


New member
I just got home from my 3rd and 4th viewings (watched it back to back). And I honestly haven't a clue as to how many times I'll see it. My record is 10 with Episode I. That's a record meant to be broken!! Indy...probably 12 or 13 provided it is in theaters long enough...


New member
I went twice already, you need to see it at least twice , it goes by way to fast the 1st time, I wil see it again in a few weeks then wait for dvd


New member
I like the tendency this thread has to weed out the naysayers. I've gone twice, but I intend to go more! My wife says wait at least until next month, so that's not too far...I guess I'll go with her suggestion. :p

I have a friend who's a bit of a skeptic, and he went to the movie tonight...He wrote me a note which I'll quote here: "I loved it." There you go. With nonbelievers and box office numbers like we're getting, I think it's safe to say that Indy's back!!!

...It's funny, my wife have been watching the box office numbers like you would check the score of the big game. Rooting for the Indy home team every day! Go Indy!!!


New member
ForiegnerFred, me and the g/f have been doing the same thing! It's odd when you think about it. After all, we're not scoring any money from the box office. But still, the sports analogy is dead on. Indy is our team, and we want it to do well.

I went with a huge group to the midnight showing. I went yesterday and wound up seeing it twice. I'm going tomorrow with my uncle.

Geez, I'll probably see it six or seven times at least. Maybe more if the damn gas prices would fall a little bit!



New member
Third time today... took the wife finally. Tempe Marketplace Cine Capri, 1:30pm. Sold out showing... crowd had lots of fun. Big applause at the end. Enjoyed it even more than my previous viewings...

Favorite Moments:

"Get that greaser!"

Sand pit scene

Cemetery scene
